General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys im 4.6k right now and I was wondering should I make a new accoun...

Guys im 4.6k right now and I was wondering should I make a new account and play it good or should I just continue on playing this account? in General Discussion

    The title says it all bois


      whats the point? are you selling this account?


        What would a new account give you?

        1. Make a smurf
        2. Play the same heroes you always have
        3. Calibrate 4.6 cause that's the max anyways
        4. Make a post a year later asking this same question

        You need to learn from your mistakes. Stop playing invoker, you're no good at the hero and with the additional nerf all the more reason to not play him. A currently broken hero and coincidentally most played for you is lone druid who you've played once in three months.

        Pick up heroes you were once good with again, no need to make a smurf, start improving on what you have right now and don't worry to much about winrate or ranking as you will win it all back once you click with a hero, or playstyle.


          you'll probably get even less or just same mmr on new acc


            illidan calibrated his smurf at 4.6 and hes 8k


              Off-topic: Illidan doto. Best doto. Seems like a cool person like S4. Correct me If I'm wrong, Dogolino.

              On topic: Listen to what Havoc said.

              mr lizard

                Off-topic: Poor guy kicked from the best CIS team (imo).
                On topic: Smurfing is boring (imo)


                  about illidan, yeah hes very good at dota if i could judge, and pretty cool


                    @Mr Lizard, Yea, shouldn't had ended that way. And, VP is best CIS, atm, I agree. Only team which can challenge it is probably Empire and in long run, Team Spirit, may be.

                    Black^ wants to come to CIS again. I'd like to see Illidan & yoky- with him if yoky- still wants to play off, that is. They can name the stack "Nice Guys,".


                      ye hes cool apart from all games i played with him or watched him play where he flamed 24/7 and was shouting to ppl being pubstars while he is the pro.


                        Tilt is real for everyone.


                          sure but im saying that in comparison with other pro players.


                            I don't know, I think s4, Black^, Fng, Puppey, and Illidan are nicer than others. He probably goes angry because he's used to working with Fng and Lil and he doesn't find support like that in pubs. Frustrating.

                            W33haa feeds couriers. Envy afks. Arteezy ragequits. Almost all of them go through those fits, sometimes.