General Discussion


ABOUT CALIBRATION in General Discussion
I had gay experience before

    Hey guys, im calibrating this acc.. Can u give me some tiips? What is the highest mmr that you can get? And what KDA u need to have ? HD? TD?... Ty


      calibration cap is 4999
      you have to be a good player and do well even in higher bracket matches to get high mmr


        How the fuck can you calibrate within 60 games wtf? Got over 80 on my other garbage account and its still on lvl32 trophy


          You can play party ranked match before lvl 50

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          I had gay experience before

            guys i know about 5lvl troph.. come on.. just answer what KDA i need for 4k+


              get out, you suck.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                talking about solo mmr

                1) There are no tips to get high mmr. if u are better than all rest 9 players in every game u will get high mmr.
                2) max mmr is 49xx ish like tripplesteal said
                3) its not about " numbers " on kda expm and shit. its about hows ur general performance in the game in comparison with other players
                4) ur mmr will be max 3300 after calibration since u do pretty decent on this stage u are now (3k)

                I had gay experience before

                  i know almost all about cs, how and when to push lane, lh at mid
                  i know about al that sht
                  but when u get ganked every 5 mins and ur carr have 3slots 50 min.. its sad dude,, its sad


                    ive played on 2k bracket from irl friends profiles and shit, ive played on 4k bracket ( when i first calibrated 4.4k in 2013) ive played on my bracket 5.5k average and even some games with 7k or 6.5k players.

                    u dont know shit tbh, " i know almost all about cs, how and when to push lane, lh at mid
                    i know about al that sht "

                    u know to last hit and push vs 3k's that means u know 15-20 % overall about lasthiting / when to push/where to push/ and shit

                    did i cover ur thoughts ?

                    indeed some games are unwinable and u cant rly do anything about that but if u are GOOD u should be wining 70%of ur games on 3k b racket by urself and only urfuckingself. going up u should cap ur self somewhere i guess..

                    lol i was rude but i cant stand any more threads with mmr calibrations and shit

                    good luck


                      How the heck can he still play Ranked Match? This account of mine have 150 matches and yet can't play Ranked Match lmao!