General Discussion

General DiscussionU feed I throw - what do u guys do

U feed I throw - what do u guys do in General Discussion

    When i play support and my carries can't do jackshit and dive and die i have every right to throw
    WHen i play carry and my support get greedy and do not buy wards at all, i have every right to blame them for lack of wards.

    What are your opinions on this kind of behaviour


      git gud


        @hotsalza not this again. I really wnt to know honestly.


          Never intentionally feed. I've seen comebacks in even the most hopeless situations.

          Why join, if abandon?

            @vietjesusdota i think every knowledgeable player on dota right now picks a core role knowing that their team will be 100% useless, and getting anything out of them is a bonus.


              Smurf, report.

              Sexo Meister


                Krazy Kat

                  if you are support and your carries suck, you are failing as a support.

                  If you are carry and your supports don't buy wards, buy them yourself.


                    ^ normal skill bracket with 39% win rate guys all listen to him.

                    LMFAO you actually feed in every fucking game L0L

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      That's exactly what I told myself when I was back in 2.7k

                      Comeback can be real with the right picks, like late game picks which can actually defend high ground and keep the pressure on, then get useful as time goes on, and wins. Or people who are actually capable of doing things can be on your side too while the other team has none, just that your 1 or 2 guy happened to be shit. By throwing hard it is effectively 3v7 for your other members instead of 4v6.

                      If he keeps throwing himself into fights he can't win (eg: YOLO rush into 1v5), don't bother helping him if you see little chance in getting anything out of that fight. Tell your team members this so if he dives himself in, he dies alone. People will eventually learn to group up not go in 1v5 like Rambo, unless he intentionally feeds.

                      Git gud


                        ^ oh my is he a feed bot or something


                          ^ ^
                          Wtf o0
                          Looks like my profile isn't the worst apparently

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            I need some kind of release after few games full of monkey tards in my team. What do you guys advice me to do if i see the weight is too heavy to carry? Do i sell my items, do i go mid and die, just afk?


                              @4HEAD I feel you bro, there are games like that and everyone will be victimized by it. But how you deal with it is the key.

                              Like if they are all early-mid games hero snowballing and you have 5 carries who can't farm anything, while the enemies are 3-4 items up, there is certainly no hope. However it doesn't provide you the justification to afk, not because you can win, but you shouldn't. Even if the game is going to be lost, don't go afk as it justifies your teammates to report you. Feeding does the same thing, and you will be penalized for being the only person able to analyze the whole situation and see the loss coming. Just walk around without feeding, probably get 1 or 2 creep just for the exp, then move on. If you are the carry however, try farming but not dying.

                              Game is hard, so is life.


                                @VietjesusDota terrible attitude tbh. Obviously some games are just not winnable, but to intentionally feed or throw is just poor form. Fight till the end, or just abandon because you are wasting everyone elses time otherwise.


                                  Feeding and throwing intentionally is pathetic and make you look like a 12 y.o kid raging. Flaming someone is the way to go if u r raging hard

                                  Hide The Pain - Herald

                                    There is always a chance for comeback... always...

                                    Someone may dc, opponents may crumble and fight each other (internal conflict), you may get 1 good opponent team wipe.

                                    Bottom line is just play your game, if your losing so be it focus on what you have to do.


                                      @Krazy Kat - Mother of god, do u play dota with ur elbows or some shit?


                                        @Krazy Kat - that is just wow. Amazing. And those ranked games wins attepmts.