General Discussion

General DiscussionBest current rat hero?

Best current rat hero? in General Discussion

    So towers / objectives is the name of the game. Get rax / ancient, what do you think the BEST rat heroes are currently?

    I don't think NP is the rat king he used to be, he definitely up there though, with lycan and a couple other heroes... But one of the best rat heroes in the game that often goes overlooked IMO is....


    I've been having crazy success just straight rat / murderbot clinkz lately. Skipping orchid / sheep, even bkb sometimes, if you get 5 slotted you can backdoor t3's and rax, plus he is slippery, contributes to teamfights, and is just an all around boss pusher.

    I honestly think he is arguably the FASTEST tower / rax pusher in the game with the right item builds. Anyways curious to hear other's thoughts.


      meepo for crazy spectacular ratting, and antimage if you want best spli-pusher


        AM is good at split pushing, but he doesn't take towers down very fast. Meepo can but he isn't the best at getting out of a push.

        The thing I like about clinkz, is you can get in, burn a tower FAST, and gtfo.


          lycan i wud tihnk
          hes good against am and spec aswell
          clinkz is defnitely guud as well

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Riguma Borusu

            legion with BoTs if you get tons of bonus damage and shit like AC.


              Tiny with Aghs takes down buildings like nothing.

                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა



                    @kitrat, obviously you do more than just rat.

                    But when opportunity presents itself certain heroes can punish towers / rax like no others.

                    Heroes with strong rat are pretty much the only heroes that can take a definitive loss and turn it into a 1v5 solo win no matter how epicly useless their team is.

                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                        Anti-Mage, SF. if that what you called ratting, when opportunity arises they can trade tower or force enemy to defends.

                        yung griphook

                          NP with an aghs is hard to deal with..


                            I would also say NP with aghs and Necrominion

                            Also AM


                              Np with aghs-refresh-travel-silveredge-deso-ac-moonshard

                              Would be the ultimate rat. I mean unless you have a storm you will never be able to catch him and well aghs is now cancerous as fuck.

                              Sexo Meister

                                Wolf is at your door

                                Sexo Meister


                                  Tiny can lol


                                    Ursa, gets taht attack speed buff for maximum tower pushing



                                      took every tower myself man. while the rest of my team was turtling and yelling at me to coome with them to fight I just kept ratting


                                        only triple had the correct answer. bots meepo with agility items is number one the best/faster ratter.


                                          Heroes like am, tinker can clear creep fast and escape very well, but their tower damage is not really good.
                                          Meepo clears creeps fast and deals a lof of tower damage, but his escape is not so good (stun, silence).
                                          Clinkz deals a of tower damage and pretty OK escape, but he does not clear creep fast enough.


                                            Best Rat is lycan with necro and vlads ac + deso.

                                            Best pushing hero is Tiny with aghs

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              i dont agree with the meepo rat pusher cos hes more valuable in team fights. Thats what u mainly pick him for. U dont need to rat with him cos he's situational pick against teams with not much aoe. He is also much ezier to kill than am or np.


                                                the thing about rat meepo is that if they come for you they only have the cooldown of poof to reach you before you have tp'ed elsewhere. and if they have got to you in time for a stun if it isn't aoe then they are going to get rekt by the other 4 meepos. they had also better not come alone...

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  Well i dunno but in VHS ranked games ppl only wait for u to be alone.

                                                  They get rekt by 4 other meepos in theory. In reality its only possible with good gpm and xpm advantage to face 1-2 heroes who tp back to gank u or def tower. But when u have such advantage with meepo u dont rat. U go straight middle tower and dont give a damn bout enemies. When u rat u rarely have good vision if you are about to get ganked or not. With NP u just hit Silver edge and get back, if u get dusted u can try q'ing yourself and tping back home. U have 2 much faster options not to get ganked than meepo. Its also ezier to prevent meepo from escaping by silence/stun. Ofc u can do same against NP but u dont have to micro him which makes it much ezier. Try your tactic on VHS bracket. Post replay.


                                                    "Try your tactic on VHS bracket. Post replay."

                                                    Sure. can you lend me your account please?


                                                      Sure, also feel free to transfer my void immortals to your acc.

                                                      Account: Lex
                                                      Password: itsaprank


                                                        Lex, this is one of the game that I got rekt at early game as Meepo. The other team took all my stacks and kill me 4 times at mid. If I did not rat, I would have lost the game

                                                        I'm 5k4 MMR playing that on normal game. But as far as I can tell, my normal games are even more high level than ranked games.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          pa because you can't see her on minimap

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            i see all these tards on dotabuff theorycrafting their asses off and then i go to nadota and see this

                                                            Mind Games

                                                              I'mgonna invite my n2gga sounrice to do some real good shitposting Allison wanna come?

                                                              Giff me Wingman


                                                                WTF Allison :D

                                                                Mind Games

                                                                  I would love to reiterate Kitrak's forst point over and over again, please you r4tards start playing real manly DOTA.

                                                                  Easily trhe best thing you can contribute to the community.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    lycan is the best. TB used to be. Poor, poor TB

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      just woke up

                                                                      Mind Games

                                                                        Good morning bby

                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          isnt sunris banned i just assume he is whenever hes not posting
                                                                          u never kno when da polis comes TriHard

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                            Legion with 150+ Duel Damage and Deso and Armlet
                                                                            with Legion W, Legion by far is the best pusher.
                                                                            Legion can lick the ancient and win

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                yeah but legion doesn't start as a pusher, has to win duels to do it. Lycan can go 0-0-0 and win matches. TB used to be able ot as well, actually I did it once (two deaths from jungle suicides to creeps)



                                                                                  I'm pretty sure it's NP with Aghs+Octarine or Naga Siren. In terms of killing towers Lycan/Tiny/Meepo, probably still TB even after the nerf.

                                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                                    Tiny is good because he got good wave clear and huge tower dmg although he lacks mobility.

                                                                                    You dont pick clinkz with the mindset you will get behind/have to rat, you either crush midgame or die to the enemy carry in 2 hits.

                                                                                    Clinkz is also not a very good farmer, so yea, u need to get kills.
                                                                                    AM for example can always splitpush more effective because he will get his items like butterfly or smth while with clinkz u need kills cause you cant farm.

                                                                                    Meepo is very good also, maybe one of the best. Great wave clear, great tower damage, great escape( idk what you talking about, he can still poof away, though he needs 1 meepo to be in a safe place)
                                                                                    I never understood how lycan push so fast with just necro, no attack speed on him or smth, but yea, he melts tower. That feral impulse on necro and howl give insane damage.

                                                                                    TB used to be very good although lacking mobility, but he could fight 1v2 so often teams would have to TP 3+ more people but now i think he is weak.

                                                                                    NP with aghs actually puts a lot of pressure on the map, although its an itrm thay doesnt allow you to do anything but splitpush so is a very one sided build like Necro-Aghs-OC.


                                                                                      Terrorblade of course. He's at least a top 5 carry this patch.


                                                                                        BoT manta TB, BoT BF Jugger (spin-port one of the best escapes in the game), S&Y Troll (too fast to catch, fervor+battle trance melts down towers), manta drow, and ofcourse, naga and AM, who are actually built for the job

                                                                                        wind and lycan too, but I tend to have better results with these two if I actively fight and not run around rat-pushing.

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          A lot of heroes can rat well but that doesn't mean they are rat heroes. Like tiny and medusa and sven. All have great wave clear and good dmg when farmed to kill towers with. But that doesn't make them rats.

                                                                                          Rat implies a hero who can just farm rat items and excels and ratting and pushing but not fighting. You guys are listing every carry who does good tower dmg and has wave clear. I mean is slark a rat cus he can clear with his Q?

                                                                                          Lycan's an ideal rat cus all he needs is necro book and travel boots and he can 1v5 teams. TB was similar, just travels and yasha. Harder now. Naga needs travels and radiance. NP idk I never play him.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                                                            Well medusa obv isnt a rat, more of a tank.
                                                                                            tiny actually, unless you are ahead i find to be a much better splitpusher than fighter, too ez kiteable.

                                                                                            And btw AM is a rat, like, truly what a rat means, drow can be a rat, like almost same concept as TB,.

                                                                                            You dont have to suck at fighting to be a rat, that would be such a weak hero,