General Discussion

General DiscussionKDA,GPM,XPM,HD~etc in order to calibrate 5k+

KDA,GPM,XPM,HD~etc in order to calibrate 5k+ in General Discussion
Gradient Flow

    Hello everyone,

    I know the mmr values for certain skill brackets.
    under 3200 mmr -> normal bracket
    3200-3800 mmr -> high
    3800 and above -> very high

    But what if i want to calibrate at 5k+ does anyone know what kind of stats you need to have in your VHS games to calibrate around that mmr?

    Thank you for reading. (:

    Riguma Borusu






              Welt aus Eis

                over 50k hero damage, 10k hero healing, 800 gpm and 900 xpm average





                        there are certain problems
                        -you are a 3k player and the only way for you to get a 5k acc is too buy it. you are too bad.
                        -calibration cap is 4999 and no one gets 5k+.
                        -calibration result doesnt directly depend on your gpm xpm kda etc.



                            < blank >


                                wait.. if you make a new account and go 8 and 2 you get very high skill bracket?


                                  Check my profile(TBD both solo and party MMR). This is my 3rd account with almost the same stats and average as the first two. My first account got 3644 by winning 7/10 games. My second account got 4077 by winning 9/10 matches. Despite almost 90% of my games are just in Normal Skill bracket, I got that MMR. LOL

                                  Milei Presidente

                                    ^ that's strange, what you play in calibration?


                                      MMR is not just based on the 10 games you need for calibration. It is checking all your games from the time you start playing.

                                      SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                        90% games in normal skill and calibrated to 4k show pics or it didn't happen


                                          ^ mods please delete these posts for offtopic




                                                1) There are no tips to get high mmr. if u are better than all rest 9 players in every game u will get the max mmr u can depending on ur bracket
                                                2) max mmr after calibration is 49xx ish
                                                3) its not about " numbers " on kda expm and shit. its about hows ur general performance in the game in comparison with other players

                                                and fourth u will get like 3900-4100 mmr max

                                                cutting my balls already