General Discussion

General Discussionbest carries in 6.86 for low mmr?

best carries in 6.86 for low mmr? in General Discussion

    what carries are the best for getting out of the never ending trench (im 1k mmr)

    150 games of invoker in a row has gotten me nowhere

    თემა შეიცვალა

      59% winrate Invoker? How does that not take u anywhere?

      Anyway learn Slark and PL. No way low mmrs can play against 20 illusions or a pesky Slark.

      Pale Mannie

        Necro is a good low mmr carry but people there would report you because they think he is a support since he can heal


          generally heroes that cause enemies to misjudge and overcommit for your death do very well in the lower mmr range. stuff like wraith king, bristleback, viper, spectre. you can use that dotabuff meta page for more comprehensive winrate data


            Arc Warden! Kappa


              SPECTRE IS GOOD TOO man. You have 65% winrate, just look at ur succesrate and u can tell what heros u should be playing if u wanna abuse for mmr

              Синячий патруль

                Slark slark slark

                King of Low Prio

                  Spec is pretty broken due to the change to his passive, good thing most ppl are not abusing it correctly yet


                    slark, wraith king, spectre, ursa, phantom lancer. I had great success with these. haven't lost a solo ranked game in 8 days.


                      spec's always been strong in pubs, she's had a 55+ winrate for a long time I think. the dispersion change hasn't really done much in terms of builds. it's made resistance builds better (vang, armour, pipe etc) but people are still going aquila or urn or talon into radiance more often than not.


                        Ive had some success as Medusa lately. Haven't played too many games recently because my internet has been acting up, but people seriously underestimate how tanky you are. Also snake spam pretty much wins most lanes from level 5.


                          spec need skillvguys mabye he cant ply well with it i think viper ursa pl pa is good in trench mmr but if u can ply invoker well u can change the game


                            think invoker cam make the difference.

                            [F]unky Panda

                              just pick riki n start roaming when lvl 6..


                                Play Invoker, take fights you know you can win, be aware of the map, check enemy movements, and I'm sure not much wards are up at times, but if you have to, buy a ward for yourself and put it by a spot or chokepoint that you feel you'll be entering a lot.


                                  SPECTRE. go phase drums pms and max q first and fight early. If you can get radiance before 25-30 mins game is won




                                      @Goethe - why doesnt necro work at higher mmr lvls? seems like he'd be strong regardless.. i stomp 3k games with him, wondering how far this will take me.

                                      otherwise yea spec or LC or something in 1k


                                        Spectre and juggernaut are pretty good on low MMR games.
                                        Since you have a decent win rate with invoker why not just go carry invoker?

                                        Pale Mannie


                                          He doesnt really work at higher mmr (4k) since people know about glimmer cape, pipe and magic resistance in general
                                          You still can carry but it will be a bit more difficult to deal with magic resistance


                                            for low mmr crystal maiden desolator assault , madness bkb is a solid carry if u ask me

                                            Arya Stark



                                                I recommend Riki TBH. That's how i got out of 1k anyway. Just make sure they don't counter pick you too hard with like Bristleback and you'll do fine.

                                                play for fan


                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  saint leon

                                                    Slark have a great snowball! try it xD


                                                      Slark and nature's prophet are probably the best. All the shitstains in 1-3k mmr expects furion to be useless, so you can take advantage of that if you know how to play the hero properly


                                                        Ursa should be good

                                                        yung griphook

                                                          slark is good

                                                          i would personally recommend ember spirit (not just because i love that hero).

                                                          he does retarded damage in mid- to late which is probably where 90 percent of your games will go since people in 1k cant finish games or take advantage of their advantage (same in my bracket actually).

                                                          He can also split push like a fiend with BoT's. TP response is almost non existent in 1k, so u should be free to push down a lane with minimal consequences.


                                                            jungle tb rapes kids in high + vhigh testing on this smurf

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Assuming no one that low is going to counter you I'd say wraith king, necro, spectre, ursa, medusa.

                                                              Wraith king- if enemy team doesn't pick any stuff to kite or drain his mana he's a pub god. He farms well enough and can fight all stages of the game, easy in lane.

                                                              Necro- just max sadist early like a 2/0/4/1 build at 7 and you can spam pulse to farm. If they don't counter with AA you will take down most carries late. Hard part with necro is getting off the ground imo since he needs maxed pulse and sadist to really shine, but you won't have much pressure on you. And other hard part is everyone assuming you're a support.

                                                              Ursa- Just annhilates people who don't counter with many stuns, ghost scepters or force staffs. Which your 1k brethren won't.

                                                              Spectre- Insanely high pub win rate, just ult and get kills. I personally think she's hardest to play here but win rates don't lie.

                                                              Medusa- with no counters and weak early pressure she farms so fast and becomes powerful quickly. Just make sure you build farm items not survival items first (build yasha/maelstrom before linkens!).



                                                                Holy Roman Empire

                                                                  Dotabuff stats shows that in <2k MMR the most sucessful carries are ursa and spectre




                                                                      i spammed juggernaut to 3k FeelsGoodMan


                                                                        Any hero you are good at. At 1k hero choice doesn't matter. Having said that pick a hero that exploits inability to farm, bad positioning and /or never pushing. I.e spec is good because you will have the space to farm. Slark is good because they will be positioned badly. Personally I like spirit breaker because it is the slowest initiation in the game so even a 1k will have time to help out with a gank.

                                                                        [FBGD] F.uck Bitches Get ...

                                                                          Slark with Shadow Blade and Orchid. You can jungle easy at lvl 7 if you don't have space to farm lane. Skill set: 4 / 1 / 1. You can roam already with SB, but once you get orchid, you can pretty much solo kill any hero. Picking off 1 key hero for their team fights will create space for you to push. GG. I recommend though having another hard carry/late core mid hero on your team. One that needs heavy farm. Your roaming will create space for them to get the farm they need. Also if you are pesky enough with your roaming, it often forces the enemy to waste lots of energy getting defensive items for you, rather than getting their core items.

                                                                          Also another great hero I recommend for the meta is Void offlane. the new time walking ability is very OP in lane. Whether you dual lane or solo, you should either win your lane, or not be too far behind.


                                                                            eh,id say ursa or jugg

                                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                                              Storm Spirit 4Head