General Discussion

General Discussioni hate mid alchemists

i hate mid alchemists in General Discussion
waku waku

    look i'm not the type to complain about the terrible pub players i get and divide them into classes, but these people are a real problem. they are always the same - instapick alchemist and lock mid, manage not to right click the rune before an enemy does even if teammates help, and feed first blood before they reach level 6. and then spam chat about how they are giving up 10 minutes in the game and flame their teammates. so if you see some random person lock alchemist and mid, don't give up! cause that's what they want you to do. but make sure to report and flame them regardless of who on the enemy team goes mid


      in my experience the mid alchemist either gets acid spray level one or is too slow to get to the rune in time.



        Usually if someone pick alchemist and lock mid in my game , he will lose mid and get radiance very late. So yeah , alchemist insta lock mid is very unreliable in pub


          Cuz in pub peeps forgetting that he might need roaming babysitting support, yet he can get farm fast, but he is super fragile to ganks 1-5

          D the Superior
            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

              i do all of those things you listed (except the flaming) :horse:

              once i even forgot to level greed before taking rune and wondered why can't i buy a bottle

              but yeah, playing with alch on team isn't fun, in similar way as it was playing with or against techies
              though he's pretty entertaining and fun hero to play

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              King of Low Prio

                alchemist mid early game is dependent on supports. I had one game where my supports totally refused to help secure runes or help deal with the constant ganks mid. So I just told them we are quad laning safe lane until you do your job

                Mind Games



                    Thats why i prefer him on safe lane. U can get 5 min mealstrom or 9 min bf and take stacks. But... Games is pretty fucked up when enemies take your stacks and roam your jungle.