General Discussion

General DiscussionThe best carry in 6.86?

The best carry in 6.86? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    So whos the scariest hero when farmed? Is it still the classic AM and PA? 6 slot ALC? Troll making a comeback? How bout the new FV?



      ? so is this a 6 slot question or what
      best this patch is ld lycan morph jugg i tihnk


        Slark, LC, WK, PA


          Lol you guys forgetting spectre?
          She can fuck both Anti-Mage and PA six slotted.

          inner corpse

            Lc with 6slots and enough duels rapes everything

            Perfecto !

              IMO the scariest carry's spectre. she's unstopable in late game. but you need to know how to farm with spectre. its kinda hard to farm

              and your ability build is important tho.dispersion's works better in early game

              Sup m8

                Sorry guys, but PA is shit late game. Get MKB and she is paper.


                  unless you pick correctly good old Imba Spirit man.

                  Just played a game for 94 minutes against a PA and ember, he had double rapier bf crits etc, supports with 2.5k hp died in 1 hit, drow died in 1 hit too.

                  He can be counter picked very easily however, besides him i'd have to say spec is the scariest.


                    PA, kappa.
                    i don't think i would want to fight against 6 (7,8..) slotted naga


                      who is the scariest when farmed? It is specter or dusa, maybe naga(if watching your towers slowly eaten by fish is scary). AM just gets farmed faster, PA and troll are both scary with less farm.


                        outworld devourer with AC shivas octarine skadi & 2x moon shards

                        Pale Mannie


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                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                              I think it always was and will be spectre, medusa, and naga
                              U simply cant kill the first two and u can't prevent the all lanes push/wave cut/... that naga does so hard to counter push naga and even if u catch her she can stay and fight when 6 slotted and kill u or if she can't she just ult tps

                              Синячий патруль

                                wk and jug

                                  კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                    In this patch (6.86 as whole) only two: Lone Druid & Medusa.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      LC with a passive divine and properly built will rape everyone. But that's much less reliable than even spectre having 6 slots, so that's not something you can count on. Otherwise the best carries nowadays are guys that can fight early mostly.

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        damn how can i forget medusa :O damn she scary!


                                          How late are we talking?
                                          Silencer or Pudge. Kappa


                                            sylla and od are pretty good this patch

                                            the realm's delight

                                              how to u build tb ???

                                              saving private RTZ

                                                Treads, aquila, SnY? At least that was the main build in Open Qualifiers


                                                  If you are talking about 6 slots then Spectre or Medusa unless counter picked. If you are talking about farming well in general, letting a Lycan run free for 20 minutes is GG. Also late game ember can sleight and kill 3 out of 5 heroes.

                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                    I think he is talking about good carries this patch not old school lategamers

                                                    waku waku



                                                        spectre it's best


                                                          wk, slark, lc ( with enough duels ) spectre , gyro is pretty good also.. hmm dusa can do the job too
                                                          rest carries like ursa jugg are doing a nice job too


                                                            Spectre 6 slot lose to pa, and most of time to am aswell.

                                                            And when spectre is 6slots, considering how "fast" he farm, you either have win by long, or everyone is on the verge of having shitload of stuff, which make you quite obsolete. The more the game drag, the more specre is useless.

                                                            Ck is pretty scarry 6 slots (unless facing medusa -and even, he could try to rat-).

                                                            The problem of 6 slot here also remain about what are your 6 slots: For example morphling, no1 will ever reach 6 slots with sata mkb daedalus bkb butter(or sy) tread.

                                                            If you reach that, you more or less win, however to reach that, without selling item like linken in first place, you need to stomp your enemy. (and thus you don't reach it ^^).

                                                            Also, when you reach 6 slots, that's not end of the game, you can still buy necro, linken refresher, dominator (shit load of them) and some heroess just cann't use properly those "extra" slot.

                                                            And last but not least, if you comes really late, you might want rapier aswell to turn the table. Well, medusa is god at using them, so are ember / kunkka. Gyro might be able to use them once again, since it seems we are playing with a bit less burst than last patch, so he might survive most of time to unleash his shit (still refresher is often stronger than rapier for that purpose).

                                                            Since I wrote a bit about kunkka, don't forget that late game, a good crit on a cleave can turn table, (like sven/tiny).
                                                            Also, don't forget about magic one, tinker can take who ever he wants 1v1 late game (almost same for od/or very fed silencer)

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              matrice, what's your general take on sven nowadays? I see him actually picked when I watch some 6k avg matches and he actually seems to do rather well, I expected him to be kited/countered way harder than he is in practice. What's up with that?

                                                              Jay Leno

                                                                2 stonk


                                                                  jugg,lycan,wk,od,ember,medusa and spec


                                                                    You guys forget the real late game maestro.
                                                                    Permanently disables the enemy carry untill he dies. Even if they got blink/bkb, u are the iniatiator and 8/10 times he wont bkb/blink.

                                                                    BRENNA SPARXXX

                                                                      Spectre, Medusa, Ember, Slark, LC
                                                                      i think those heroes is gege late game


                                                                        u kidding? duza can do nothing vs am. imho offlane LC is the best in late game because u have another carry in easylane, so...

                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                          Im surprised troll was never mentioned here :O

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            ^I don't see any good players picking troll and he's really shit right now due to other heroes receiving buffs and him receiving nerfs all the time.


                                                                              AM & spectre, spectre is scarier though

                                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                                ^scarier if he reaches the point where he is scary.

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                  how does spectre loses vs AM in 6 slot scenario? I guess he loses in 1v1 but in a teamfight?


                                                                                    CK, Sven, Dusa,spectre or LC.

                                                                                    No point arguing which is best, its situational.


                                                                                      Spectre is scary in game because she can easily wipe out 2 support during haunt with radiance and diffusal and then proceed to overwhelm the enemies in a 5v3 scenario. I do not think she is that scary in a hypothetical scenario where everyone is 6 slotted.

                                                                                      I think I would go with sven/gyro/medusa/ember.

                                                                                      Flying Donkey

                                                                                        The Best is Lone druid because he can build 12 items, all others can build only 6.


                                                                                          i see quite a few people mentioned SVEN in here is it due to some recent buffs or new items ? i havent been around for 7 months can some one tell me pls

                                                                                          Flying Donkey

                                                                                            Yes, last two patches he got buffed really hard. He got +6 damage, and some armor.

                                                                                            iPlayMyRole ;D

                                                                                              Chaos Knight


                                                                                                Sven and Ursa. Both are very strong during every phase of the game, and when farmed, are very difficult to stop. They each seem to do more with the same net worth than other carries.

                                                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                                                  Lifestealer should do the job lategame, he can outcarry dusa and spec

                                                                                                  Paid actor

                                                                                                    Spectre and lone druid i belive

                                                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                                                      Lifestealer won't outcarry anybody because he can't hi anybody

                                                                                                      House Cat

                                                                                                        chaos knight, medusa, ursa, spectre

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