General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat went wrong here.

What went wrong here. in General Discussion

    The pick phase.


      The spirit breaker was a girl, everyone had e-sex with her on the mic, was a good game.


        ^That went bad, virtual homoerotic realations during games (bcuz deep inside you, you know it was a dude with some meat hanging between legs pretending to be a gal). It's the same reason that kept team secret from winning TI.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Bad Intentions

          So how was the sb girls voice sounds like? pls elaborate.

            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

              Thats exactly what I meant. The pick phase had a pretty good impact on what they've got in the end.


                @Mirc, it actually was a girl, it wasn't a guy.

                @Bad Intentions, her voice was so low, she sounded almost like a 12 year old boy but it was some girl from France, she was 22 years old lmfao.

                @kitrak, it was this

                Radiant: Abaddon > Leshrac > Rubick > Spirit Breaker > Clinkz

                Dire: Lina > Bloodseeker > Clockwerk > Anti Mage > Lion

                I wanted to pick Anti-Mage but I knew he would pick it, wish I would've picked it earlier.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                    Anti Mage got farmed quick (what I don't understand is he was against a trilane, I was solo Clinkz) and just took fights and won all of them, I was too busy hunting down the other 4 trying to make my dotabuff penis bigger by adding kills to my KDA while not even thinking once about the Anti Mage, once he came up in my mind it was actually a bit too late but w/e, had a good time with my spirit breaker princess.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                        Well, because I was hunting for kills nonstop I actually never farmed, look at my last hits, only 102 in a 36 minute game, but yeah you can't like get kills nonstop and farm nonstop, you either do 1 thing or other one, I don't see how you can combine it together tbh. I pretty much felt ''unstoppable'' because I was 13-0 at some point and I had a girl asking me if I was a smurf because I was ''so good'' for getting all those kills you're confident that you're dominating the game and then u suddenly feed away ur streak, after that it goes down hill and costs u the game, the deso I got like 2 minutes before the game finished.

                        But w/e can't win them all.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა