General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre

Spectre in General Discussion
Синячий патруль

    Why is she becoming more and more relevant this patch?


      why not


        people saw badman's spectre, realised that spectre actually fights super well mid game which sorta fits in the meta , and no longer the passive carry/ultra late game carry that retards made her out to be.


          ^ Are you abusing or something? You keep playing no stat recorded games.

          Riguma Borusu

            Probably abusing the system to get drops because hes brain damaged.


              bkb almoust useless now?

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Most retards still rush naked radiance, while urn, aquilla, manta, diffusal is actually so good.


                  spectre is so broken, plus you can farm all game and be in every teamfight with your ulti. If you get manta you can never diie, they come in and silence or stun you or w/e, just manta then either kill them or if there is too many just dagger into trees and BoT out seriously go get a matna radiance diffusal on spectre tell me how it goes

                  King of Low Prio

                    Yea its pretty annoying listening to retards in my games talk shit about my radiance time not realizing I went phase vanguard Aquila THEN radiance while being involved in 80% of the fights


                      Phase-Urn-PMS-OOV had been advocated for quite some time. However, it is still hard for her to shine in an era whereby there is jug/ss/lesrac etc...She is a good counter to sniper though....

                      The buff to desolate was huge as well as it allow her to last-hit under tower much more easier.

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Yeah, I feel it too, she's becoming more and more relevant, the same way Ember did. Remember Ember before TI5? Whenever you would ask half the people on these forums if Ember was a good hero, they'd say " not really, requires too much farm and a daedalus just to be relevant. " Even some 6Kers were saying that. LOL Not gonna lie, I said the same thing too, I thought he required a shit load of farm. Then people just started making Aquila on him over drums most of the time, and started getting earlier battle furys, and boots of travel split push, then magic happened, yadayadayada.

                        Ember gets played at TI5, look at him now, relevant ever since.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Same thing happened to abaddon, people used to bitch how he's a melee support, but lately he's considered to be a good hero, and he's favored by the current deathbally put meta.


                            I remembered there was a prominent forumer who spams spectre. Where is he now?


                              How do u abuse item drops ?


                                hes on hiatus