General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone else have the feeling....

Anyone else have the feeling.... in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    ................................................................................................that i hunter is a replacement for Bogi. Like bogi stopped bitching, now suddenly that other dude appears. HIlariously again a mid 4k dude who can't see that he sucks major cock.

    Mind Games

      I love Hanter wtf are u talking about

      Giff me Wingman

        we all do, he still sucks tho.

        Mind Games

          Blunt still want my 2k alt?

          Livin' Real Good

            Yeah, he's so late on this, no one even likes talking shit about blunty anymore, as a matter a fact, most of the community on dotabuff has actually been nicer to each other, MUCH NICER then when I first started coming here. :)

            Giff me Wingman

              @Mind Games:
              Why are u posting from this acc btw? :D Did u get muted or something? Dx

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                much nicer because most insults are banned and u get banned for flaming, so they're forced to be nicer

                saving private RTZ

                  Let me guess , Mind Games is x6?

                  honestly, since x6 and wave stopped posting the forum quality went up bit, although there are like 3 guess my mmr threads every day.

                  Ofc there are always some cancerous guys like Hanter, Smaug( damn, that guy actually scared me, i mean, not scared of him, but i'm pretty sure he has some serious mental problems, probably depression, maybe he is a psychopath. Throwing death threats at someone for saying you suck with X hero is pretty disturbing) but you have to deal with.


                    I wasn't around during the days of Bogi, but surely no one can come close to Haunter's level of autism??
                    Now it seems this Blunt guy is some type of Dotabuff hero in comparison :D


                      ^ It's Hanter not Haunter, atleast get my name right you retard.

                      Miku Plays

                        rofl when i came here the amount if weaboo hate is real and melody threads hahaha

                        Giff me Wingman

                          @Ceesa: Bogi was exacly the same, trust me when i say this, hanter and old bogi are acting insanely similair, only difference is that hanters english is much better compared to bogis.

                          No, min games is Hot Sauce, actually a rather nice asian dude.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა