General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do people still pick shit mids?

why do people still pick shit mids? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I don't think I've seen storm spirit win a single game this patch, yet people still pick him. Same with death prophet. Anytime a mid's picked other than sf, invoker, od, viper and the occasional qop or ta, I pretty much prepare for a loss. Maybe that's not fair but that's how I see it, mid's get spanked all day, some shit you just can't play right now. I stopped picking sniper pretty much a few patches ago, you gotta adapt.


      Ive seen two kinds of storm spirits in the 3-4.5k bracket. Those who pick him and stomp because they have his mechanics down to a T.

      The other are those who randomed.

      I hate randoming in ranked, such little benefit....

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Because they want to? The "x hero is auto-loss" mentality is the worst shit in Dota. Also DP is very good.


          There are no bad heroes, only bad players.


            yeah dp is pretty good


              its fucking cancer i wanna say


                its all good as long as people dont pick woods cuz thats 80% lose


                  ^thats not true as well. jungling is super efficient in solo q.


                    dude if you think that you belogn in 4k


                      jungling is almost autoloss in my experiesnce, but u can ask some better players i guess


                        im 100% sure they'll tell u the same tho

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          I don't understand, why is a Chen jungle fine but LC or whatever isn't? Chens in general don't even gank or help the lanes either, they just farm. They even blame Enigma these days.


                            DP = Shit lmfao what r u smokin


                              the higher the av mmr of the game is, the more legit jungling becoems. the problem is that ur experience is based on lowskilled players who dont know to jungle. and thats not sarcasm ,actually/


                                hows 4k-5k lowskilled, i would rather kill mhysfelf than have jungler


                                  i had 5100 mmr solo if you wanna know and i still wanna kill myself when i have junglesr


                                    why do u need fucking lc woods if you can have anice dual offlane that will rape safelane, or a good trilane that will give ez farm for ur carry


                                      when i wanna lose really bad i go woods, works almost every time


                                        I've won 70% of my games against SF and only won 44% of games with an SF on my team in the past 3 months. The hero is done for and I don't see why the morons who i get queued with don't realise it yet. It's patch 6.86, you can't pick shitty flavour of the month heroes from 6.85 any more.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Yeah people bash me for jungling, but I get a 7 minute blink dagger when uninterrrupted, I tp support lanes and heal the shit of my mid to make him win the lane. I'd recon most times a second support that does nothing but sap exp is way more useless than a lc jungle that know what he's doing.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            DP is fucking awful, who says she is good? I haven't lost to or won with a DP since patch. Same with storm.

                                            And I think it might just be cus the top three mids, OD, SF and invoker, shit all over them, not necessarily cus they are bad heroes, but cus they can't hang with other mids. It's kind of unfortunate but that's the meta. Like even grouping my brother kept randoming shit and trying to take it mid like a shadow shaman mid, a pugna mid, I finally said listen fucker stop randoming and just pick sf or I'm quitting. He picks, sf, we win game. You just can't win mid right now with more than like 5 heroes unless you're just godly.

                                            And when is the fucking invoker nerf coming? 50%+ pick rate in 5k, something like 55% win rate. It's like the only thing that makes me glad I'm not 5k.

                                            Edit: Just saw those replies, SF is NOT done for by any means, still does a shit ton of dmg plus the armor aura. Just can't rebound in the jungle as well but you can still win mid easily.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              "Chens in general don't even gank or help the lanes either, they just farm."


                                                Valve wants us to jungle and does anything to pump this jungling meta up.


                                                  i went huskar jungle and i lost in 4.4k average game please tell me jungle gurus what i did wrong

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    And so what if you lose mid? You can still win other two lanes. And some heroes go mid and still are simply not meant to win the lane, like DK or Zeus. But they are totally viable because they serve different purposes.


                                                      if someone teaches me how to get 6k from jungle i buy u 20 arcanas


                                                        i sell my kidney and do that 4real

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Dude, stop being so ignorant. Nobody said you can pick a jungler every game and get away with it. We simply said it's viable and not an auto-loss like so many people make it out to be.


                                                            how is this ignorance dude, get your words straight, and yes it is viable in 20% cases and its auto loss in 80%


                                                              sounds about right

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                Okay whatever.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Cus it's really hard to win as a safe lane carry when invoker has 4 levels on you and a 10 min blink or eul's and is like 5-0.


                                                                    ^ SF not a shit mid? I've have played like a dozen games with/against him recently and I haven't seen him snowball or win the late game no matter how well he does or doesn't do in the lane.


                                                                      dotabuff is dead


                                                                        i killed it


                                                                          wr is still a good mid, as long as you make early plays happen and not just farm your lane.


                                                                            Success with a jungler is not about knowing how to jungle it's about knowing when you can GET AWAY WITH a jungler. In 95% of cases, a support pick would be better. The problem is, people don't know how to support properly and jungling requires less brainpower. Obviously you can't compare a support that only saps exp in lane to a jungler that gets a 7 minute blink. The fact that you would even make that comparison proves you have no idea how to play a support or why it's better, because otherwise you would realize that a second support can:

                                                                            1. Zone out the enemy offlaner while the other support stacks and pulls
                                                                            2. Gank mid or provide support to other lanes which ensures farm on your heroes while denying it to your enemies
                                                                            3. Help buy wards and sentries which give you a much bigger advantage in teamfights and dictating engagements around the map

                                                                            And overall give you a much stronger early game which is what decides games in your sub-4k trash brackets anyway.

                                                                            Sticking to the mentality that junglers are good means you'll never reach real levels of competition where people know how to crush your subsequently weak lanes.

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              oh I forgot wr, just haven't seen her picked mid in a while. She is fine still.

                                                                              And I am still seing sf's snowball. They just have a harder time making a comeback if they get ganked or lose the lane. But when winning they still do fine.

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                The problem with junglers is people always pick them at the worst fucking times like vs a safe lane Am or spectre, those guys free farm and you lose. It's fine if they have a strong, non farming safe lane like wraith king or jug and you just want to leech xp with your solo offlane. It's not fine when you don't punish their weak picks safe lane. So many games I'll be behind enemy carry and team will go wtf where's you farm? Well mid ganks and dual offlanes really hurt.

                                                                                People should also aggro tri way more often than they do.

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                                                  argument went from shit mids to shit junglers...pls change to shit cours now

                                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                                    pretty sure i won 80% of my games with jugg woods in 6 83


                                                                                      683 jugg KappaRoss

                                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                                        Welt aus Eis

                                                                                          well aliastar still picks storm all the time at high 6k

                                                                                          Paid actor

                                                                                            theres nothing wrong with pickin heroes u r comfrotable with, and enjoy playin....whats the point of pickin other heroes if u cant pick those u like? its a game after all

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              how does dk win lane? Trade cs and push tower at 6? I don't really see how he can win vs most ranged mids, he can trade off but he can't kill anyone until 6 and even then they have to be out of position, and idk how well he can deny vs ranged mids. If you are maxing dragon's blood to mitigate dmg then your breath is weak, and vice versa, max breath you can mitigate enough dmg to sit there denying while being harassed. I am not doubting you just asking. I have seen some dks crush middle, but I never seem to do that good.


                                                                                                @redrover nice


                                                                                                  and btw to all the jungle gurus, if you go lets say legion woods, and you have a solo support and he gets killed lets say 3 times in first 10 minutes. what level of usefulness u think will legion provide to compensate for that solo support


                                                                                                    ill change my nick to jungle guru and ruin some games

                                                                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                                        Having chen is like protecting mid/safelane at thesame time...with 2 neuts with him chen is the most powerful hero at early stages

                                                                                                        Even he fail at ganking he can still balance the economy and get mek for advantage teamfight