General Discussion

General DiscussionI belive in the 50% forced winrate (in rmm).

I belive in the 50% forced winrate (in rmm). in General Discussion

    I just got the hardest 10 games of my life (losing streak) and a then the 10 easiest games of my life (win streak) and this shit happen to me several times, i manage to climb but i can feel this broken system....
    Do you agree?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      1) the more you win, the higher your mmr
      2) the higher your mmr, the more dofficult games become
      3) the more difficult the games are, the more likely you lose
      thats the only "real" forced 50% winrate

      i remember y0nd having a 53 games winstreak when boosting some acc from mid 2ks to 4k.


        I have climbed from 3.4 to 4.4 in 2 months (and still climbing), im not talking about the skill cap but to a different feeling, like from (no matter how i play i will win this game) to (no matter how much i tryhard this game is impossible to win).


          these are just coincidence, dont make the system look more complex than it actually is

          Sugar Show

            Valve's scientific did a really good job with the mmr, after a short win-strike I'm having a lose strike, and isn't coincidence when team pick heroes that they don't know and try to learn them in ranked.


              I believe in jebus




                  Isus isis




                      Nope, it doesn't exist.


                        I lost 8 in a row recently (tilting and not enough sleep). Next few days I won 7 in a row and I am still doing by far above the lvl I play on, even though I may lose some games (like the last 2; 1 feeding mid and one leaver). I lost 500 MMR in the last few weeks (bad Internet).

                        You get losestreaks mostly because you tilt and can't stop playing (addiction).

                        You get winstreaks if you lost enough to outplay your enemies hard, because they are lower than you. Or you beat a plateau and make a huge jump in your skilllvl (rare but can happen).

                        Rest is just luck or bad luck, that evens out on a big number of games.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!