General Discussion

General Discussionhow to improve to reach 6k?

how to improve to reach 6k? in General Discussion

    well i am somehow stucked on ~5300. its like no matter how much i play, i cant get more mmr.

    is there anything what i can do different to get the last 700mmr?

    i mean there must be a difference between 6k players and 5k players


      6k players do the same things as 5.3k players, but significantly faster and more consistently... fewer errors at top speed.

      For you personally, you will need to spam TA and Tiny, with Ember as a situational option. But I think it would be hard for you to go up another 700 MMR from your current position.

      +200 to 400 MMR spamming your best heroes shouldn't be too hard.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        6k players do the same things as 5.3k players, but significantly faster and more consistently...

        this is so wrong. Whats wrong with you?

        the realm's delight



            "this is so wrong. Whats wrong with you?"

            He's 3k player, how do you even take what he says seriously and be surprised by it :D

            From what i saw so far 6k players understanding of game is just on higher lvl, they lane better, know the hero to the smallest detail, see kills where 5.3k wouldnt, etc. The biggest difference is in the decision making or game knowledge imho.

            Putins Price Hike

              There is no difference because 5k and 6k players are just like 2k players. There is only 2 tiers. PRO and everyone else

              Free Ice-Cream

                Aui_2000 has a few videos where he explains the difference between 3k up to 6k mmr players, check it out dude!


                  Can you link a video, i sadly cant find it on youtube.

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                    Free Ice-Cream

                      I think its this one:


                      Just have a look at his videos, if thats not it its not a train smash, all his videos have alot of detail/explanation, take the time took check out his channel it has good insight

                      IM NOT AUI_2000 FANGAY,

                      Free Ice-Cream

                        from what Aui_2000 says, i think you have to sit down and read up about topics such as sync heros, patch notes - new metas, study plays etc. spend more time on that.


                          Some people at many MMR levels know the game very well. Some people at many levels don't know what they are doing. Actually pro's know the heroes they play well but not necessarily all the heroes. I've seen plenty of pro teams pick strats that are really dumb, or lanes that are doomed to fail.

                          Ive seen people in 6k games feed and pick stupid builds, intentionally throw the game, walk up-hill into fog and teamwipe... not have tp scrolls when they need them. Everyone screws up tp scroll use. Navi even lost T3 grand finals on failed tp scroll use, trying to port back when S4 puck was in position to stop them.

                          There are a few things that faster players do understand about the game that slower ones cannot comprehend, but those are all about the nuances of how the timing "feels" and seeing the right position at just the right moment. They have nothing to do with explanatory knowledge, decision making or strategy. Any 2k player could do the same things 6k players do in a typical pub game if the speed was cut to 1/4 so they had time to see and think about it.

                          I understand this very well because I have similar advantages in other areas. I once completed an hour long history exam (multiple choice) in 3 minutes and got a 100% score. No else in the class got over 90% and no one else finished in less than 30 min. Why? because I'm "smarter"??? no There were not any difficult questions on the test, just knowledge of facts. Its just because it takes me almost no time at all to read and comprehend the questions and answer them.. while everyone else was much slower. Most people make mistakes like this because they are going to fast and miss-read or misunderstood the questions - in retrospect you say "OH how stupid I was! why did I do that?" It's just because you could not go slow enough to have the time to get it right.

                          The same thing happens in dota 2, and everything else in life. If you had time to stop and think about what you are doing you would not make almost all the mistakes you make. But you don't have time. So people who can perceive and process the relevant kind of information faster are better at a task. If you want to call that being smarter, it's your choice... but the only thing a player trying to win or not die, or get a kill doesn't "understand" that causes them to fail is precisely what can be done and precisely when and how to do it.

                          There is nothing in dota 2 that is especially complicated or difficult to understand. Almost all players are capable of understanding the entire game. But its to fast for them to see what is really happening, make a good choice, and act on it. Those of you who continue to lack self-awareness and understanding of how your abilities compare to the abilities or others are childlike - your self-centered nature deceives you so you can't understand why you or others do or think and feel what you do.

                          Of course, the habits of a 3k player, the tactics, the decisions are all dramatically inferior to a 5k player. But this has nothing to do with understanding the game intellectually. It has to do with perception. The lower MMR players do not play the game you play. They do not play the game they are actually in... they play a game that is an approximation of the real game, they react and choose based on the approximation. A player who can perceive the game better has a better approximation of what is really happening as each fraction of a second ticks by.

                          You can tell a low skill player to check the mini-map all you want, but he can't do it. He certainly can't be map-aware, lasthit, deny, harass, and check items. But a Very High skill player can do those things, and a pro player can do them much more perfectly.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                              Inb4 Relentless theory crafting

                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                  guys such walls of text, do you actually read each other's comments or you just write based on assumption? 4Head

                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                      and idk about theorycrafting but 3 bashers wk is legit

                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                          why is this guy back


                                            back cuz he black TriHard


                                              One thing is understanding why some pro player buys an item or make a build he makes. And the completely different thing is to know what to buy in a game when you're playing it yourself and clearly Relentless doesnt have a clue what he's doing. Maybe he's ok at analyzing others, but doing it yourself - that's what actually counts most and that's where he lacks A TON of actual knowledge, experience and skill.

                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                  beld do you mean kitrak or relentless

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    Relentless got rekt. Wp Kitrak.

                                                    That guy is really.. meh.

                                                    Like, sometimes you need to know when enough is enough. You can't just say stupid shits when you never played even in 4.5k game.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      @op well my 6k friends says its generally map sense and positioning issues


                                                        there are a lot of aspects in this game, and ur overall skill involves all of them. you cant say that THIS one aspect is what makes 5k players become 6k. you can be better than 5ks due to better mechanics, better decision-making, better picks understanding or whatever else comes to ur mind.

                                                        on topic: i wish i knew xD
                                                        git gud mb? i can easily apply same question to myself (the difference is that im a 5.3k and dont want to get to 6k though), and if I needed it, I would probably say I should work on the common mistakes I make (constand iverextanding in my case), stop playing automatically and try to force myself to apply my brain to the game, improve laning stage, and extend hero pool.


                                                          decision-making is the core though

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            relentless is just a big 4Head honestly. i never thought anyone took him seriously

                                                            the realm's delight

                                                              oy look cdec picked drow mid vs lina. waiting for benao to explain why drow is supposed to win the lane 4Head


                                                                Really ralentless?


                                                                  I'm having the time of my life reading what irrelevantless is saying lmfao this is fucking gold.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    tomia: is it really hard to see which one is a retard and which one is kitrak?


                                                                      Kitrak your entire thought process about this thread is based on logical fallacies and false assumptions.

                                                                      You don't like my item choices for games I recently played => I must not know dota 2... that's inane. Did I say those were the best items for those heroes? Did you watch the games to understand why I got the items I did when I got them?

                                                                      Your presumption makes you sound like a fool. Did you see how we won the VS game because I got the eblade and used it to stop ursa from turning the final critical teamfight - a surprise item choice that chain disabled him so he did zero attacks before dieing? This went directly to a teamwipe and killing the ancient... But you, stupidly, think its bad...

                                                                      You don't want me to embarrass you further by explaining the other choices, you clearly don't have any interest in listening to any opinion but your own. You believe you have nothing to learn from me because you have a higher MMR. Do you know enough basic reasoning skills to realize this is a logical fallacy?

                                                                      Shred I've played in 7k games.... I have in fact, defeated pro players in pub games in dota 1 and dota 2. But that is irrelevant. I could be a 1k MMR, terrible dota player and everything I say would still be true. The veracity of statements do not depend on authority of the author, its a basic logical fallacy.

                                                                      Frankly Kitrak the fact that you think there ARE some things in dota that are complicated or difficult to understand is a measure of your own very low ability to understand complex systems, arguments, and interactions. Dota is easy to understand. You just think its hard because you personally don't get it.


                                                                      Also ty to Hanter for correctly identifying the purpose of this dissertation. Enjoy.

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა


                                                                          Ignore everything I wrote. Just explain me why would you pick battlefurry on BS, and how you ended up with 170 CS in 40 min game with it/

                                                                          Thank yo0


                                                                            Ok, well I got Bfury because, we had already won the game, in which I primarily played support and I wanted to push in the lane faster at the end to move on to the next game and had a lot of extra gold.

                                                                            Do you see how I have 3k heals on BS? that's all on Spectre to accelerate his farm and get him back into fights quickly.

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                              IMO they tryhard more

                                                                              im stuck in 5k-5.3k, but I don't deserve 6k

                                                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                  i actually dont feel like dota is an easy game, sometimes it still surprises me (shoutout to path-finding), and I dont rly have a deep knowledge of certain aspects (f.e. i got zero clue about how the position of juggernaut after he ends omnislashing is determined; he appears close to his last target, but at which side?).

                                                                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                        As Kitrak already said, there's no reason to get BF on BS. Actually, even in your situation, that's just trying to seek for excuse actually.

                                                                                        By all means, Dota 2 ain't easy game to figure out. Everyone who thinks different needs to think about it twice.


                                                                                          Well, you see... the "retards" at 3.1k where those games were played actually do get true sight, always. Games lacking much detection are typically sub 2k games. But you are completely ignorant of what happens at lower MMRs because you (a) never play or watch them and (b) are a close minded, bigoted, elitist.

                                                                                          Medallion is a cheap desolater substitute with mana. It works well with a NP + aghs gyro against the threat of chronospheres and such. I could not man fight void and tiny. Split push was much better and in fact WON THE GAME nub.

                                                                                          Yes, Kitrak it is completely unsurprising that in the face of a rational demolition of your statements you cry out in desperation, pain, and helplessness for an authority to "ban this guy" from speaking. Such is always the path of those who cannot compete in the arena of ideas.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                            ban this guy


                                                                                              The Luna game my whole team abandoned at 15 min, and I microed all 5 heroes for another 15 min... sadly I lost my divine rapier to a timely blademail. Getting bkb would have been better, but really I was just going to lose this game no matter what I did. The shadow blade was more fun. 1200 gpm Luna is just not enough to win 1 v 5 when they have an ES.

                                                                                              Its just not possible to win all games... take my last game with a 30% winrate Lina solo mid and a 0% winrate lifestealer afk jungling his 15 min hand of midas only build. I even walked by and helped him several times with wave of terror and saved him twice from feeding early... but he still couldn't do anything right.

                                                                                              Nevertheless if I was faster we might have pulled off a win even so. There were a couple chances to stun people under tower early that I missed from lack of mechanical skill - if I hit them, maybe we could have snowballed the PA enough to overcome the feeders in the other two lanes.

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                                  Relentless has always been a fan of the theory that pure mechanical skill is the main difference between skill levels which is just 100% wrong


                                                                                                    And also saying 2ks would play like 6ks if the time slowed down is just absurd lols, most 2k players wouldnt play at 6k level even if they thought about their actions for 1 month


                                                                                                      Everytime I see kitrak on a thread he's just talking shit about people not being very high skill and saying they're wrong cause their MMR is not high enough or something. Get over yourself bro. ROFL.

                                                                                                      Somebody can be right about something regardless of their MMR. You look retarded.

                                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                        i would say the same if i would smurf and not even get vhs bracket