General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does it takes to become a professional player and career in DOTA?

What does it takes to become a professional player and career in DOTA? in General Discussion

    Hello guys, i want to ask you especially who ever played in professional/amateur DOTA2 scene but first let me tell you about my condition. I am 20 and i am in last year of my university, already playing DOTA2 for almost 3 years and my solo MMR is 3600 in SEA server(i was once at 4k but dropped again). even though my MMR is kinda ordinary but i consider myself that i know quite much about DOTA2 such as game mechanical, roles, and drafts analysis. I enjoyed playing this game so much and i wish that someday i could become a professional player participating for at least once in prestigious LAN tournament even only once in a lifetime xD. I do have a plan for future besides this thing(DOTA2), but this one is also my dream which i really want to achieve it BUT i consider this as a 'sub dream' so i am not be ambitious about have a career in DOTA2. Please help me about this. THANKS :)


      hard work


      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        i need more than that. thanks anyway!

        Dire Wolf

          3600 is like slightly above average, you will never be pro sorry


            I don't think pro dota is a realistic option for anyone below at least 5k MMR. And unless you are closer to 6k MMR you probably won't be able to get on a good team.

            My highest MMR ever had been 4.1k, but I have played in games with Fear, Demon, 1437, Febby, March, Aui_2000 and many other pros. I can assure you they all are so vastly faster and more perfect in their mechanics than I am or ever could be its hard for me to stay alive in such a game. If I am visible, I am probably about to die in the next 15 seconds.

            I remmeber Murs killing me so very many times in dota 1, while I got the better of him maybe 3 times in a hundred games back in dotacash. I played against Aui_2000 6 times in dota 1 and lost all 6 very badly. I would watch replays of those games to learn how he would always be ready to kill me and then kill my ward when I tried to place it. Even after I knew exactly what he was doing, when and how I could not stop him because he would always stun faster even if I could see him and he could not see me. If I blinked on him... he would still stun first.

            The pro players really are vastly better than the typical Very High pub player.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              2200 games, 3k mmr, dude tehre is no way u can ever go pro, no matter how much hard work u spend, im sorry to tell this to you. you might either be recognized as a good player in high mmr (5k+, where u play w/ pros), by playing well with your team (youre 3k, you wont find a good team) or by playing in inhouses (FPL) which is probably ur biggest chance. but honestly, dont bother.


                thanks for your comment relentless. i will keep that. i would love to see any comment from any professional player out there but please dont flame me hehehe.


                  ^dude no pro player will respond to this, also theyd just say the same


                    you underestimate the gap that separates 4k mmr and competitive dota.myou got a chance to go pro only if you give up on your real life and dedicate all your time to dota. i wouldnt recommend this, tbh.

                    i dont agree with relentless theory though


                      thanks mr 4head. I appreciate that so much.

                      King of Low Prio

                        They need to add more brackets to stop the 3.6k peeps from thinking they are on par with pros


                          and why would u actually want to do it? like, i had an opportunity to go pro in two different games, but I didnt even think about it and just said "no" to myself immediatly. going into professional gaming:

                          -will ruin your attitude to the game. you wont enjoy playing most of the times anymore
                          -will have negative effect on your studies and social life - no comments needed here
                          -no further perspectives. in several years (~5, I guess) dota will lose its popularity, and you will just find urself at the age of 25, without any legit job experience neither decent degree/enough skills to find a job in another field.


                            @triplesteal yeah i agree with you. i just wanted to compare myself with you guys who ever played in competitive scene or pros out there. i just want to know their opinion and experience and if they want to say the same then it will be good for me.


                              i played in amateur tournaments and its fun imo, but its not the same as actually going into pro gaming.


                                ye triple, thats why all (most) pro players study while playing pro dota. as long as you can afford going pro in dota while having decent grades, you should take the chance, otherwise, nope


                                  i think no one from competitive dota scene is posting here, besides waga promoting his youtube guides every half a year, so u wont get the responses you want, unfortunately.


                                    when dedicating so much time to gaming, u kinda have to sacrifice good grades unless you are a genius, or studying in some shitty tier3 university.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I doubt dota is going anywhere, it will have staying power. But only like 15 people in the entire world make a decent living at dota. And it's probably less than minimum wage when you consider the hours they put in. Unless you place like 8th or higher in the international, one huge toruny, or top 2 or 3 at another big valve one, you won't make hardly anything.


                                        If ur not at least high 5k without much effort then u got like 0 chance


                                          nah its fine triple. glad to know your and everybody thoughts in my thread.


                                            dude im playing all fucking day long and still git gud grades look at me, im not even doing homework #badboy


                                              “No Chess Grandmaster is normal; they only differ in the extent of their madness” (c) Viktor Korchnoi

                                              Isn't it the same in DOTA? You must be crazy like one kid from Pakistan who sold his bike to play DOTA...


                                                ^so i quit my job, school, social life and then i will become a pro dota player? nice formula 4Head




                                                    WAOW! @soultrap you are so wise man. i like the quote. thanks man!


                                                      btw who is that pakistan guy? sumail? hahah



                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          triple ur 2nd comment its pretty bullshit. playing in amateur tournaments or w/e doesnt make u a pro player. idk what u mean by "why would you want to be a pro player" lol, current c9 members get 3k$ as their monthly wage, they also make money from dota tournaments/lans etc. wave told me ritsu gave him like $300 with no reason, he just asked him, he just made it to the pro scene and doesnt give a shit about money. u will finish highschool whatever happens u just wont go to uni if u ever happen to be a pro player, and lets say u retire at the age of 25 u'll have so much money u dont even need to work, but even then if u want to just go to uni finish studies and then get a job i dont see the problem with doing this at 25+, if before that you spent your time doing something useful. arteezy himself said that once he retires from dota he will continue his studies and hope to become a doctor. zai for example, has temporarily quit dota to finish highschool, afterwards he will probably return to the scene, even though he is also currently playing as a sub for eg if im not mistaken. i have many friends who went to uni pretty late and had no problems finding jobs afterwards. and its not even about the money honestly, if i had the chance to play pro i would do it for free, im 100% sure i wouldnt even care about the money at all. sure it is there, maybe it motivates you and whatnot, but if u truly love the game you play to win, not for money
                                                          "will ruin your attitude to the game. you wont enjoy playing most of the times anymore "
                                                          do you think pro players dont like the game? wtf, they only play this game because they like it, thats what got them in the pro scene in the first place, the passion for this game
                                                          may i ask what was your opportunity of going pro in video games? i dont think anyone is dumb enough to decline this opportunity for studies and work, which is something every person with a monotone life does. and again i say, going pro means going to lans and not playing semi-competitive tournaments from home. pros are basically TI-tier

                                                          anyways, to op, if in like 2 years of playing the game (without breaks or whatever, 2 years of constant dota 2 playing) you dont reach ~6,5k-7k you probably have no chance of getting into the pro scene. but then again, mmr is not always what matters when it comes to playing competitively

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            do u have job experience?

                                                            actually u mean to say that its better to invest thousands of hours into a job with no expectations and mediocre wage instead of getting a decent degree and a normal job afterwards, where you get so much needed experience and promotions later on?

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              also the part of not enjoying the game is about me in the first place. for other ppl it may vary.

                                                              A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                $3k a month is like, shit tier

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  pro scene doesnt offer mediocre wage. also, $3k is a lot of money in our countries, for eastern europeans not even lawyers and doctors earn that much. and im pretty sure those people spend way more time studying and working to get there, than what these kids do for this money.
                                                                  then again this is not everything, u have lan winnings and possibly money you make from streaming, think arteezy/dendi/singsing/bulldog etc. all the pro players could get money from streaming if they invest time in it, but they dont really care. sodapoppin (former wow streamer) makes $3/minute if he activates the spelling robot thing on his stream. you do the math and see how much u make / week if u do that.
                                                                  that guy is filthy rich, maybe check him out if you dont know him

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    To be considered good enough you got to have at least 5.5k mmr if not 6k and even then you have so much work in front of you. To be able to earn something with Dota, you got to be at absolute top and be lucky enough to find people that are equally dedicated and believe and work for it like crazy.

                                                                    With that many hours, games and dedication already, to be only 3600 mmr it simply means you're WAY too bad to be a Pro in Dota 2.


                                                                      aight lets go deeper into this field

                                                                      a) 3k is mediocre wage for a person who is hipothetically motivated enough to be able to become tier1 dota player. you can apply same effort in another fireld, and get a good education. f.e. i suppose ill earn more than 3k$/month as my initial wage cz i got a rly decent bachellor degree.

                                                                      b) you can not get both decent degree and enough skill to go pro at the same time unless you are a genius. i am not, sadly.

                                                                      c) no one needs a 29 years old guy who just finished his studies, without job experience, believe me. thats just how this market works. the longrun consequences of giving up on education at the age of 20 are very, very strong.

                                                                      d) your wage will (most likely) increase over time, both in dota and in a normal job. the wage cap for a "normal" job is way higher, as well as the expectation of "growth rate".

                                                                      e) social attitude towards gamers is negative. and yes, it matters.

                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        ritsu is not a tier 1 dota player. t1 players have not made their salaries public. not that i know of. popular streamers make 5k-7k/month if they put time into it
                                                                        you are not supposed to get both a good degree and go pro at the same time
                                                                        you are right on c) tho with the money you make from dota 2 pro scene im pretty sure you dont need to get a job and instead invest part of the money into something that will later give a higher income (that is if you know what you're doing i'd assume, from what i've seen off my fathers business you do need a lot of strong relations)
                                                                        it is normal that the wage cap for a normal job is higher, but then again you work hard your entire life for this money while these kids travel around the world at the age of 17-27 play a fucking game, enjoy themselves and get money
                                                                        i wouldnt give a fucking shit about what society thinks about me if i was a pro player tbqh

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          how old are you

                                                                          waku waku

                                                                            triple-senpai why are you spouting bullshit like this when the average wage in our country is like just 240 dollars per month? almost literally anything would be better than staying here

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              I was a stand in for a amateur tournament guess I'm going pro


                                                                                the deviation of wages is rly huge
                                                                                being able to go pro in dota2 means you got a lot of free time and can focus in achieving what u want, as well as learn stuff quickly. applying same skills in other parts of your life, you can achieve way more than the av salary in russia. good education, decent knowledge of foreign languages and pther skills open a lot of doors you might not even think of,


                                                                                  has anyone here actually been on a real team (scrubtastic ones don't count)? I think matrice was a stand in for some tier 2 French team and won some games against real teams, but aside from that the only dotabuffer I can recall entering playing in a real tournament was zenoth and his stack in TI5 open qualifiers (if I recall correctly they got recked as soon as they were up against a pro team ). If those guys cant make it as a pro IDK how fucking good you would need to be to actually do it? Maybe if you can get a high 6k rank with out trying.


                                                                                    matrice played in ti1, and recently he played for 0respect for a while
                                                                                    vroksnak played competitively

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                      Matrice, Mason, Swiftending, Beesa, Murs, Vroksnak are all players who have been a part of the dotabuff forum and played in significant pro tournaments as standins on major teams and as regular players on minor teams. Any of them could reasonably become a well known pro player in the future.... and they are all over 6k MMR, some over 7k MMR.

                                                                                      I'm sure there are others who qualify. But the point is there are pro level players that occasionally post here.

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                        i agree with TripleSteal.

                                                                                        you can't go pro and have good grades as well. if you do that you will be a mediocre. jack of all trades, master of none. cause no matter how genius you are, the time invested in game and studies and lifes is still the same. 24 hours no more no less.

                                                                                        if you wanna go competitive it's either you gave up your life. and devoted it to dota or don't do it at all. if you willing with the sacrifices then go ahead. but if you doubt it then don't

                                                                                        sometimes when someone love music they will dedicated it to music even with less wage and payment, but they still love it. it's the same with dota

                                                                                        the matter is your passion towards something. and are you willing to sacrifice anything to do it.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          hours required to be a pro gamer is way more than 40 a week though too. Plus it's a moot point, whatever the pay is, none of us have the skills. I'd love to be a pro basketball player and make millions. Even if they made the exact same that I do at my job it'd be more fun than what I do but I'd never be good enough.


                                                                                            and this is still SPORTS. you get aged you get kicked. you won't response as fast as new kid in town.


                                                                                              no, you at least need more than 10 hours per day to pro game at DOTA. 5 hours per day will get you only to 5k-6k tier.


                                                                                                i can uni from 8 to 2-3, homework from 2-3 to 5 (when its extremely hard ultra shit level hard, usually takes ~1hour at worst) and play dota from then until i want to sleep (11-12) + on weekends however many games you want to have.
                                                                                                its retarded to say you can't have good grades and be good at dota, you can just cut off going outside very often.


                                                                                                  dont forget the vacations/holidays times when a nerd can have 20 games per day, summer etc etc


                                                                                                    good grades in decent university
                                                                                                    i mean, really decent


                                                                                                      i hardly imagine studying in harvard and spending 1-2 hrs a day tbh


                                                                                                        I'd say you can't become top tier at both education and pro gaming at the same time. Ofc you can have descent grades at average university and descent MMR, but to be that top shit cherry on the cake, you have to devote all your energy and time into one thing.

                                                                                                        And no, not every university is Harvard where you cant go half ased and have top grades, unless you're fuckin genius.