General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW TO GET HIGH SKILL?

HOW TO GET HIGH SKILL? in General Discussion
Falcon 鹰

    I have good winrate. Why am I still at Normal skill. Enlighten me pls


      because you are a normal skill player, sub 3k mmr, I suppose. Am i wrong?

      waku waku

        dont smurf

        Falcon 鹰

          Umm im actually 890 mmr on my old account with all honesty

          Falcon 鹰
            კომენტარი წაიშალა
            Falcon 鹰

              Any suggestions to get high skill?


                I was a 1k bc i played the tbd when i had played dota for like 200hours so i dont complain about that but if i get less than 3k in this acc (sad bc i want 4k+) imma BabyRage

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                Falcon 鹰

                  Guess i just have to maintain a 55%^ winrate?


                    no, 80%+

                    lm ao

                      mrw when I try to vouch for this thread


                        890 mmr already shows why you shouldn't even be talking about high skill.


                          U wanna get to high skill or vhs? Gotta go carry all the time. Zeus was so good to get ur initial mmr high and some fuckers got 4k and more just with spamming ulti but now u gotta go core heroes and get good kda and have a high winrate. And for fuck's sake don't go riki. Go alch slark pl and these kinda heroes and win with a high kda and play the first 10 well


                            If you're 2k-3k please don't smurf.

                            Falcon 鹰

                              Thanks for the advice guys. Im gonna start playing heroes good at farming and ks'ing love u all.

                              No giggities?

                                Huh can you please not smurf. 4k is shit but you're nowhere near as good to be in that bracket. Can't wait for you to fuck games up and blame the universe for being so shitty.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  How about... actually getting better?

                                  Falcon 鹰

                                    I just want to reach 2k thats all

                                      lm ao

                                        holy shit jo thats just so filthy

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          @TRG: If it's your dream to reach 2k and you need a smurf for that, you should probably just kill [] yourself instead.


                                            @fuckmylife lel actually i think when u r >1k mmr u should just play as much games as u can and watch gamez nn deez stuff fuck high mmr. The point when u should smurf is when u actually r smurfin not just wasting time on another acc getting that 1k again or buying 3k+ accs and losing every match and ruining higher rank games

                                            El Goblino

                                              High skill games start around 3.3k mmr I believe. Around those games you also start to go Silver tier on heroes you play often and well.


                                                Gettibg to 2k mmr is really simple. I got some friends who are low 2k and play like shit and still manage to stag there. To be at that level you just need to have good/decent game knowledge (what items and abilities do) and have decent farming/last hitting abilities. Also..knowing when NOT to yolo!!!

                                                Falcon 鹰

                                                  I guess ill just use zues every game. High KDA and GPM.
                                                  And i have decent last hittin with it.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    It doesn't work like that anymore, it measures it relative, that means that having 40k hero damage on Zeus is not as impressive as having 40k hero damage on dazzle, because it checks against average stats.

                                                    Please, stop trying to abuse the system and just play the fucking game, and at least try not being shit somewhere during that endeavor.

                                                    You could probably smurf to high skill on a new account, but then you'd end up having 35% winrate because you're so shit.

                                                    A S S

                                                      54% is not good winrate. This account is my smurf right now, I got to very high skill in the first few games even though I did poorly.


                                                        You know that you do stand a chance of reaching high skill bracket by hiring booster right?

                                                        Burn your money on him/her until you realize that you are so shit and do not deserve to be in that bracket anyway.

                                                        ! SuNeO_of The Lapota !

                                                          create smurf, pick 1 hero only (your favorite) go find....

                                                          how can system put you on HS bracket if you're not good with 1 hero? .. see other players record ( you can see this smurf account 69 games.... the most hero played on high skill.. see the matches on high skill, choose 1 (if there's dotabuff account click,,,new player below 100 - 200 matches).. the most hero played maybe on high skill bracket.. it mean he can play that hero well.. cmiiw

                                                          SHADOW KILLER

                                                            honestly dont smurf if you are still in your mmr learn how to play well like your old account im in VHS bracket which means im in 3600 up mmr and some people got normal mmr have a 3000 below

                                                            SHADOW KILLER

                                                              just play 200 games then play good until you get VHS promise you will get 4k-5k

                                                              Grilled Chicken

                                                                Improve urself ! Dont let these ppl make fun of u ! And if u are not having any plans to join ti then play for fun only !