General Discussion

General DiscussionCan a Dotabuff Plus user see other players rank or see ranks below To...

Can a Dotabuff Plus user see other players rank or see ranks below Top 100? in General Discussion

    Hey guys.. The thing is im really ugly but when people know how much money i make they call me ugly and poor. So yea im too poor to buy dotabuff plus so i was wondering if Plus users could see my hero ranking for Invoker. I have 800+ games played as you can see my profile and im 3.9-4.1k mmr.


      I'm quite sure that other users can't see your rank because that's private data (same if you have MMR tracker) so the only way to see it is to buy DB+.

      Anyway, even with DB+ you won't see your actual rank (for example 12454th X hero rank) but only your hero score, division, and percentile which shows how much you're better than other people.

      I'm not sure but I think that the actual rank becomes visible once you're in top 500 or 1000 ( and if you're in top 100 you don't need DB+) so if you are in that range (which is quite possible for ur invoker) then u could see actual rank.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Well we cant be sure unless a DB+ user checks and replies. Also If i am in top 500 or 1000.. Can a DB+ user see ranks above top 100?


          No, they can only see their own rankings but not from other people.

          You can actually see that it's not possible for other players to see ur rank even without DB+, simply look at ur DB profile overview and see that tabs above ur most played heroes, "Dasboard", "Rankings" and "Matchups" tabs are orange and are only available for DB+ users.

          Now you check someone's else profile ( mien for example) and you'll see only "Matchups" and "Played with me" tabs that are orange and not rankings so it is pretty clear that other DB+ users can't see ur rank.

          And I can confirm that since I used to have DB+ and I couldn't see other players ranks.

          The closests statistics to ranks other DB+ players can see for you is "Most Succesfull" under "Heroes" tab rank but Success can be quite inaccurate since it's only based on stats such as number of games KDA and winrate and not on actual MMR/ or division which is accounted on hero rankings.

          Anyway if you're interested you can ask someone with DB+ to post ur success tab,

          "Matchups" tab can also be very informative since you can see against which heroes you have the most trouble against and which heroes are best allies for in youre team


            No we can't see ranking. Your invoker success rating is 53.49%.

            Success doesn't translate very well to ranking though. My bloodseeker success rate was 62% (well before I tried my aether lens build in a game now it's down to 60.56%) but my hero ranking was 4405 in the platinum 4 division and I was in the top 7% of players on bloodseeker. Now after my most recent loss the hero ranking is up to 4466 and I'm in the top 6% but that was because it went from platinum 4 to platinum 5 - the division seems to have the biggest impact on hero ranking because I did terrible in the last game but my ranking still went up.

            My 2nd highest current overall hero Riki though is ranked 3622 and in the top 13% of players. However my success rate is only 24.94% because I barely have above a 50% winrate on a hero who (until previously) was a pubstomper with an average 55% winrate.

            A hero's average player score also has a big impact on where your ranking is though. I have a hero ranking of 4250 on Zeus but that only puts me in the top 17% of Zeuses, while my riki's absolute hero score is over 600 points less but I'm higher up in the rankings (top 13%) compared to Zeus because Zeus has on average higher absolute hero scores compared to Riki.

            I don't have anything to compare Invoker too because I've only got two games, but given you are around 4k you would probably be somewhere in division platinum 6-8 (I play around 3.4-4k average games depending on if I am solo queuing/party queuing and ranked or unranked and I get platinum 5 when I play atm). For Invokers at least the top 100 have on average much higher hero scores though, the lowest are around 6000 while the lowest bloodseeker is only 5500. So based on that even if you have a high hero score on Invoker you would probably have a lower rank. I'd say with the division your mmr would give you and your heroes success rate you would probably be somewhere between top 10-20% though.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა