General Discussion

General DiscussionThe game was impossible to lose but you lost it, how? why?

The game was impossible to lose but you lost it, how? why? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    What usually happens to those kinda games where youre comfortably ahead but some disaster happens and u still lose? based on your experience? thoughts?


      Attempting to trade t3 tower but your ally failed to defend, they got rax but you didn't
      Carry overextend, caught without buyback
      Go RS under enemy clear vision and you can't fight back
      Caught at awkward position
      Push highground too early, teamwiped and counterpushed
      Farm without vision at dangerous position, or when all of your enemy didn't show up at map

      The list goes on and on, but mostly:
      ALWAYS SAFE your money for BUYBACK. Your shiny Agh / BF / Daedalus didn't mean shit when you die. Use surplus gold only instead of all of your gold (except at early game maybe)

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Entire team decides to fountain dive and ends up feeding enemy carry a rampage or ultrakill. When we respawn, we realise that enemy carry is now so fed we can't stop him. We lose, enemy carry types "ez" and we have to kill ourselves to make up for the shame we have brought to our families.

        Dire Wolf

          arc warden has 3 raipers, he decides not to get megas but two rax down, goes on fountain, boots of travels in his real self for some dumbass reason cus fountain is down to ~30%, he dies, enemy weaver gets 2 raipers, gg.

          And on other side, opposing teams arc warden had two rapiers, they are defending a t3 and he dies right under it. We were down like 2 rax when this happened.


            Dragon knight goes for only hp items and runs in alone all the time, even though we were ahead so much, dies all the time till we lose and he buys his bkb minute 55 or so, 2 sec later the throne falls.

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              My most recent game. (눈_눈)

              I'm a semi-carry Riki (dual bot. Ganker and warder.)

              Tiny has gem and he has SB. To counter, I also buy gem. We caught them in the RS area and stole their gem (or SF and WR has SB). We push the mid then cant slide because top and bot tower are still standing.

              I chat WR that "Tiny buy a new gem. Becareful". And only after 2-5mins after that chat, she got gank. We tried to back up, but failed miserably. And bout 1 min all are rax are destroyed.

              Zzzzzzz. Ggwp though xD


              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                I wish I could control Invoker and AM.




                  We managed to get the game back in our favor. I had to solo offlane troll vs trilane because some retard randomed PL. After getting roshan, the TA raged because i took aegis and didn't leave it to him (who was solo playing all game long) and decided to buy 2 rapiers and feed them to enemy team.


                    retards suddenly going 1 by 1 into enemy team for several minutes when we have 20k gold advantage


                      I usually lose those games because teammates get really cocky and think they're so far ahead that they can go in one by one


                        when u team feed alone 1 by 1