General Discussion

General Discussion3 More games until I finish my solo ranked calibration.

3 More games until I finish my solo ranked calibration. in General Discussion

    Predict MMR? :o

    Miku Plays

      Congrats ur now 1337mmr


        l33t. :-)


          since you already have a party MMR you probably already know it. Party mmr + 500 maybe


            Party and solo mmr are separated m8. My party calibration started @ 3.9 - solo @ 4.2

            Last game @ 4.4

            current one @ 4.5


              Nah, that's too gay. 4Head

              戻ってくる B

                I calubrated at 2k


                  You may calibrate at 5k, but with 39% winrate in ranked you'll end up in 3k in no time bro :D

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    4451 for solo... :- )

                    I don't think I deserve it yet, but I also think that I can perform on that level if I really try-hard. Not always tho. Not gonna lie.

                    It's been hell of a ride, but now it's time for me to go back on my main, and try to get out of 3.5k once again.

                    I really belive in myself, and tbh, this gave me confidence I badly needed. Hopefully I got at least a bit better aswell. This was nice exp..

                    Btw, for anyone who's interested - party MMR is not linked to solo MMR. Regardless of your party MMR - if you underperform, you will get less MMR for solo que.

                    My first Solo Q. Game was 4.2k MMR, next one was already placed into 4.1k, since I really didn't perform very well.

                    Later on I picked up myself and managed to perform good enough for 4 wins out of 10 matches.. One loss was on me, I failed so hard. :/

                    That's it from me for today, it's time to get back to work slowly..

                    Best wishes, i'm out for now. :)

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    Bad Intentions

                      Yo shred damn mann, u 4.4k now :D but dont leave ur main mann, gud luck :D

                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        Your win rate is pretty low on rank match. If you can atleast reach 50+% your good. Just like CDEC.Passif saids, you'll eventually reach your "real" MMR bracket.

                        Fortunately theres still lot of time to improve, do your best to improve your games. (“⌒∇⌒”)


                          We'll see. I doubt I'll play shitloads on my smurf, I want to work on my main. As I said, I have nothing from getting to 4.5k on my smurf. I want it on my main.

                          Time will tell, I'll try to play there when I feel like I want to give my best.

                          I agree, there's a lot of time and space for me to improve. Even if I drop, it won't be rapidly. And I will download replays, watch it and see what went wrong/etc.

                          Anyways, I'm so tired of playing 10 games a die that I lost desire to play solo RMM actually. Will take a while until it's gone..

                          King of Low Prio

                            thank god most of the micro dick smurf losers are on EU


                              any tips on how to to get vhs ? i mean like what hero is best to get vhs

                              King of Low Prio

                                Can you please stop playing that smurf and ruining games for everyone because you are delusional