General Discussion

General Discussionwhat happened to SF?

what happened to SF? in General Discussion
Boundless Strike in Gaben...

    why has his pick rate plummeted? he was the most picked prior to 6.86c....i went thru his abilities again to see whether there was some huge change that i missed but no

    so whats up?

    he's gone from like 35%+ to 20% according to dotabuff


      mana cost increase and neut stacking nerfed


        neut stack nerf killed the hero flash farm jungle power

        Boundless Strike in Gaben...

          oh yea that mana 100 thing from 75.....but thats not much of a deal breaker in mid-late.....can someone elaborate on the camp stacking nerf?


            lesser furbolg and lesser centaur have stacking 20% magic resist auras so if u have like a 4 stack its incredibly hard to clear

            Pale Mannie

              I actually never saw SF since 6.85 smh

                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                  Minus 1 armor also. Tower can kill him in few hits.


                    cause he got nerfs


                      Pray for SF

                      Livin' Real Good

                        I don't think he's bad, he's just not as good as before due to reasons Thomas the train mentioned.

                        I like making Bottle, Brown boots, Aquila, Euls, Shadow blade, then boots of travel as of late, feels good to me.

                        The Euls makes up for the Raze nerf AND MORE+ all the bonuses you get from having a Euls. (move speed, mana pool, mana regen, survivablity, Ult combo) You should have all that buy the 20 minute mark.

                        Then Later go into Silver Edge for easy tank up (cause Sange and Yasha would just waste another slot, and you're Euls kinda took that spot already) BKB, then Butterfly or Skadi. Super late? I dunno, build whatever damage item you think you need.

                        That's what I do anyways, not saying that build is good, or that you should do it, THAT'S WHAT I DO, hate it or love it.

                        NOT a SF player, that's just what I do, so fuck off. Sometimes don't make the Eul's though. :L If game goes to shit, I just make my other build with Treads, cause boots of travel will set me back.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Euls build is shitty
                          U get some solo kills early game then u gotta change ur whole item build or continue by getting eblade and both of them are fucked up things to do

                          Livin' Real Good

                            My only problem with it is that I don't hit hard enough if the game goes bad, wouldn't recommend it, it's just something I do, and it works for me. It's also pretty bad ass. :L

                            That Euls + Blink build was cool at first (cause the one shot SF ult kills) then realized how shitty it was.


                              He's not shit, he's not weak, his nerfs are relevant, but not to extent he can't be played anymore. You just need to manage your mana pool a bit better, and he's not really affected with neutral changes. He can still farm fast.


                                ^ It's not shitty, you just need to play SF differently if you go euls/blink build.


                                  I don't imd jungle nerf or bottle nerf

                                  The mana increase killed the hero

                                  play for fan

                                    nothing (big) happened to sf its just becuz ur 2k and 2k tards always w8 for a international to see what players pick there then they start picking it for the next year every game


                                      i love how i can always identify kitrak even after he changes his pic + nickname just by the way he writes xd


                                        People picked him cause he was easy as fuck to play.

                                        He's still good he is just more balanced, he's still picked a lot In 5k+ games.

                                        What I do to compensate for stacking nerf is buy a helm of dominator.

                                        1. Lets you kill jungle creeps and even ancients pretty early even tho its not as fast as razing every camp,its still farming.

                                        2. Builds into satanic which is godly on SF

                                        3. Gives you good sustain in fights cuz of armor + life steal. SF has no armor and the life steal keeps him alive in fights.

                                        When I'm in lane I tend to not put points in raze too early cuz if u skill the other too u can increase ur right click damage and do some serious harrass / farming w. Just ur right clicks.

                                        My win rate on this acc w. SF is shit but on my other accounts its 60+%


                                          Normal skill


                                            SF is that kind of hero that ALWAYS was strong and always will be. Manacosts and jungle nerf is wut whatever, u can still play him and win games as always. May be hes a little weaker now at early game, but not really bad. Just meta is changing, thats all.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა