General Discussion

General Discussionember spirit

ember spirit in General Discussion
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    Alright i need some help from the ember players here

    Where do you play him? Mid or safelane.

    Also how am i supposed to play mid vs a hard matchup? Constantly drag creeps with aggro?

    When do i go Blink, and what should i aim to do with it?
    Manta or linkens?
    When do you find it appropiate to go for a rapier? 1 rax down? 2 rax down? Mega creeps? Or when you aren't able to fully close out a game?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      "Also how am i supposed to play mid vs a hard matchup? Constantly drag creeps with aggro?"
      pms qb, just play really carefully, ember can farm pretty fast later

      i think that rapier is almost core on this hero except against certain lineups/heroes that counter you. but in that case picking ember was probably a bad idea in first place

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Impervious to Nailguns

        Ember can be played either place. Traditionally mid, but more recently safe lane. It's about 50/50 right now. In the mid, he can make a lot more space for your team because he has the levels to solo kill people. As a carry, he's more likely to hit that point in the late game where he does so much damage with SoF that he runs over teams.

        There's many ways to play against hard matchups, but part of it is just realizing when to go aggressive and when to play back. If you're against some dual lane from hell, like Legion/Undying or something, there's not much you can do but maintain creep equilibrium close to tower, and hope your team saves you if you get dived. If you're mid, knowing all those fancy tricks is indeed how you do it. You won't get much, but you can survive if you play tower to tower and don't feed.

        Most players go BoTs into Battlefury into Blink. The idea is that you don't have to initiate with remnant anymore. You can throw an escape remnant, turn on Flame Gaurd, then Blink, Chains and SoF. If things go bad, you can get away easily if you aren't silenced. Or, you can just do it to disjoint things.

        Manta or Linken's depends on what you're up against. Linken's against Doom, Manta against AoE silences or Global. IF the silence in question is Orchid, it depends on the rest of their lineup. Another option is Eul's, especially if you're mid. If you're against Legion Commander, you need a Linken's no matter what.

        I say build Rapier when there's no other way to come back. Battlefury, Deadalus, and a Rapier wins games. However, even if you're behind, don't get it if they have ways to kill you. If they have multiple silences, you can probably still buy it if you play it safe. If Legion has an Abyssal, don't. She will kill you. I don't like it when you can't close a game unless they can't kill you because the chances of you throwing are way higher because they can still come back if you give them a rapier. If you loose it when you're far behind, at least it was worth a shot.


          im shit at him so don't put too much stock into what i say, could be wrong

          he can be played either mid or safe lane, both work.

          drag creeps, get levels and then go jungle, let a support leech xp mid if the lane's not actually farmable. you can start jungling with at least lv 3 flame guard imo.

          manta mainly for silences when the enemy has stuff that can waste linkens. you can use it to disjoint stuns too, but linkens is obviously more reliable against stuns if it doesn't get wasted. if you're forced into a defensive item before battle fury, e.g. enemy has an orchid rusher, manta will be better than linkens for farming and for pushing out lanes to delay the game so that you can get battle fury.

          linkens is for stuff you can't react to such as blink or invisible initiations, although manta can also disrupt spells that have long cast times as it removes you from the map for 0.1s and resets cast priority meaning anyone casting a spell on you has to recast it.

          rapier on ember is like rapier on any other good carrier, it's gotten mostly when you're so far behind that no other item will win you the game. if you're ahead, a second daedelus or a second battle fury is less risky but if you think that it's still not enough then go for a rapier. also if you get aegis, a rapier can seal the deal.

          idk when you should or shouldn't go blink but you should just try it out in a few games.

          the mobility helps you farm faster, it's cheaper than manta or linkens as a defensive item, you just need to react quick enough, and it's like having extra remnants during teamfights, use it to escape, or to chase. blink with sleight + chains is a lot of reach. you should always have an escape remnant out anyway but sometimes that still isn't enough if the enemy have good mobility or your remnant positioning was poor. positioning is really important on ember, hence why blink is good. you can keep people kited with sleight + chains, blink away if they still try to chase and then you sleight + chains again, or blink aggressively if they get low enough or try to back.