General Discussion

General DiscussionRetiring dotka

Retiring dotka in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    Giff me tips on How 2 fill this dotka *hole in my lyfe

    Also Wish me luck

    თემა შეიცვალა

      u mean "hole", right?
      u can masturbate, masturbate a lot


        You can try doing productive stuff, like opening a small business or studying for something if you haven't already.

        If you are too lazy, just plau something else, CS:GO for example.

        If all else fails, masturbate.


          Honestly anything is better. My happiest 3 months after the point I discovered dota was the 3 months in USA when i was studying and didn't open steam.

          came back, 7 game loss streak deleted it and literally felt this weight leave my body, like I was truly free from gabens clutches.


            i started masturbating 3 times a day until it got really painful
            i recommend doing some kind of sports u like

            plz do

              do something u really like and are actually good at.


                ^i dont recommend this as im really good at masturbating
                for everything else yes

                plz do

                  rofl, fapping is maybe not the ideal way - that shit gets u addicted


                    i went down to 2 times per day, more is hurting. also try to do more than 2 hour break between them if possible


                      Why do people suggest masturbate? It doesn't help u from being a useless person masturbating for 5minutes. You could take some drugs so u could go on for hours, but I can assure u its not better than dotadrug

                      LMAO ;MA OAL MAO XddDddxddxd


                        masturbating is free though

                        Sexo Meister

                          I masturbated 8 times an hour, and yes its working!

                          Also sold all my arcana and bought tons of new games? Pretty dope


                            why are you quitting? :(

                            Sexo Meister

                              Cus first i need to do my last year college and get my engineer degree stuff

                              Second im waiting for brew to get buffes

                              Third im sick of Pignoys and Indogs in every game making me lose 400 mmr so yeah im taking a break


                                read books


                                  bead rooks


                                    u mean play chess?


                                      Actually do revision / assignments. I didn't do a minute revision for my exams last year. Wasn't a good move.


                                        u can do kissing pranks, ez moeny

                                        dón kíj-

                                          since theres few better things then doto, trust me nothing is as balanced