General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to transition from Noob to Good..

How to transition from Noob to Good.. in General Discussion

    I'm playing DOTA for like less than a year. TI5 inspired me to play because from what i saw, i think DOTA is really a fun and competitive game. I played Ragnarok for less than a decade so it's kinda hard for me to adjust to this game. I was used to fronting team fights, spamming skills, right clicks and just depend on your items/teamates for survival.

    I know that I'm just a normal skilled player, maybe less than 1k MMR, but i want to improve my game play. I have been reading guides, watchings videos, watching my replays and even discussing prev games with my friends.

    Below is my dotabuff profile and you would see how bad i am. But I'm here to humbly ask you guys for tips on how can i switch from NOOB to a GOOD player. Things like, not feeding, when is the right time to fight, chase an enemy, focus on who/what, where to position my self, when to run away from fights.

    Thank you all in advance. :)


      Watch two of your recent replays. Find out what you did. Why did you win? Why did you lose?
      Play like this.
      Don't do this.


        You're not bad but if you're saying you can't change your Ragnarok style, then may be you need to change your heroes in DotA. Learning Axe and Bristleback can give you confidence as those heroes rely on fronting the battles.

        Don't pick Drow again for now, very squishy. Learn Axe and Bristleback. After that, you could switch to other roles.

          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

            keep playing, understand the game(heroes, items, creeps, map) every week try to find better players or better enemies. dont be afraid to lose. u will learn on them. After 1000hours of playing make other account, play normal games, login to dotabuff/dotaflame to check ur bracket or ur own game and ur progress, calibrate ur mmr. Then u will see if u are still noob or u got improve.. probably u will improve alot with that.


              thanks for all your feedback, i really appreciate it. Last hitting, this i think is what i need to practice for now as this is very important, as i see, in this game. Will try to watch and read more guides for Axe and Bristleback. Im playing drow is kinda easy, just a few skills/clicks.

              will still wait for more advice but i'll make sure to follow everything you guys have mentioned.


                Since you're newish to the game I recommend trying to learn what every hero does. Obviously this takes time, but start by learning which heroes have stuns. Which heroes have slows. Which heroes have evasion you need to counter with an mkb. Which heroes are unusually hard to kill. Which heroes have an escape.

                Knowing these sorts of things will help you know if you can kill an enemy or if you are in danger of being killed. For example, is it a good idea to dive the tower to kill a sven that is low? No because he will stun you and you will probably die. Can you dive Bristleback? No because he is very difficult to kill and you will probably die before he does. Can you dive sniper? Maybe, it is likely you will be able to kill him but his team might TP in and kill you. Can you dive Shadow Demon? No because you probably don't know what he does and so its too risky. (If you do know what he does the answer is still no)

                Once you know what each hero does, you will start to learn what sort of items they get. And slowly knowing all these things will help you play better.

                Also don't die. Dying is bad


                  thanks for the great tip maverick. You are right, knowing what each hero does will help a lot. I remember one of my friend saying, wait for all their skills/disables before you blink and cast your ulti. I was like, how should i know this? :D


                    Yeah it does take some time to know everything, especially more obscure heroes like Shadow Demon, Pugna and Visage but it does pay off. I remember learning the hard way what Pudge does for example. Almost had a heart attack the first time a hook came out of the trees and grabbed me. XD

                    PS. Add which heroes have Silences to that list too.


                      Pick a hero and stick with it. You can stray off to other heroes to learn, but when you get on a losing spree and feel bummed you have at least one hero you feel solid with. If you are the top mmr on your team, pick a core. If you are the bottom, take a support.

                      If you are support, learn to ward. Learn that your main job is to get the hard carry farm. Secondary job is to prevent the opposing long lane from farming/getting experience (either by zoning or pulling). 3rd job is to facilitate ganks on other lanes, don't waste your time trying to gank without a smoke unless they don't ward at your mmr.

                      If you are a core, learn to last hit. It takes a lot of practice but this is the most important thing that separates mmr. Keep track of your gold/minute and xp/minute and keep improving your efficiency.

                      Use dotabuff/replays of higher mmr players to make sure your item and skill builds are proper.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა