General Discussion

General DiscussionInvokers that kill steal with tornado and fuck up allied LC's duels...

Invokers that kill steal with tornado and fuck up allied LC's duels... in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    I wish that every single one of such morons die a very very slow and painful death. Especially if they rationalize it with "I needed the gold".

    Luckly, this happens only @2k and under as far as I know, it doesn't really impact my games at all and haven't seen anybody do it @ high skill unranked. It's just freaking annoying.


      wow man u rocking that LC. How are u still 2k bracket after 400 games LC with 60% winrate

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Riguma Borusu

        I actually calibrated at 1200 as soon as I started playing, and didn't play ranked for a whiiiiiiiiile. Last month I have ~75% ranked wr, but I lost some games trying to figure how to actually win games this low, and some by my team feeding so bad I couldn't do much. After all, I am actually jungling, so lanes can go beyond repair at some point. Turns out that most games nobody pushes so you need to literally suicide for rax a few times over until you get mega creeps, that's if your team is much worse (ofc you still win). If your team is okayish in relation to theirs, it's literally a free win.

        TL;DR, only a slight bit of those 450 games are actually ranked, unranked I'm high skill, around 3500, ranked I'll be 2045 when dotobuff updates it.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          oh wtf, why the fuck u jungle lmao xd


            yea u definitely shudnt jungle if your skill level > mmr unless ure chen/enigma

            Riguma Borusu

              Because I don't want to argue with retards, I just let them go all the stupid lanes they want, it's really easier for me to jungle than argue with a retard pudge that wants mid or a lion who doesn't understand what lane equilibrium or supporting is, anyway all games end up in at least 4 cores so I might as well not give a shit and go afk jungle until I can get out of there and kill everyone, basically (which is approximately 8 minutes into the game).

              In all 3.7k-4.3k games I've played on various accounts I've played her solo/dual offlane, gotta say I really love dual offlane with heroes like lich, dazzle, tusk and undying, that's just inhuman.

              But at 2k I just gave up laning completely, since I get MID OR FEED retards who can't really be argued with daily xD Also, medallion is fucking broken on this hero, obviously it's better if a support buys it yada yada but it lets me kill anyone for 1200 gold, neat shit.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              lm ao

                actually go jungle at your mmr level

                Riguma Borusu

                  Yeah, I am not really sure 4k and 5k people who have never played a lot of games @ 2k and bellow completely understand what the situation with laning is at this level, it's literally dogshit, last game I had a sf that ASKED FOR SOLO OFFLANE (???), he stacked up regen and ended up at 8 souls 8 minutes into the game, and we had a feeding silencer - warlock lane, mid enchantress was doing fine. That sf eventually caught up by having complete free farm while the rest of the team raped the other team, he got a few last hits on some heroes and suddenly his stats look close to mine. If I actually went offlane with shadow fiend (and against void/wd) I'd just suck major cock, I'd be underleveled, and I am not sure I'd even get much farm, I'd get something but with sf that just leeches exp, feeds and tries to last hit it'd be just bad. Instead I go jungle, at 8th minute I am level 7 with a blink and can actually go kill mid, then go kill bot, then go kill that solo pushing void, then literally do anything around the map, I told the team to five man and simply keep killing these guys and pushing, and that's exactly what we did. If I didn't have the early blink I would not have 130 bonus damage at 25 minutes, I'd have to run around like an idiot trying to get something from people I know are way worse than me.

                  I've had really good blink timings for offlane lc, whether solo or dual lane, if I keep killing people and farming well, I can expect something like 9th minute pt blink, but the reality is, this requires me to actually dominate the lane, and if it's a weak dual lane I can do that @ my unranked, especially when paired with a good support. What happens at 2k, however, is that you either go solo mid or don't go to any lane. You're gonna get more out of the jungle then out of a dual lane with another carry or a support who does everything but.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  lm ao

                    Offlane sf can actually work, people in 2k just dont know how lanes work, that heroes are designed for specific lanes because of the immediate topography from where they are laning at the start. People there dont pull creeps or deny a lo, even auto-attack and pushing the lane to your favor.

                    lm ao

                      Sven guy can you pls use as few words as possible? Being concise doesnt have to mean being flowery and fancy in vocabulary - sometimes being simple is enough

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I had a sniper who had a nyx bounty lane as his opponents, 10 minutes into the game he had 1000 gold and power treads, then blamed me for "blocking me" when I didn't, after enemy spectre haunted him at 150hp, in reality he was a dead man and there was nothing to be done about it, he pinged me like a madman, I told him that even if I killed spectre right away he'd still die to dispersion, to which he says "it doesn't go through shadows" (he meant fog). I mean, this is a kind of a person that's 2k - can't last hit for shit, is ganked by people walking into his face, doesn't even know how spells work, nor what it means to block somebody, etc. Those people are either literally brain damaged or have no experience with the game, and I've seen people with 4k games stuck in 2k bracket, and actually play like 1.5k players. How does that even happen?

                        This is just how I speak, sorry, I kinda suck at putting a lot of information into as few words as possible.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        lm ao

                          Hmm it could be much worse imo

                          lm ao

                            I mean talk about SEA I literally went from 1k cancer to mid 2k cancer and I gotta say, you need the emotional intelligence equivalent to Gandhi's to not lose your insanity playing ranked in this bracket

                            Riguma Borusu

                              Well, yeah, the last game I played the enemy team had an oracle who went dominator phase boots. This is why I say you can't be stuck in the trench, there are retards everywhere, everyone seems to glimpse over the fact they are in the enemy team too.

                              I mostly get EU West/East so I don't know your pain, really.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              lm ao

                                Nah, but were talking about the importance and effort of individual skill - if you can last hit well and know about correct positioning in teamfights and wise space creation you will always have an edge over your opponents lower in skill level than you.

                                but the problem about these elitist 4k tards shitposting here is that they forget all about the nuances, about people intentioanally feeding or that there are actually just braindead people playing this game and other stuff like youve mentioned earlier, they ruin gameplay and they obviously do not guarantee you a win even with the huge differenece in skill level.

                                lm ao

                                  1000 points yeah you have no idea

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    No guarantee on the win, especially if you (like me) jungle, but you should still have a hefty winrate and get out of that MMR range at some point. I don't take the "I am actually 5k but my team is holding me back so I am 3.5k" guys seriously as much as I don't take those who say the same thing for 2k, but are 1k. One of the things you have to realize is that being better than your opponents means your games are no longer down to rng, you understand the game and can play through your opponents minds, esp if they play like they've just had a lobotomy. There's no excuse to having a sub 50% winrate and saying you deserve to be rated higher, or just being stuck at the same range for eternity, at some point you should become so much better that raising is really easy, and I mean like having 60%+ winrate with half the effort.

                                    I have never been "not rising" in terms of mmr, ranked or unranked, at least in terms of prolonged periods, I just never particularly cared because I know I spam heroes and play with half the brain, it just occured to me once I got to unranked high skill, that I should actually go back to ranked and play it up to my unranked mmr at least. Maybe I'll find my limit at 3.6k, maybe at 4k, maybe I will die on my way to 5k. Who really cares? I just started playing DotA almost exactly a year ago and didn't even like the game at first.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    lm ao

                                      You have to intuit the thoughts of your teammates and your enemies to be able to make wise decisions in-game. Good decision-maing equals game is yours. One more point I forgot to tell you.

                                      lm ao

                                        Don;t talk like that you'll attract the wolves LMFAO

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Don't really care though, I've stated my opinion of those stagnating people with Dunning-Kruger multiple times, and never gave a shit what they think. If it's that hard to be honest with yourself, you have way more issues with yourself than you could have with me, and this goes to every person I described above. I know I myself am dogshit and I feel fine about that.

                                          lm ao

                                            I know I am dogshit but I try hard to learn more about the game deeply and try to increase my versatility. In your MMR, versatility gives you an edge over your opponents more than it does in higher brackets.

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              Yeah but for me versatility means "I should totally get my LC a basher first instead of a bkb against those guys"

                                              Whenever some asshole from the other team picks LC before me I instalock dazzle or abaddon.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                              lm ao

                                                I think were done imo weve digressed so much from the original point of thread that I'm starting to feel disgusted about myself

                                                I mean you know my reputation here aAKADJAHALKDNijbdBHIDBAD

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  I don't care I didn't sleep today so I feel dizzy and fucked up anyway, and what are dotobuff forums for if not shitposting, right?


                                                    @fuck my life

                                                    I know the feel. This 1k/2k shit just is so fuckin stupid. The major reason of my losses is bc of the team. For example look at my last game in this acc.
                                                    I'm jug right? Phoenix said i go solo offlane but the other guy picked druid and all went offlane with phoenix. Then the other guy picked venge and one picked huskar. So i picked jug assuming ok venge is gonna sup. I lost 10 gold in picking bc i was thinking what do i pick with this weird lineup. Then everyone left base and i got cor with jug. Suddenly turns out venge is a very good carry let's try that. Doesn't matter if i can't last hit as long as i try to fuck up jug's lh im doing fine. She didn't even zone a solo fuckin wk we could've killed him cd by cd but we didnt and i got a morbid mask min 5 + quelling and went jungling and venge fed wk in lane. Then i farmed as much as possible and tried to push but ...
                                                    Nothing to say u judge. There was no way to win this shit and u know this is 100% not ur fault. I wanted to go for bf but i got aghs bc they were so fed i couldn't have killed them by attacking i was 3 hits for them


                                                      How about good ole fashioned hard work, and actually doing smart things in your games like I did.

                                                      You want to get high MMR? FUCKING EARN IT PLEB.

                                                      lm ao

                                                        @Son pls read all my points from up to down

                                                        lm ao

                                                          Oh here comes ugly fkiung weabooh

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            Reading is so hard.

                                                            lm ao

                                                              So is shitposting

                                                              Do you think I am just dallying here everyday?

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                No, I mean, what Son and Neko Gamer Soul posted is actually completely opposite of what I wrote, everyone reads just the parts they wanted to hear xD

                                                                I can't bitch about losing games @ 2k, because I have 75%+ winrate anyway, and that's with jungling almost 100% of the games.

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  Well i actually like ur point of view but im talkin about the games i lose. I mostly dont complain and dont feel angry about my losses (not even in this jug game bc i mute everyone so good shit this muting) but some games are just like no way to win. I wanna blame myself bc of every loss but some games are just too much feed that i dont even think a 5k can handle thats much fed foes. Im truly believing in lc spamming bc i played lc and friends did too and she's just so good u can rotate kill get duel so much that u can single handedly carry 1v9

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    A 5k would probably have near 100% if not 100% winrate in that mmr range, honestly. A 5k player would likely pick smart and not play only a few heroes and carry the game so hard by exploiting the opponent's badness every damn game. Even if three of his teammates fed heavily, maybe he'd be able to outfarm them and build smart for 1v9. Who knows, I know I've done that and I am nowhere close to a 5k in skill.

                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                      Ah' yes, another jungle LC brother, I haven't been using her very much lately, but she is DEFINITELY 100% fine in 2K bracket, they'll never mess with you in there, and they're also bad at last hitting, so you should definitely have better items than most of the players in 2K by 20 minutes. (cause they have bad positioning for easy duels, especially supports)

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        Actually, people are so bad that it's possible to catch spectre with vanguard and win a duel on her with just about 50 bonus damage.


                                                                          If i were u i would spam tinker on 2ks, not LC. Its so much fun on low mmr where people are so out of position that u even dont need blink.

                                                                          Just 1 shot kill everyone.

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            ye it sounds fun but I just want to right click buildings to the ground

                                                                            lm ao

                                                                              Spam Ursa bruh