General Discussion

General DiscussionDoing Roshan while winning the game

Doing Roshan while winning the game in General Discussion
mr lizard

    Hello people, I am just a 2k player and in my games is more usual winning teams going for Roshan. I would like to know two things from 5k and above players:

    1 - How frequently your team go for Roshan without checking for enemies wards?
    2 - In a close game, you are playing on dire side you rather take risk and go for Rosh or play safe?



      > is 3k scrub
      > k my opinion is not welcomed

      Anyway going rosh when you are losing is a big deal because you can easily get picked off for many wrong reasons, and you generally don't want that to happen because you are already losing and more people dying means a secured rosh. However, you would want to contest them because you can't let their carries have 2 life and they would be vulnerable when they are doing rosh (e.g.: CDEC rosh kappa). You want that comeback gold.

      Going for rosh without checking wards usually happens when the lanes are so pushed that the enemy team has to stay inside the base. Otherwise you are asking for trouble unless you are baiting them out. Even then, good vision around the rosh is required so you can react on them so people generally don't go rosh before pushing the lanes to their barracks, and putting some wards up, unless people get cocky which happens.

      If you are losing and want to try rosh, do it in 5 man squad, otherwise just back off if no one wants to join in since you don't need another successful pickoff by the opponents as I said earlier since you are already losing. Smoke of Deceit is a good item too if you haven't been hearing about it.


        Taking rosh while the enemy team is alive is very likely to fail unless you have an extremely strong anti-roshan hero like ursa.

        The more heroes you send into the rosh pit the more obvious it is what you are doing. The longer it takes, the more time for the other team to come and crush you.

        Expect a rosh attempt to be a teamfight (unless you can solo him). If you want to cause a teamfight, then go rosh. If you won't easily win a teamfight even when your team is trapped in the tiny space of the rosh pit and cannot see out... then don't rosh.

        Rosh should be done when the enemy cannot come to contest it. The best situation is that they are all or nearly all dead. Sometimes it works for you to have just pushed several lanes all the way in. If they have to defend for several creep waves you may have time to rosh.

        Warding and dewarding won't do any good if they see you do it and come to contest the roshan attempt. If they come to contest and you don't get out or have low hp from fighting rosh you will still lose.

        If you take rosh, but only just barely in time and fight while low hp you will lose.

        If you take to rosh and then enboldened by the agies you dive towers you will lose.

        Even in pro games, the team that starts a roshan attempt is likely to (1) not get ageis (2) get teamwiped (3) lose to reckless positioning because of overconfidence with ageis. (4) lose towers while taking roshan. The team that contests the rosh attempt gets agies more often then the team that starts a rosh attempt.

        It's almost always a bad time to rosh, and almost always a good idea to contest a rosh attempt. So if its not obviously a good time to try it, don't. Don't take roshan if you could take a tower instead. Take the tower, then go back for rosh while they are defending the push.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          There are good times to rosh. Some will come up every game. But you have to realize that almost all of the times during the game it is a bad idea. There will be a few times when you can... and the window to start an attempt may be less than 20 seconds long. If you want to do it you have to be ready, immediately reconize when you can go, and then go hard.

          If you don't do it right, this is what happens in a 2k MMR game.

          After a team gets agies... this is what they do with it in a 2k MMR game.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა