General Discussion

General DiscussionCoaching = worth it?

Coaching = worth it? in General Discussion

    There are plenty of topics on a weekly basis where people are looking for coaches.
    Is it actually worth it, if you think about it?

    So really, what is coaching?
    It's a short term investment, you are paying money for someone to show you your mistakes.
    What is the point in doing it, if there are replays/vods of pros available for FREE.

    It's not like you are going to be become a better player in the long term; if you get coached you'll be self aware of certain mistakes, but you won't develop the attitude of being self critical (i'm referring to people whose № of games played exceeds their mmr).

    I always thought the merit in dota was self improvement, but coaching just defeats the whole notion is probably the dumbest way of spending your money. Better get boosed than give money to some retard so he shows you your own mistakes.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    < blank >

      I think it goes faster when somebody tell you about tread switching for example than if you find it out by yourself
      So coaching = faster information that you don't need to find and read

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        ^but you can easily find a list of such tips in the intenets by urself


          all up in the interwebs


            wow who is that ugly motherf ucker in the picture LMAO


              thats me.....

              lm ao

                Beautiful right? These 2 studly Dota2 players

                lm ao

                  Hey where's Megapenis? I am his equally beautiful offspring Megapeenoise

                  < blank >

                    Hot Sauz <3 Big J


                      u look cute boi


                        I wanted to have a L E G I T I M A T E D I S C U S S I O N
                        thanks guys


                          ayy lmao troop scooping by

                          lm ao

                            If you want to nab some quick money, then coaching is the way to go.

                            Hey Moku if you are not busy can you coach me how to play Templar Assasin 1 day? Thanks


                              it's worth when you literally can't see anything other than the obvious or when you want to learn a hero. slahser has a video talking about this, I fully agreed with him.

                              < blank >

                                I T R I E D , I F A I L E D , I L O S T

                                lm ao

                                  Or are you actually saying its you who want to get coached Mokujin?


                                    I can't coach you because
                                    1) i am shit
                                    2) i don't have dota installed

                                    lm ao

                                      You didn't answer question:^^

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        No, also how did you find a picture of me from 1 year ago?


                                          coaching is worth it if u r lazy to learn stuff by urself or dont know what you need to learn
                                          objectively its not worth money investment though

                                          the realm's delight

                                            every night i dream you're still hereee the ghsost by my sideee, so perfectly clear, when im awake, you disappear, back to the shadows with all i hold dear, with all i hold dear, i dream you're still hereee

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              ^"all i hold is deer" u mean?


                                                coaching is really worth it for 4ks who wanna get 5k since they seem to have a mental barrier
                                                if people dont know how to play the game (sub 3k) its not worth it since they lack iq


                                                  everyone was at sub 3k level one day

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    It's like saying, why would you pay someone to teach you how to write, read, play piano etc.

                                                    Answer is simple, saving time.

                                                    lm ao

                                                      I always believe in more practical decisions. Coming from a third-world country, I would find DOTA2 coaching a pointless, unnecessary and expensive method of improving better when you could just get good in some cheaper ways

                                                      lm ao

                                                        Its not worth it to pay for something that doesnt help you get what to eat for today or pay you the bills. Especially DOTA. C'mon virtually everybody playing DOTA 2 was dreaming hard of becoming a professional and kickin Dendi's ass in the midlane for some point of his life.


                                                          u cant generalize it like that. there is lets say nuclear physics, and then there is your new iphone or whatever. you can learn one thing only with pros' help, but you can easily understand how to use ipod on ur own or using some guides. dota is closer to iphones imo.

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            I can, someone had to get to the point of understanding nuclear physics, but i get your point. But you should also agree with my point. The only reason why you would want a coach is to get better at the game faster. Instead of taking multiple years, people rather want to get there in a couple of weeks.

                                                            lm ao

                                                              "Worth It"
                                                              (feat. Kid Ink)

                                                              Give it to me, I'm worth it
                                                              Baby, I'm worth it
                                                              Uh huh I'm worth it
                                                              Gimme gimme I'm worth it
                                                              Give it to me, I'm worth it
                                                              Baby, I'm worth it
                                                              Uh huh I'm worth it
                                                              Gimme gimme I'm worth it

                                                              [Kid Ink:]
                                                              OK, I tell her bring it back like she left some-
                                                              Bring it bring it back like she left some-
                                                              In the club with the lights off
                                                              Whatchu acting shy for?
                                                              Come and show me that you're with it with it with it with it with it
                                                              Stop playing, now you know that I'm with it with it with it with it with it with it
                                                              Whatchu acting shy for?

                                                              Just gimme you, just gimme you
                                                              Just gimme you, that's all I wanna do
                                                              And if what they say is true
                                                              If it's true, I might give me to you
                                                              I may talk a lot of stuff
                                                              Guaranteed, I can back it up
                                                              I think I'm a call you bluff
                                                              Hurry up, I'm waitin' out front

                                                              Uh huh, you see me in the spotlight
                                                              "Ooh I love your style"
                                                              Uh huh show me what you got
                                                              'Cause I don't wanna waste my time
                                                              Uh huh see me in the spotlight
                                                              "Ooh I love your style"
                                                              Uh huh show me what you got now
                                                              Come and make it worth my while

                                                              Give it to me, I'm worth it
                                                              Baby, I'm worth it
                                                              Uh huh I'm worth it
                                                              Gimme gimme I'm worth it
                                                              Give it to me, I'm worth it
                                                              Baby, I'm worth it
                                                              Uh huh I'm worth it
                                                              Gimme gimme I'm worth it

                                                              It's all on you, it's all on you
                                                              It's all on you, so what you wanna do?
                                                              And if you don't have a clue
                                                              Not a clue, I'll tell you what to do
                                                              Come harder just because
                                                              I don't like it, like it too soft
                                                              I like it a little rough
                                                              Not too much, but maybe just enough

                                                              Uh huh, you see me in the spotlight
                                                              "Ooh I love your style"
                                                              Uh huh show me what you got
                                                              'Cause I don't wanna waste my time
                                                              Uh huh see me in the spotlight
                                                              "Ooh I love your style"
                                                              Uh huh, show me what you got now
                                                              Come and make it worth my while

                                                              Give it to me, I'm worth it
                                                              Baby, I'm worth it
                                                              Uh huh I'm worth it
                                                              Gimme gimme I'm worth it
                                                              Give it to me, I'm worth it (know what I mean?)
                                                              Baby, I'm worth it (give me everything)
                                                              Uh huh I'm worth it
                                                              Gimme gimme I'm worth it

                                                              [Kid Ink:]
                                                              I tell her bring it back like she left some-
                                                              Bring it bring it back like she left some-
                                                              In the club with the lights off
                                                              Whatchu acting shy for?
                                                              Come and show me that you're with it with it with it with it with it
                                                              Stop playing, now you know that I'm with it with it with it with it with it
                                                              Whatchu acting shy for?

                                                              Uh huh, you see me in the spotlight
                                                              "Ooh I love your style"
                                                              Uh huh show me what you got
                                                              'Cause I don't wanna waste my time
                                                              Uh huh see me in the spotlight
                                                              "Ooh I love your style"
                                                              Uh huh, show me what you got now
                                                              Come and make it worth my while

                                                              Give it to me, I'm worth it
                                                              Baby, I'm worth it
                                                              Uh huh I'm worth it
                                                              Gimme gimme I'm worth it
                                                              Give it to me, I'm worth it (know what I mean?)
                                                              Baby, I'm worth it (give me everything)
                                                              Uh huh I'm worth it
                                                              Gimme gimme I'm worth it

                                                              Give it to me, I'm worth it


                                                                People have a very hard time seeing their own mistakes. This is true in dota like everything else in life. Anyone serious about improving will seek an outside opinion.


                                                                  people are too ignorant or lazy to look on the replays and learn from them

                                                                  like me :horse:


                                                                    @OP the same can be said about tutors, everything is available and out there but people still need them (not me though).


                                                                      My argument isn't:
                                                                      "Dota is simple, therefore tutors/coaches are not required; are a waste of money"

                                                                      it's more more like:
                                                                      "Dota is difficult, therefore learning on your own, and progressing is a rewarding/fullfilling process"

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        the fact that there are tons of free resources available for your own improvement is just a cherry on top

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          I was born intellectually capable so I would diss the idea of getting tutored though when I could just try hard and do it myself. I am definitely standing in a different viewpoint of life, since we live in different countries and there are nuances in ours which you wouldnt understand and vice versa

                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            And yeah I have to agree with ^^


                                                                              there is enjoyment in learning the game on your own.
                                                                              if you pay someone to teach you then you will miss out on this part, and you wouldn't be able to go "yeah i found out this trick myself".
                                                                              besides i highly doubt that any player that pays to get coached has ever gone pro, so theres that rofl

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                ^very good point, actually


                                                                                  i would reiterate what i posted couple of weeks ago

                                                                                  it's not about repetition but the quality of games.

                                                                                  imo, i will hire a good coach if he can teach me strategically about the higher level things that I could be missing such as game play, decision making etc... and this is not easy to find in the internet. the closest I've seen is some videos by Bren Dota when he was analyzing some 4K MMR replays.

                                                                                  it's not just about someone pointing your mistakes such as tread switching, last hitting under tower, toss before avalance etc.


                                                                                    yea sure theres tons of free resources but most of the resources arent even good
                                                                                    i dont know what do you mean by resources but most of the guides or whatever you see are written by bad players who think they are hot shit just because they played a hero 200 times or have whatever dotabuff ranking


                                                                                      By resources I meant - streams and stuff in DotaTV (the fact that all replays except the tourney ones are publicly available and are free to watch)

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                        yeah people can always download my replays to see how to professionally feed


                                                                                          well just by watching replays you cant really understand the exact reason for their decision making. streams are the same thing unless the streamer talks alot or something..
                                                                                          the people i stack with usually range from mid 5k to 6.3k and asking them dota related stuff is usually extremely eye opening
                                                                                          so far the best resources have been nadota forums (by far the best forum,where most of the users are high 5ks and 6ks) and good kappa studios

                                                                                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                              I can coach for rarezzzz xDxDxDxDxDXDXDDDXXDDXD