General Discussion

General DiscussionI just realized

I just realized in General Discussion
D the Superior

    Time I spent on dota is equal to playing it 3 hours a day every day for 3,5 years.
    What have I done with my life.


      ^ NICE finally some1 realise everytime i come on this forum i talk about how much time you waste w dota


        the best way to leave dota is to keep it installed OR to destroy ur computer or to demote ur computer in pieces and put it somewhere. so when you wanna dota the time to reassamble the computer will take like an hour and youll be too lazy


          why play dota when your team is a jerk and the other team is too. you win for jerks the game everytime you try and win.


            they report you early (allys) then boom you come out and rape the ennemy team. you have muted 4 of them by now

            JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

              i think the best way to stop dota is to do activitys and jobs and not giving a fuck about boring updates and shit items ( they terible now) .
              and play like pokerstar or hmm something in activity group where you can demark yourself.

              JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                maybe marketing

                JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                  cuz shitty jobs as slaves is shitty. never work for some1 else. except if its worth it and decent pay for your (education)

                  JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                    and that u enjoy it. a bit. in the system :(

                    JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                      mb if your good at running thats a start you can join a group of runners even if you have no endurance if you can run faster then them its a good start

                      JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                        running fast and endurance and traning is so different your born to run fast or you dont have it.


                          wtf did i just read

                          dont led society brainwash you

                          you are entitled for who you are, define yourself what is really matter for you.

                          Dota is a good time for me to refresh my mind, so why wont i play for just 2 hours a day? easy

                          D the Superior
                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                            JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                              ^ God Emperor dont listen to these anthagonist. they just wanna bring you down


                                i posted last time when I was able to get away from DotA for couple of weeks.
                                last year, I was also able to avoid the game for a good 4-5 months.

                                it's never about just stopping DotA.
                                It's about replacing it with something more worthwhile.
                                for me it was because of my ex-girlfriend and basketball.
                                find an activity you love to do and do it.

                                i.e. 1 bad game of dota = ~40 minutes = stressed because all time spent was for no reason because of a nooob teammate

                                if I play basketball, there's no good or bad. it's always good. exercise, training for the actual game. health. etc

                                JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                                  ^ .. your scaring me.. so you tried everything and your back for good? everyday....

                                  JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                                    i am a white man i love eating chicken i am doomed?

                                    JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                                      so if i understand correctly you were an addict to dota till you had gf and basketball. then everything left you. gf basketball and now your back to dota with even more energy then before?

                                      JE PEUX MEME PAS PARLER S...

                                        god i love bad sotry ask bad intentions


                                          Time on making yourself happy is never wasted you fuckin retards.

                                          не говори по РУ


                                            average kebab enjoyer

                                              ' Time on making yourself happy is never wasted you fuckin retards. ' <---- This. Maybe it's time to get the hand outta the pants tho.

                                              lm ao


                                                Sexo Meister

                                                  There is a way

                                                  Play durksaul

                                                  Or replace doto with actual life goals


                                                    Mi think dota is good in moderation I'd say you don't really need more than 10 games a week if u busy and 15-20 if u are not .


                                                      Some ppl says that time spent on happiness (here it means playing dota) is not wasted. I doesn't perceive dota as happiness generator. Its just fucking addiction. Playing dota is competitive. The dopamine and adrenaline which is being released to the system at the moment of teamfight in which u are trying to outplay another human being is really similiar to any other addiction like gambling, drugs, alcohol or even wanking off our gamers dicks.

                                                      Misery Wizard

                                                        I like to exercise my brain, so I can spot the retards in life even easier.

                                                        smol brain

                                                          Dota is a break from my shitty everyday life which includes planning where to study next and thinking about my career and shit like that which I don't really want to do so ty volvo.


                                                            @Stomp them in the Nutz

                                                            Well it was actually the other way around. It was me who left my ex-girlfriend.
                                                            For basketball, I didn't really left it. I regularly play about 2-3 games per week.
                                                            It's just that this time, I'm exerting effort to develop my game by doing functional exercises, basketball drills and going to the gym.

                                                            Again, it's all about priorities. You know what makes people addicted* to Doto?
                                                            Unless, you want to become pro gamer, it's because people haven't set goals or vision in their normal lives

                                                            *addict - the context of addict here is people who play near 30 games a week


                                                              I wouldn't say 30 games a week makes an addict , of course it sends on schedule, I'd say maybe over 40 games a week makes an addict , 30 is more just someone not having right priorities/ playing too much .


                                                                I play like 18 games daily. 18. Games. Daily.
                                                                And almost every time I go to bed being depressed, or irritated as fuck, the good games don't affect you as much as the bad games do. I have gotten more secluded, more than I already was, and now I'm trying to prevent the train wreck, going out of my room as much as I can, seriously, being away from your laptop, or pc, helps you.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  the average american watches 3-4 hours of tv a day so playing dota that amount of time isn't that big of a deal. You can say oh I should've achieved things! But reality is you'd probably just be doing something else for entertainment, you probably would not be bettering yourself working out or studying or making money. People need downtime in life.

                                                                  D the Superior
                                                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                      i think u can do with ur life pretty much everything u want as long as it doesnt violate others' liberty, and social attitude towards your hobbies is the last thing to matter.
                                                                      you are happy when you feel happiness urself, not when ppl around you are satisfied with ur life and how u follow their expectations. however, its another thing if your internal state depends on others' attitude towards you, which is pretty much normal.


                                                                        if u enjoy gaming, do it. if you prefer going to clubs and gettig drunk every day, do it. if u love anime, get that fucking weaboo pillow and be happy. if you are gay, fuck with men.

                                                                        its ur life, and probably u live it just once. it doesnt make any sense to spend it on what people around u consider to be worthy, serious, mature, etc.

                                                                        tbh i dont like/understand gays, weaboos, gamers, clubbers and a lot of other social categories, but i think they have a right to do what they want with their life, and if they feel happy by doing stuff i believe is epic bullshit, i wouldnt ever hesitate to stop them, argue with them, etc. - i know that people are different. dont let your opinions prevent other people from following theirs, and vice versa - dont give up on something you like just because someone thinks you shouldn't like it.

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          i would have added a shia photo here, but again - no fucking bbcode.!

                                                                          D the Superior
                                                                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Maybe I've just accomplished a lot in my life outside of dota so to me it's just a rewarding entertainment escape. Other areas of my life are quite fulfilled. I could see if your other areas are lacking how you might feel depressed and feel like you neglected them for dota. And in that sense yes it is a waste.

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