General Discussion

General DiscussionHow well does Medusa cope vs. a Spectre?

How well does Medusa cope vs. a Spectre? in General Discussion

    Well Spectre is picked so much recently, so I wonder which carry is best to oppose her, here's a thought...

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Dire Wolf

      I don't think she does especially well, spec has diffusal, manta, ults then puts illusions on her and hurts mana a lot. Plus you have to look at their timings, spec will get involved in team fights earlier than dusa, by time both are farmed it's like a stalemate right?

      Carries don't really counter spec, more like massive lane pressure so she crumbles. Strong offlane duos like bb + wd, undying + anything, necro + stunner etc. Strong early game carries like jug, clinkz, sven.


        It can go both ways I think. Like Dire Wolf said Diff plus manta will hurt Medusa a lot, but Stone gaze can possibly clear out all the Haunt Illusions if used well. It probably comes down to who can kill the opposing team faster. If both are farmed its more or less a stale mate and very dependant on the other heroes in the teams.

        However you can semi-successfully deathball with Medusa once she has Skadi and that is something Spec doesn't deal with well.

        Dire Wolf

          Oh that's good point if everyone clusters then dusa can just ult when spec Ults and they nullify each other. Pretty even then in that case.


            dusa is shit against spectre, tb fares decent against spectre
            silver edge is also nice to disable her tankiness mainly

            PSE.NSA, CHAT = YOU LOSE ...

              well I think that medusa Is more strong cuz he has his split shot and he gets more farm that means more items derp


                i think a farmed AM, or well played invoker can both take out Dusa with relative ease

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  spectre ult -> medusa ult -> medusa won fight


                    I play both heroes, as dusa you can protect your allies if they are near, during stone gaze spec cant touch you
                    As spectre you can gank and split push you dont need to be near your teammates thats your edge


                      Well I really wanted to learn how to deal with Spectre, basically what you said is that she must be shut down in early game, because she is very weak during laning phase.

                      This can backfire if they have a 3 lane and you mess up with your strong duo off.

                      What happens with aggro 3? :) Perhaps solo carry bot Lifestealer, he can stay in lane easy if offlaner is not high damage range...


                        dusa wont work vs spec, unless spec is really bad. Personally my best winrate against spec is necrophos, blink, sythe, and ags are all you need to take her out. if you jump her you get 4.5 secs to bring her to 41% hp, which is dunk threshold with dispersion.

                        1X9 SYNDROM

                          spec top 1hero dota 2 sorry

                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                              I think, Chaos Night or Siren can oppose her in late game.


                                ^ sure when i play against a decent spec as naga i buy aghs and stay with my team while my illusions do their work, if spec ults i wait a couple of seconds and i use song


                                  Spec would probably get a refresher if the dusa ult is causing her problems. Don't like the idea or a refresher on dusa though...

                                  Tbh if your dusa only has the same level of farm as spectre, something else has gone wrong.

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Well any pushing lineup.

                                    In term of carries i think any Silver Edge carrier like Slark, even LC can work.
                                    Also PA can beat spectre in a 6 slot scenario, and probably AM too(if it gets to that point, AM will outfarm spectre, but even if it goes bad he can splitpush)

                                    I have no idea about naga and TB. Both seem pretty good. Naga song can nullify spectre ult as it has no follow up while TB has sunder and can make a strong illusion of spectre. Also i think its fairly hard to desolate this 2.

                                    Ember is another hero which i found to be pretty good against spectre, illus just melt under SoF.


                                      1 really bad thing in ember spectre is that if u escape via remnant spectre can haunt and kill u afterwards so u cant play your normal ballsy ember game
                                      tb is pretty good as u said though