General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone getting weird spikes lag in game?

Anyone getting weird spikes lag in game? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Like every couple mins or seconds, ping will go up and return to normal.



      Bad Intentions

        What server u guys at? Any fix?


          yea i been getting spkies. AU sever man.. but i have set up my VDSL recently, so it's normal for it to lag and spike when that happens. I dunno if its my net or the dote's.

          milk that tastes like rea...

            Was getting it earlier today, haven't played since though.


              The servers performance had been quite crappy ever since beta closed and reborn started.

              The only way to achieve better performance is to play during off-peak hours. Otherwise you just had to bear with it.


                no but i'm getting random 2-3 second freezes where i can't move anything but my mouse (???)


                  If you're playing on a wireless network then ping spikes might be caused by interference to your wireless network. Lots of things can actually interfere with Wireless signal. Microwaves, Cellphones, your neighbours wifi. I stopped playing for a week because I was getting massive ping spikes. Turned out it was interference with my Wifi signal. Now I use a cable linked directly to my router when I want to play dota.