General Discussion

General DiscussionI DID IT BOYS! :3

I DID IT BOYS! :3 in General Discussion

    I'm no longer 4k trash, carried my teammates to victory and earned well deserved 5k. And if you think party mmr is ez, try to play vs 6k players with 4k party mmr on daily basis xD




        gz buddy.

        the realm's delight

          its party



            but gratz anyway seems like it means somethjing for u


              Since i dont play solo at all and like to play with people i know only, this is my solo. So yes, i care. Ty boys <3

              Pale Mannie



                  if u play party long enough and dont stick with same people over and over again (I mean, jsut 2-3 guys, with party 1k lwoer than solo), its pretty representative, same as solo.


                    with party 1k lwoer than solo)

                    thats the issue, you play in a mmr thats lower than your (parties) actual mmr, so you basically play with a 5k avg in a 4k avg => easy stomps => not representative, but ya i get ur point


                      uhhh grats xD


                        Congrats buddy. Seems hard to climb up from 4 to 5 (or at least a long process)
                        Hope i can play with u guyz later cause i didnt even know what smurfing means when i started this acc i just said this 1k is so trash but i played the same shitty style in my first matches and here i am normal skill FeelsBadMan
                        Wanna see if i get hs/vhs on new new acc after the mid term exams
                        Can go any role just wanna play with u guyz. Would be fun (altho rank = tryhard) + the high party rank for me


                          > is 3.7k
                          > "I'm no longer 4k trash, ..."

                          brb committing suicide


                            Wow i bet that now all girls get wet on you being a 4k, gj man. xD

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Actually chai long qua i looked at ur acc right now and im impressed about the winrate on vhs ranked. Most winning streak i had was a 2 losses in 20 matches and some 5 or 6 games in a row.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              Livin' Real Good

                                Eh, party MMR, but congrats.

                                I have friends who play with me just to raise their party MMR cause my party MMR is super low cause I rarely party (2.8) and they raise their 4K MMR party cause of it by playing 3.3K average games. But I guess 5K is 5K right? :P

                                I have a friend who stacks with pro's, and he's 5K, kinda easy to be 5K playing with amazing players, I dunno, I just think solo says alot more, cause that means you dealed with the cancer ALONE.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  5k that u got by stacking with pros is a whole different deal compared to 5k that u obtained through playing with 30-40 different guys, when half of them got party>solo.

                                  i mean, party mmr might be not representative if we dont know how it was achieved, but ik who deadweight stacked with, for example, and his rating is legit (although the parties with ragezeus are borderline-cheating, xD).

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    It's harder to get solo 5k anyways. His 5k party might be legit, but it doesn't mean he plays like 5k solo.

                                    I know a lot of people who got high party and low solo MMR. Difference goes even by 1k MMR.

                                    While some people might deserve their 5k party, it doesn't make them legit 5k players.

                                    There is just shitloads of things you need to take into coinsideration when you compare 5k solo and 5k party.

                                    One of them is, ofc, amount of clowns you'll get in solo compared to party, and fact that they won't be as comunicative as typical party stacks you're playing with.

                                    Basically, you need to deal with next level cancer in solo in order to get that 5k, or 4k, or 3k(depending of whats your goal and your skill-level, ofc).


                                      it works the other way round, too. getting past 5.5k party by 5 man stacking is... rough. i mean, if u r not at least 6k+, u got literally nothing to do here, unless u stack with 3.5-4k ppl all the time to get lower average mmr.


                                        Well it makes sense, since you'll get to play against 6k+ or so.

                                        There's that cheat, yeah. Often you'll just get into 3.8k avg. game or so with your 4.5k-5k MMR and dominate them if you're good enough.

                                        I guess that's also the reason why you lose some games in solo q, when you got merged with party of 3, and they lose you the game, because, enemy team got 4.1k party/5k solo mmr player..


                                          you cant get a party of 3 in solo q in RMM


                                            900 pts difference is not such a threat, actually. the real problem are guys with 2k+ dispertion.

                                            f.e. when i first played against miracle, he had 5600 party, (lower than me at that point), and 8100 solo. and its pretty common for ppl with actually high rating.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              I delted my comment cuz you were right, but even stack of 2 does ruin solo q games sometimes.


                                                did i just brag about playig against miracle? oh god, im such a dogshit.
                                                im sorry, hes just the best example that came to mind

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  It is threat, esp. if you get to play in 3.8-4.2k MMR games, where 2 people stack with mmr's of:

                                                  4.3k party guy that want's to play support for some reason
                                                  and 3.1k friend who picks faceless void and goes 0/50


                                                    well, so e ppl dont take party rating srsly, but as a result they drop, so its kinda fair.


                                                      Is it? I don't think it's fair that Havoc Badger with his sub 4k or 3900 MMR party gets to play in 3.5k average game where he's actually 5k or above.

                                                      I doubt he's lonely case aswell.

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        if he played a lot of such games and won them, he wouldnt be 3.9k party anymore, right?


                                                          Are you trying to say he deserves his 3.9k party?

                                                          Or that he doesnt play party MMR? Since last time I checked, havoc does play a lot of party-ranked games.

                                                          At least more then casual solo- ranked warriors do.

                                                          My guess is that he doesn't really care about his party MMR, but from time to time, ofc, he wants to win a game and try to be serious, which ruins game for others, because he's anyways above low 4k or high 3k rating.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            ^i agree on that, but i havent played much duostacks with him - normally its still a 5-man stack and the difference is hard to see, particularly given that the enemy team has at least 1 guy with same mmr dispertion.


                                                              triple what party do i need to play with your stack?


                                                                You need 3.4k or above I think.


                                                                  And btw, Triple, it's Shred. You mind sending me friend request here? I would do it, but I still didn't add Steam Wallet here. I just started to smurf.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    do u get like 200 ping to euw salza


                                                                      130 west 240 east


                                                                        Party MMR is difficult to raise unless you stack with really high solo MMR people who can carry you.


                                                                          Now do hard mode. Start at 0k and work ur way to 5k


                                                                            WK abuser, hehe


                                                                              nothing much to be impressed here since ur not from SEA server , hehe :D

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                  Lmao, that thread escalated quickly.

                                                                                  I'm just gonna say this. If i guy has high solo and low party there is exactly one reason for it. He deserves that rating when playing in parties - either he doesnt care too much or he really doesnt do well in parties cause he's too used of solo que where people dont have a fuckin clue what teamplay, execution or communication is.

                                                                                  You get tons of 6k+ players while 5 stacking, sometimes even more of them in the same game and we reck them mostly anyway. What does that show people? That i dont play like 5k core position player and i'm inflated? :D Keep dreaming boys, winrates, kda's and other stats say otherwise =)

                                                                                  Btw - I've played quite a lot with Havoc so i know him - he can play like 5k or 3k, depends if he's interested in wining or not. All together - he deserves his party rating which is 4.2k or sth.


                                                                                    i play a lot with a guy who has 5.1k solo but 3.9k party. so if you have 5k party does that mean you are indeed 9k mmr solo?


                                                                                      ^ I got 5.1 solo and 4100 party what does that mean? i play party with 4 people that dont tryhard and having fun while trolling and having a good time and lose :D
                                                                                      cause most people say " who careasasxaaxa for party mmr " well yeah who careas


                                                                                        also @chi long qua

                                                                                        THIS GAME IS SO SHIEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT


                                                                                          "I got 5.1 solo and 4100 party what does that mean?"

                                                                                          That you're so shieeet in party games xD huehuehue

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                            ^ this


                                                                                              Are you going to stop at 5k or are you going to continue the grind to see if you stay in 5k? Or are you migrating to the unranked world?


                                                                                                Btw, I just calibrated my party at 4.5k mmr, lolz.


                                                                                                  yeah party doesn't really mean shit in my opinion as well but he is a legit player when he wants to, he is a shit player when he doesn't listen to my item build advices and goes SnY on WK against ES, VS, Huskar, NS and Lina


                                                                                                    also he plays better than 70% of people that posted here, just saying

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