General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki in the safe lane

Riki in the safe lane in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Uh yeah how weird is this? Cus I feel like this should be a thing, grab fast diffusal, rape everyone. I've only played 4 games so far, all wins. A few were straight up dominations either way cus all the other lanes won but holy shit is this guy strong if you have a good start. 4 games, all wins, 614 gpm, 5.59 kda.

    The thing is I show riki safe lane and everyone freaks says go offlane, riki is not a hard carry. Well here's my argument to riki in the offlane. He has no escape once detected. I guess he can blink strike to creeps at lvl 6... he is squishy. Smoke is an amazing disable but early he wants to level backstab and invis so smoke radius sucks. Simply put it's extremely easy for any competent support to zone out riki offlane.

    With just diffusal he's one of the hardest hitters early game. Level 10 with maxed backstab, diffusal, treads on agi, aquila and pms riki is going to backstab you for 275 dmg on average (120 dmg + 130 backstab + 25 mana burn). That is nuts, that's like 4 hits to kill any support or squishy carry that lvl. Later he still can stand up to hc's even the ones that face him, I mean just go ape shit an burn every blink strike charge on a slark or jug or whoever and you'll win.

    Also he's so good and denies with backstab your safe lane support can just focus on zoning out or pulling or whatever. I even played vs an offlane slardar but got far enough ahead of him his ult didn't matter by the time he got it.

    So why the negative reactions and has anyone else tried this?


      People still play riki offlane ?
      In my other account it always doom
      And riki to me is poorman bh with broken smoke, any carry with 1 less item even can destroy him at lategame


        Riki is a roamer now.

        Dire Wolf

          He needs items and levels before roaming, he can't just start roaming come lvl 6. Really needs diffusal to lock down runners.


            He can roam with treads, OoV and one point in smoke screen. That's plenty of setup for a kill.

            average kebab enjoyer

              Too squishy. If the opp is letting you free farm safe lane they are tards. Not gonne happen against competent players. Thus no Riki being played above 4k (i love the little fellow too, tried him support, BH style but he is just way too squishy if your opp's aren't inbred monkeys)


       -> go offlane, start roaming at minute 6~, rekt everyone.

                Then again it was a normal skill game becasue i was stacking with friends, but the enemy had plenty of sentries, anyways they didnt really know how to read the map or whatever, I was always able to catch someone. Im not even a picker, just randomed it and had one of my craziest games ever, its really op in the normal skill but I have to try it in my rankeds.


                  he needs levels way more than gold early game. doesn't need diffusal to secure kills early game - just his ulti, smoke and oov.

                  you got to hope there's someone on your team that benefits from safe lane farm more than riki.

                  milk that tastes like rea...

                    works in my unranked games, 16W 5L
                    haven't really tried in ranked.. did once today and got smashed

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Riki with one more item rape any carry, blink abyssal kill.

                      And yeah he is a fucking beast as carry. His only downside is he need som1 to be in front a soak up the first agression, or he need a huge disable support if he initiate. so basically, if you play gyro stat or sf stat mid, he is perfect.

                      But if you pick necro, or dp, it suck a lot with him.

                      And the best with the safe lane riki, you can actually move a lot when lane aren't totally broken, so your support get item and xp, while you roam the map. and when they have 6 and one glimmer, you basically can go back to farming your bkb.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        riki is fine as pos. 1


                          riki can roam at level 6 very easily, creating space for a farming mid

                          also as a carry he can easily fight one item down due to how disgusting backstab is

                          he's a pretty okay pos 1


                            He is kinda ok, but I see him stronger offlane. He does not need much farm to setup kills and playing him as static farmer is kinda waste. Midgame you gonna roam and kill lonley heros/scout etc. That does not fit so well with pos 1. Hes better pos 3-4 for me.


                              well more of safe lane than pos 1, he only takes pos 1 priority of farm until level 6-7 then starts roaming and creating space


                                You can play 100% afk farm, it also work, due to how much damage backstab does, and how well riki scale (+ how little he is countered by support item + bkb !!!)

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  well, apart from force staffs mon ami :)


                                    stop pls
                                    i don't want to play against more rikis


                                      Have to point out that Riki demands a lot from people when he goes safelane. He's not a bad safelaner by any means - but I think he is just as easily played in the offlane.

                                      All my Riki games have been offlane and the thing I've realised is that it's far better to deny and kill the enemy safelaner than farming in the safelane. Riki has huge kill potential - his regen in the offlane is so fucking overpowered, you stack backstabs with OOV, can kill anyone level 4 with 2 points in it.

                                      He's probably the best offlaner right now. He benefits hugely from solo xp. I find that being the offlane gives me a great place to farm once I've already killed enemy carry. Why deny an actual carry farming in your safelane when you can do it to the enemy?

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I guess I just find I am zoned out too easily in offlane. What do you do, place your own sentries to counter theirs? It seems like you always get some dick lion or cm disabling you and then you die in a couple hit if you can't go invis.

                                        But I guess my point was what matrice said, he can be a legit position 1 cus backstab is such a steroid, even though most people don't think of him as such.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                          Ahaha dick cm...

                                          Someone make a freezing field meme plz

                                          Maybe a gif of the maiden dancing around falling cocks :D

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Well went 1-2 since making this thread. Issue really is picks and lanes. Problem is riki still gets majorly fucked by a couple heroes like slardar, legion, bristleback, tide, and even though they aren't hard counters, beefy lineups are hard to beat. My snowballing was really from killing squishy linas and windrangers (with diffusal you dispel her evasion or just smoke her). You really have to last pick or second to last pick riki. Two of those games had a slardar but one he was in the safe lane, probably assuming I'd be off. So I farmed fine and our offlaners did well and we snowballed. Other game it was fucking tide and slardar offlane vs me and a stupid ass lion. Totally fucked. Anchor smash just destroys your early dmg so you can't hurt them.

                                            Then the other loss had a bristle offlane. Sucks. It's like going vs permanent blade mail the way his quills work. We probably could've won, I possibly played good enough to win, but team kept taking fights we shouldn't take and an lc snowballed way out of control. There was a party duo on both sides too, the opposing lc was like 500 mmr higher.

                                            So I'm not abandoning riki safe lane yet but he does need to be picked a lot later, is kind of situational, and people bitch so much about it. Everyone blamed this loss on me when really our slardar played like shit.



                                              you cant remove windrun you clown

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                oh so you can't, well you can purge her so she can't escape your smoke, ez kill


                                                  slardar isn't a prob, bristle isn't a prob, however, tide is a fucking pain indeed.
                                                  legion can be one, but usually it's rather the other way arround, it really dipend if you are solo carry or not in this case.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    How is bristle not a problem? I guess you can just ignore him and farm, but there is no way to kill his ass without quilling yourself to death. Slardar actually isn't that bad, just stacking str heroes with stuns against u in general sucks cus supports are bad at zoning out.


                                                      use smoke for bb


                                                        rikimaru is a hell of a hero

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