General Discussion

General DiscussionThe best radiance holder

The best radiance holder in General Discussion


    Or other?
    No naga and spectre please

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Invoker Ghost Walk + Radiance xD


        If I can't pick spectre which would be my choice , I'd say wraith king for heros I usually play , not talking about heros I don't play regularly .


          naga siren for top1, spectre for top2. others not even close.

          but if for some reason you exclude these two, i would vote for wk. on abaddon it barely makes any sense, on alchemist it is okay, but still worse than on wk imo.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            Why radiance on wk is viable?


              Dont know, it just works ^_^
              well theorically its because wk is hard to kill and can get this item relatively early without losing his relevance for the team, cz hes strong even with poor items at the early stage of the game just bcz of his tankiness and skillset.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Lol it just work😂. Well ty for the explanation

                plz do

                  phoenix, enigma :>

                  Riguma Borusu

                    riki L:3333 <3 <3


                      Bristleback is decent. Weaver is also not a bad radiance holder. I personally only would build it on WK, Spectre, Naga, maybe Alchemist.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Centaur after tranquils blink probably, timbersaw after bs

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          It's good because it makes you have to focus WK because the constant DPS and miss chance is annoying.


                            No, definetely no.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              If you have 5k gold and are not buying (another) heart on centaur, you're doing it wrong.

                              The Ice Truck Killer

                                What about on Bristle? If you don't focus him, he'll be applying constant DPS on you and your team and if you do focus him, he does what he does best, run around kiting (all the while still applying radiance burn) not to mention the miss chance makes it harder to kill him and makes it harder to kill his teammates if you ignore him. Probably not viable but Glimmer + Radiance could be a thing maybe? You have something similar to evasion and additional magic resistance, invis to dodge spells early game/help kiting.

                                Radiance, Glimmer, Force, Shivas, Greaves, Necro3 or something (as secondary dps carry, dire offlane or radiant aggressive trilane)

                                Manaboots > (clear stacks with quills and mana boots) Radiance > Greaves
                                then decide on whether supports can get glimmer/solar crest/forcestaff
                                If you don't need to get those, get Necro3 if you're winning or shivas if it's even (don't get necro3after this point unless as a 7th-9th item)
                                Get Octarine Core or Heart or Lotus

                                Саске Утиха



                                    Ya besides spectre and naga for obvious reasons , it's very strong on wk , first off wk builds radiance fairly easily compared to some other heros, secondly wk will apply a lot of burn due to two life's and people usually don't want to focus you but radiance forces this , thirdly the damage is nice for ur crits and lastly wk has decent str gain so the evasion is nice , getting early radiance on wk turns him into a teamfiggt monster . Edit and on top of that wk is a decently strong carry that benefits from the increase farming speed of radiance .

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      No naga or spectre?

                                      Then it have got to be Bristleback, Sand King, Phoenix, WK. LOA

                                      Edited: +Razor.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                      Zouzou eben khelte



                                          talking about high mmr brackets, no one any decent on the hero ever purchases radiance on:
                                          Bristle, timbersaw, enigma, doom, SK, Phoenix, Razor, Centaur, Abaddon

                                          just a tip - dont do it.

                                          the actual radiance holders are:
                                          Naga Siren (must have if core)
                                          Spectre (close to must-have)
                                          WK (just a good item for him)
                                          LD (although recently most ppl go for mjollnir, probably cz of aghs upgrade)
                                          BS (sometimes viable, but not rly often)
                                          Terroblade (questionable, most players go for other items)
                                          Alchemist (rather viable, basically u have to chose whether to go for BF or radiance)
                                          Pl (the rad build is kinda rly weird, but exists. you can compare it to spec's mom build in these terms)

                                          for the other heroes it is extremely situational (brew, necro, brood, undying).

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            Venomancer with Aghs +Shivas + Veil + Refresher + Radiance RAMPAGE time potentially
                                            Match 1846907457 Heres a game I won with Rads on Veno 4v5(had a really weird build, Linkens, Rads, Necro 3, Blademail, Maelstrom, Travels) this game also features a Phoenix Rads holder on enemy lol

                                            Tried Rads on troll and Legion wrecks if you snowballing.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              Death Prophet is actually not bad with radience, but you rarely see people build her wisely anyway, so...

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Lone druid's bear
                                                Omni knight if you want to be a real troll but it works if going carry omni
                                                Doom, stacked with hellfire walking dps machine


                                                  Thanks for the tip.

                                                  But this question really depends on the context on whether it is in game normal item progression or full 6 slotted hypothetical scenario.

                                                  Al lot of heroes mentioned like Bristleback, Sand King, Phoenix, WK. LOA, Razor, BS, LD, Veno, Necro, Omni all have good synergy in their skill set with radiance. But it is not always viable for them to buy radiance in a normal game.

                                                  I am not so sure about PL and TB due to their illusion change. Crit and butterfly may provide more dps for them in theory.

                                                  Keke LM



                                                      one of the top PL spammers (TAKI) get radiance seemingly as a replacement for butterfly.


                                                        ^^ just for cheeseing people with ancient infest ?

                                                        IDK why people are putting radiance on bristle back, sand king, or timber. That shit is just silly.

                                                        Bristle just wants to get tank items, if he stays alive in the middle of a fight then he wins, no need from more damage, same with timber (except he needs mana too).

                                                        SK wants mobility, he has no need for sustained damage or more farming speed, he needs to get in stun + ult and then get out in a fight. If he sits in the middle of a fight waiting for radiance damage to do something he is going to die really fast.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          "naga siren for top1, spectre for top2. others not even close."

                                                          pretty sure alch is the best radiance carrier right now. maybe spec better but yea

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            For Bristle, Radiance do provide some sort of physical EHP. +dmg has good synergy with goo. If you are 6 slotted with radiance and is able to stay in team fight for 8 sec, that is already shit ton of aoe damage provided by radiance.

                                                            For a 6 slotted Sank King, ult blink stun shiva bkb sand storm + radiance do provide some shit ton of aoe damage. You should be able to milk at least 4 sec of damage from radiance. The evasion help your team to prolong fight while you hide in sand storm. If the fight drag on, you will be able to milk more radiance damage. If either team disengage, you can help to re-engage / cut-off with blink stun --> more radiance damage.

                                                            The bottom line is that beside Naga and Spectre, good radiance holders are generally those who are tanky and/or can prolong the team fight. I would think this criteria is not surprising to all.


                                                              alchemist from your list

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                You could absolutely get radiance on doom in a normal game, you will be squishy though and need to eat the armor creeps. And probably skip midas to farm it in time.

                                                                Carry abbadon it's not weird at all.

                                                                Carry omni it's not weird either, it's carry omni that's weird lol.

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  for alchemist, it is often substituted with BF. for spectre, we seldom see no-radiance builds (=via diffusals), and for naga sirena as core players choose radiance in 99% of games.
                                                                  yes, rad on alche is good, but it can be played(and is often played) without it. but we cant apply similar statement to spectre and naga siren tho.

                                                                  alchemist is in top5 without doubts tho, mb better than wk.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    Ok triplesteal, what do you mean by high mmr bracket and being decent on those heroes?


                                                                      well, let's say 5k+ players who arent playing this hero for the first time, or competitive dota. in terms of itemization there is no much difference here,

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        @taokdoro, you don't get much physical EHP from radiance (compaired to other items) and If you really want more damage on bristleback something like AC makes more sense.

                                                                        about SK, When do you get 6 slotted on the hero before the other team has BKBs? Yes you can insta stun someone before they turn it on, but then you are getting 2 sec of damage, not 4. If you have sheep + shiva's + force staff + blink + BoT + BkB/VoD on a 6 slotted Sk you don't have room for radiance.

                                                                        What are you going to swap out for it? Not force or blink, you wont be able to even get into a spot where you do anything with out those. Not BoTs. Shiva's? BKB? you wont live long enough for Radiance to do anything with out those? If you don't need BKB then you will get more damage out of VoD then a radiance (assuming you can even live for 4 seconds in the middle of the other team). So how about Sheep? Well the whole other team Has BKBs by the time you are 6 slotted on SK, so the only way you are doing any damage is if you can lock people down before they turn their BKBs on, which means you need sheep to do more then 2 seconds of magic damage to anyone.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          I once had a game where necro went ancients and had radience at minute 15, he then spammed our Naga (safelane carry) not to build radience because "he already has one and it does not stack". I just don't see how you'd play the fucking carry naga without radience, it's the greatest fucking strength the hero has.


                                                                            radiance at 15 is pretty fast to be fair. anyway the naga still could have gotten it because necro is not going to be following her 24/7 and doesn't have the split push capability that naga has.

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              ^he had radiance and was bootless, and already fed some gold to bounty. Ancients necro, also shit skill build and he lost us the game by being useless.


                                                                                Lifestealer infesting big ancient golem?

                                                                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                    spectre 0r cl0ckw0rk 0f c0urse


                                                                                      No naga and spectre... those 2 heroes make radiance a viable item


                                                                                        I infested golem with naix radiance before it wAs pretty fun.


                                                                                          Spectre,Naga and Wk are the best for Radi


                                                                                            Try Necro radiance if u can get it fast :D


                                                                                              Pl .. centaur..


                                                                                                Ember spirit.


                                                                                                  It's very good on Bristleback, but not rushed out of the gate. You should go armor and health items for sustain in teamfights and spam quills. Radiance as a 5th or 6th item is very good though.



                                                                                                    Miku Plays



                                                                                                        earth spirit