@Exemption smurf with winrate like that will not go up to 4k but probably close 3.8
@MyMorplingBringAllTheBoy... I guess oracle did make ur hidden MMR high but that abuse doesn't work anymore, 4.2k for now
@ReMemberMe 3.6k don't lose make ur wr high
@Mike Li u already know ur mmr but i guess 4.5 avg solo/party
Hey @Triple finnaly found u here. Can u now guess my calibration in this ID? I always play with 4,3K+ MMR and there is always a 5K+ or 6K player in my team and enemy.
could anyone predict my mmr please. I dont know why recently I had to play with people with lower mmr and bad attitudes, contributing to my losses. Any ideas to help me get out of my losing streak? Please help me.
^ 2600-2900
Predict me! xD
between 3000 and 3200
2.2k maybe
10 mmr ;p
predict me. cause yall suck
predict my mmr pls.. thanks
Predict pls
Predict mine pls ;)
@Exemption smurf with winrate like that will not go up to 4k but probably close 3.8
@MyMorplingBringAllTheBoy... I guess oracle did make ur hidden MMR high but that abuse doesn't work anymore, 4.2k for now
@ReMemberMe 3.6k don't lose make ur wr high
@Mike Li u already know ur mmr but i guess 4.5 avg solo/party
Predict mine. I am begging for your kindness, fools.
^ 3.7k at best
Predict my mmr pls
^3.7k below.
predict my mmr pls :D
Hailee, 2.9-3.2k MMR
how many games do i have to play to get to calibration ?
Predict me!
4.1k with that amount of games and win ratio
predict my mmr :)
Hey @Triple finnaly found u here. Can u now guess my calibration in this ID? I always play with 4,3K+ MMR and there is always a 5K+ or 6K player in my team and enemy.
Eh i guess i'll guess for u,by taking a quick look i'd say 3.8k-4.5k depending on how the calibration goes
Predict mine :)
Can u defined my account how much mmr?
I guess I'm in low bracket (2k~). Though Im not calibrated yet, how to get at least high skill bracket?.
is it by have a high kda or high winrate
could anyone predict my mmr please. I dont know why recently I had to play with people with lower mmr and bad attitudes, contributing to my losses. Any ideas to help me get out of my losing streak? Please help me.
wrong im 5k
somebody guess mine
clearly 4436mmr
guess mine anyone?
Ranked random draft is ballsy fam
please predict mine :) thankyou
3700 mmr pointerinos
predict my mmr pls
Do me guys! Onegai~ I mean predict my mmr. ;D
close, 4,7 :)
random draft > ap, less spammers
predict me
Predict me
predict mine pls :D
Can pls predict my mmr?
don't predict mine, because I still play unranked and have little intention to start ranked anytime soon.
Predict my mmr plz
Predict mine please
predict mine pls thanks
Predict mine too! :D
Predict mine plz :)
can someone predict my party mmr? please thankyou :)
Can someone predict mine?
predict mine
Could you predict my mmr?