General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you think? @@

What do you think? @@ in General Discussion
muted all, it's just a ga...

    I was 1,8k mmr 1 month ago and already reached 2,5k now. As everyone knows that midlane gives a huge impact for the whole game, where specially, the winning midlane on 2k matches give a huge mentality hammer to enemy. I'm not saying that I'm playing good , but I'm good enough for 2k matches. I watched a lot of attacker's videos and I usually pick the hero first and always play kunkka for mmr at midlane with +80% winrate if I went to mid with it, and mostly ends up losing badly if someone steal the midlane. I hope that valve creates a simple status on dota profile to show the winrate of players when they play at mid , rather than numbers of commend , victories, matches, or even first match date which doesnt give any useful information of a player (also not useful to persuade my team despite the fact that I hold winstreaks or numberous commends) . Is this a good idea? I really want to submit this for the next updates, because I feel tired of playing with feeders who rushes midlane and ends up being reported by the whole team. What do you think guys?

    muted all, it's just a ga...

      Sorry for bad english :D I tried my best to wrote them :D


        seems like a good idea..


          so what exactly is a good idea?
          going mid to boost mmr (if u are actually better)? if so yes

          Paid actor


            Every1 has the right to go in anylane they like, ppl cant play roles they dont like all the times just coz some1 has ahigher winrate. There are ppl who r willin to learn to play mid but have a pretty low winrate percentage. I know the feelin that u think u r better than the rest of the ppl u que with, it happens to every1. Go for mid but if some1 wants it badly and asks for it nicely i see no reason to not give it to them.

            muted all, it's just a ga...

              @DaV yeah, thats right. I hope 1 vs 1 matchmaking created back. I cant stand to see people random ember spirit and going to mid while saying "I'm learning man" because they dont have anywhere to practice. Anyway, thanks DaV, you gave me an useful feedback :)

              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                Heroes with win/loss stats are shown on profile so there's that... :v

                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                    ^making smurf still normal skill go neck yourself

                    lm ao

                      you can win with any role on 2k as long as you know what u doin

                      never mind the underfarmed carry disables are great and usually good enough to win you teamfights at your favor

                      lm ao

                        used to be 1.3K now im about at your bracket


                          If you're better than you're better than the rest of the players, it shouldn't matter as much in theory what lane you go to. I just spam Riki for ez mmr, as long as it's a favorable match up for me. You know what lane i go to? Offlane. Even without his old HP regen.

                          In my opinion, it's not really worth the work.