General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible to climb in solo mmr?

Is it possible to climb in solo mmr? in General Discussion

    The players i get put with it seems impossible to win so what can i do? Make a new acc? Like they are so bad :(


      yh its impossible, i can sell u a 6,6k acc

      add me and tell me wht ur team is so i can find u

      losing at high mmr teaches u more than winning at 3k


        Everytime i play in ranked there are 2 types of people in my team. The troller and the feeder who blames his team. It is impossible to climb solo mmr for me too.


          if you were better, you'd go up, it's really that simple. if you don't go up it's because you belong.

          the system works 100% in quantity.

          my only problem with it is that lots of people don't play lots of games which is why the system needs an overhaul.


            I disagree with MARLAN. everytime i play ranked people insta pick a carry and a mid leaving me to support. I usually dont mind playing support but everytime i try to help my carry or help in mid lane they rage at me. then when they start feeding they blame everyone on our team. I have several friends in the Very High skill bracket who also believe i belong in a higher mmr bracket.


              After studying guides and watching Twitch for quite a time, my MMR winrate has gone up to around %65+ in the last month.
              If you actually improve, you will see yourself winning ranked games.

              Also, playing normal matchmaking after you lost a game really helps. After 1 loss, the average player will tilt. Play until you KNOW you are no longer tilting. One of the best ways to prevent Ranked losses

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              Riguma Borusu

                Mnemosyne, no, you're just trash, even if you picked dazzle every fucking game just to save your stupid carries, if you were better than your teammates or opponents in general, you'd still net a winrate a lot higher than 50%. Instead you're about flat 50% with little room to go up, and don't bother picking supports if you're really low, just instapick a core and lane wherever, it doesn't fucking matter if the other option is picking a low impact support for some reason.

                Also gotta love how you started a new account hoping it'd get calibrated higher, but you're still in normal skill both ranked and unranked. MMR works, I'm about 3.5k unranked and I've only started having some trouble winning games once I reached about 2.7k ranked because I had to overhaul my approach to the game (jungling LC every game doesn't work as easily, apparently).

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  So my party mmr is 3.7k and i cant win 3k solo, i really dont think its me tbh


                    I would like to play party ranked just to see where I am at, but if I really don't belong in the High Skill range where I think I do, I don't want to drag my friends party mmr down, lol.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Party MMR is almost completely irrelevant.


                        I actually climbed from 2k to 4k. It is entirely possible but its not easy


                          I feel like party ranked is relevant. It determines how well you play with people you can actually communicate with.
                          For example:
                          In solo ranked;
                          2/10 times you will have somebody who just straight up SUCKS
                          4/10 times you will have peruvians on the team who can say, "ez mid" and "jajaja"
                          3/10 times you will have a carry who dies once and tilts, and loses the game for the team (similar to 1, but you can usually still win if only one player seriously sucks - much harder to win when your carry screws you)

                          When you play with people you know, and you know you can communicate with them, you will have much better co-ordination, and a more realistic view of how good you are/can become.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Daisy, I climbed from 2k solo to 4.9k, dropped to 4.2k and now I am 4.8k.

                            I have to say there's an insane amount of retards in the bracket I'm currently at, like I had russians in team that called me 4k trash and made a big deal about me going carry because I'm 4.8k and they're 4.9k? Like those pesky russian monkeys think 100 mmr points makes a massive difference and shows how skilled u are in the trashiest trash bracket of all trashes? lmfao.


                              ^ Nice, you've done really well. After reaching 4.1k I just decided that its honestly not worth putting up with so many retards and just play party rank instead. People who give a shit about 100 mmr points are a joke, I've beaten people with higher mmr than me at mid and similarly have been beaten by people who are lower than me. The difference of a few hundred is not as big as most people think.


                                I was 5220 party but then dropped down to 4.8k lol and indeed like few hundred points mean nothing.

                                But since I'm at this bracket again (4.8k mmr solo) I find solo games more easy now because in solo games average mmr is 4700+ and when you play in party 1 guy can be 5k while other can be 3k, 3.5k 4k etc so games are way harder and that's why you lose, when I first played with my 2 friends that were both ~4.5k solo and party we just stomped like almost every game and climbed 400 mmr under 4 days, then we stopped playing together and I played with other people that were less skill and dropped that 400 mmr again.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  It is possible just stop whining every fucking game.


                                    i have a 5.1k account if u want, just add me i'll make it cheap for u


                                      I got better at the game, I'm climbing more than ever now :D

                                      Miku Plays

                                        I didn't watch any pros rather I watch myself and enemies on how they play and I used that to improve myself.

                                        2.6k to 3.9 now

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          2.7k to 3.1k.. slowly but surely.. its slow and time consuming for me cos im not consistent. i know with enough games and enough grinding i can get to at least 4k.

                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            1.9 to 3.9, I never really watched replays, tried, but it's hard to learn, i'm actually pretty good at knowing what I did wrong then and there after the moment it happens, so I don't go back and watch replays. A few Youtube character specific tutorials have helped, but the things that helped me a lot were replays of pro players, cause it's fun watching them own, and occasionally do something I never knew like (stacking with wind rangers powershot, linas fire) getting 3 camps at once with her Q, Kunkka X marks the spot TP, heal at fountain, come back, little mechanical things like that, I didn't even know. lol The list goes on. Tend to watch a lot of the Dendi (not a fan gay) W33, and Miracle.


                                              I played Dota for 2 years before but I just started playing Dota2 last December 22 (about 1 month now). I started at 2k solo MMR, now dropped to 1k. I think I just need to play and play more ranked matches and get better, my target is to get to 2k or more this year. I always play support and I'm doing what is necessary as always for the role, some people commend me for good support and we win, some feeder carries just blame me everytime they die. well, what can I expect from around those bracket. Goodluck to me.


                                                People claiming it is impossible to climb because bad teammates and blabla..

                                                You climb if you improve, play better and deserve it. A high MMR player can very reliably get to his original MMR with a low MMR account. You people are just looking for an excuse for your shortcomings after losing some games. This is a long process, work harder and get where you think you belong or whine about your teammates and stay where you are. If you really deserve higher ranks, you'll eventually get there. Otherwise accept that you don't belong there and improve yourself until you do.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  that's my secret
                                                  i always tilt

                                                  play for fan

                                                    i have a 6k account i can sell it to u just for 50 dollar but remember i dont give u the original email so i can scam you after you full the account with ur item :XD that was what happened to my cousin who came to me and said look bro i dont play with u anymore im 6.6k now i said ok 3 month later he came to me and start crying like a little bitch and said bro help me pls i lost 500 dollar just like that brooooooo i want my immortals beeeeeek
                                                    about climbing : i climbed on my main from 1450 to 5500 by playing 4000 matches so i guess u can do it if u play that much always play serious i climbed to 5500 when i was playing serous after a while i just played for fun a little and now im 4600 and i cant get back to 5k and im tierd of 4k players so im smurfing and playing party mmr with my friends only


                                                      IF ANY OF U FOLKS experience too many toxic games that means:

                                                      a) U get regulary reported for playing like trash and u are matched with simmilar trash afterwards
                                                      b) U play like trash and your playstyle affect good players who tend to tilt ez. And it happens everytime, but OFC ITS EVERYONE ELSES FAULT
                                                      c) Gaben dont like you, and have your IP on black list

                                                      To sum up: U're trash or play like shiet or u're just bad.


                                                        if you cant climb, it means you are on your real mmr level or higher

                                                        waku waku

                                                          ^ so what's your solo mmr now and from which point did you start climbing again? also how many games did it take to raise it?


                                                            ^starting point (13 days ago) - ~4375
                                                            current - ~4.8k
                                                            win/loss - 50/31

                                                            damn I played 80 games in 2 weeks


                                                              Dont tilt when you r going ranked

                                                              plz do

                                                                top 3 excuses: 1. my team holds me back, 2. this meta is shit, 3. i have internet trouble

                                                                waku waku

                                                                  so you had a pool of approximately 1250 mmr, out of which you have acquired about +425
                                                                  that makes me feel better about losing 250 mmr almost in a succession of bad games thanks


                                                                    I dropped 900 mmr once but got it back. Hope u feel better now.

                                                                    waku waku

                                                                      Yup ^_^ I actually can handle dropping a lot of mmr, but not when it ALWAYS goes along with my teammates flaming each other and me. Pretty hard not to lose your cool in such a competitive enviroment.


                                                                        How to go up in mmr

                                                                        1) <4k instalock mid/jungle/offlane (single player)
                                                                        2) >4k instalock your best position
                                                                        3) >5k play your best position if possible.
                                                                        4) >6k fill team for good comp

                                                                        If this doesn't work then you belong. Everyone complaining about toxic assholes has to remember out of the 10 players in every game you are the only constant. The enemy team is toxic too.

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                          Hey, idiots who complain about morons in your team making you lose, you never got carried while you were feeding? You never won cause enemies were demented? You are a fucking non-factor because you are shit. Git fucking gud. Your "forced 50%" is because you have minimal contribution to victory or defeat. You only win if your team is doing good and/or enemies are doing bad. Face the fucking facts, in 1000 games you had 4000 teammates, all were shit and making you lose? Hahah, get real kids. I suggest uninstall.

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            I was too lazy to do my LP games so I played my girls 2.5k account and won 10 out of 10 games played and I'm only 4k. If your true mmr is even 3k you should not be below a 70% winrate


                                                                              I never ever get carried in solo I'm the one who carries the team, meanwhile in ranked party with just that extra 1 person its soo much easier. Solo is bullshit

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                Well, I am torn between playing carry, and playing support. In my last game, we had a Chen support (jungle) and he bought 0 wards, then flamed at us for letting him get ganked. Then there is the fact that we only had one support. But hey, I am in the potato bracket, so what do ya expect.
                                                                                @King of Low Prio what about %65 ranked winrate in last month? (35 games)


                                                                                  So i play mid solo because i hate playing with other idiots and then we get an axe jungle or some shit and have one support who doesnt buy wards and my team feed and then blame me lol its dumb af and really dont think that is my fault


                                                                                    I went from 500 mmr (noob calibration) to 3k (where I am at now).

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      The 70% was being generous, if you are below that at best you can rise like 500 mmr max (if your skills stay the same)

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        And I got some god awful teammates and I was still able to carry them purely on advanced game knowledge (compared to them).


                                                                                          Dude, look at your last 3 games. You did nothing except being useless and you still wonder why you cant climb? It's more than clear you belong to your mmr, you show absolutely nothing more than other players you play with.


                                                                                            In the 2k bracket people just say "Sorry I need -25 this game" and feed. This is on the pick phase.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              and that's how you have a 45% winrate ROFL


                                                                                                I hope I am not one of those people who have 1,200+ games and is still in normal skill bracket :O


                                                                                                  making a new account is worse than 1kmmr. lol.
                                                                                                  lanes are not a thing, theyll be a trilane going on with two mid, and a lane totally empty.
                                                                                                  team composition is not a thing, random ass heros with no chemistry at all.
                                                                                                  item and spell builds are hybrid noob theory, double UAM, etc..

                                                                                                  unless youre experienced enough to last pick a counter carry
                                                                                                  and 1v5 everything on the map and take the ancient by yourself, just try to climb.

                                                                                                  i tell you from experience, rofl.
                                                                                                  im 1kmmr, and i hate my life.

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                    Start from 3.5 drop 2.8 new acc go 3.8 up 4.5 drop 3.8 after few weeks up 4.2 and drop 3.8 few weeks goes4.2 few weeks that s sum up my mmr changes till now currently 3.8


                                                                                                      its impossible i sell u acc


                                                                                                        Problem with current system is that with bigger winrate (skill), while being solo players:
                                                                                                        - enemies stay the same or rise in skill
                                                                                                        - teammates get worse

                                                                                                        Its programmed in that way so there wont be such a big disparity between in a long run. If it wasnt we would have situation where half of the people would have 90% winrate and other 10%.

                                                                                                        I dont have to tell you that its terrible business model if half of people leaves the game and dont buys the hats.