General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does spectre have such a high winrate?

Why does spectre have such a high winrate? in General Discussion

    Spectre is the carry with the highest winrate according to dotabuff. Following the most popular build, players have a winrate of 66% or two thirds. Why exactly is this? Please, do not look at any of my spectre games but I feel the hero is quite weak myself. If you have no support in lane you get stomped, especially if the enemy mid ganks, forcing you into a 1v3 situation. You also rely quite heavily on a radiance which is hard to get fast due to your relatively weak laning stage. Farming is a nuisance, especially if you get ganked without vision and disabled before you can escape. Finally, your impact on teamfights is minimal until you have the right items, which feel so much harder to get on this hero than others.


      It looks to me like you are dying too much. Specter should have very few deaths per game. Have more confidence in Spectre's ability to win late game and don't take as many risks early. Spectre can practically apply more dps to heroes at his peak than any other carry. This is because he can attack all of the enemy heroes at once for up to 14 seconds with a refresher orb. Other carries can never do that, they are limited by positioning and timing of their attacks.

      A 7-slot Spectre really can double cast his ult and kill the entire enemy team by himself. At low MMR he can do that without even using reality check.

      For example:

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        I said don't look at my games :P I found I died a lot beause I could get ganked easily as I was solo safe (my support got bored or something) and I couldn't afford to buy wards myself. I think in my most recent spectre game they had a blodseeker and other strong disables like legion so obviously once I was caught out I was easy to kill.


          Legion is hard to deal with. Bloodseeker you can just TP out. Remember that you can phase through trees.

          Against a BS you can take a ton of dmg with rupture just to get into trees - then port. He can't do anything about it if he cannot follow you into trees. If you start full health, there is no way he will have vision of you in trees even if he does get a euls to cancel tp.

          You can always afford wards yourself. You just have to know how to place them. You spent 3k gold dieing, what would a couple sets of wards cost compared to that?

          Anyway I think Spectre's teamfight impact is much higher than typical carries early. All you have to do is max desolate, and hit your ult during the fight. You don't even have to stop farming. Just let the illusions net you some kills and assists, and scare off the enemy team while you keep farming.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

              hero is mega strong you just get kills and they give so much gold ez relic etc etc
              radiance being OP

              Livin' Real Good

                ^ silence Jo! Get outta here with your Urn of shadow's Spectre !:L


                  Because it's so meh that just people really willingly to play as Spectre pick her.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  Livin' Real Good

                    ^ That's probably the best answer. I thought the same thing, but didn't know how to put it in words, but I guess it really is that simple.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      because the only people who can stop spectre are the ones who knows how to play her :)

                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                          Spectre is the 17th hero I'm having a hard time to win agiainst - 38.10% win rate only.

                          And her win rate is 57%.. On 2nd thoughts, in-spite of the knowledge, I still have a hard time stopping her.


                            I'm watching EE play Spectre. Holy shit this guy in so bad on some heroes.... Yes, he is good getting farm, but his decision making on times is so fuckin dogshit it's hard to watch him play. Spec is good hero tho, except her weak laning stage. Lategame and even midgame, she's really strong if you build her right.

                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                spec is probably the best noob hard carry. simple build - get radiance. and doesn't require ability to farm 10 creeps a min or micro illusions.

                                its also really hard to kill her from misplaying late game.

                                all you have to do is not die 5 times in the first 10mins from ganks.

                                this is normal skill advice for normal skill op.


                                  ^ I agree, if you play in normal skill spectre is op, cause games last very long time and people doesnt know to flash farm, hit buildings or just kill the spectre early in the game.
                                  In higher skill brackets spectre is a decent situational pick, but you cannot spam her by any means


                                    Spec's ulti is just really good. It allows for pick offs on key heroes with a coordinated team netting you a lot of gold. Also you don't need to be the person setting up the gank, just ulti in and be there for the kill/assist so you can farm right up till that point in a completely different area of the map safely hopefully.

                                    the way comeback gold works or if you have a really nice early game means most spec players can get a decently timed radiance and once you get radiance, your ulti just does so much work to the entire team


                                      run at spectre with all the op shit

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        I think it has to do with uncoordinated people being unable to just finish games, so games drag on for too long, eventually spectre's going to get ridiculously strong. And people won't know how to deal with it. It'll be either focus spectre or the rest of the team, while spectre silently kills off your supports without even trying, and you've suddenly lost the game with your huge 20k gold lead, because your juggernaut that hit level 25 ten minutes ago still can't do shit to spectre, your leshrac is a mash of spectre food, and neither can anyone else do anything, so all the advantage you might have had is undone once spectre starts peaking. And I say "starts peaking" because once your team becomes unable to kill her, it's gg, she'll just keep getting stronger from then on, up to the point where she's all out, and anybody else who's all out won't be able to top what spectre can do with max xp/farm she can make use of. I think you have to be waaaaay worse than your opponents to lose as a 7/8/9 slot spectre (bonus three slots for refresher, moon shard and aghs just in case, and all of those 6th+ slot additions work and scale remarkably well on spectre).

                                        It's like, as long as you trade farm as spectre, you'll just win, and it happens all the time, and if the game drags on for too long, you'll end up being able to kill the whole team all by yourself, especially in lower brackets.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          Hold on has spec now got an aghs upgrade? Does it make her ulti global?

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Haha, good one, but what I meant is that she benefits from alchemist giving her a free aghs, so she can get 9 slotted with refresher (on courier), moon shard and aghs (as buffs).

                                            Obviously, the game should be long finished before that happens, but you certainly have space to expand as spectre, and all the stats are nice for you either way. Also, alchemist is utilized as a very greedy farmer lately, you probably don't want him in a game where you have position 1 spectre.


                                              ^ fck I didn't know Spec Ult can be buffed by aghs

                                              Riguma Borusu


                                                Oh god, what have I started...


                                                  aghs gives you stats

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    Yep, and you should only get it if you get it for free from a friendly alchemist in good mood. Bitches love stats, and Mercurial is a bitch apparently.


                                                      She does need an aghs upgrade. Give the illusions dispersion

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Actually, that doesn't sound bad. One or two more seconds to the length of the ultimate, and illusions get dispersion.

                                                        Would it be too broken? After all, you'd only have that on rare occasions that you build aghanims' scepter (or more likely have it gifted by alchemist) and Spectre could always find better things to build for 4k+ gold.

                                                        It's sorta like weaver/naix aghanims: cool in theory, but you'll rarely ever see it.


                                                          extra time and dispersion would be broken. extra time on its own is a bit boring as an upgrade.

                                                          dispersion might not be op on its own if the illusions just did magical damage so it could be countered by pipe and such like.

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            Well, I said extra time because it comes often as an upgrade for ultimates which also have some other characteristic improved by aghs. But it would hardly be necessary. Lategame, a 6-9 slotted spectre will kill lone supports with ult cast alone, without any follow up, unless they've decided to stick together or tank up.


                                                              Why buff spectre? she isnt good right now cause she doesnt fit the meta (At competitive or high tier level).


                                                                wasn't talking about buffing her - was talking about giving her an aghs upgrade.

                                                                lm ao

                                                                  Rocket Scientist

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    Sunday Driver


                                                                      Andy Salad

                                                                      lm ao

                                                                        I love Memes

                                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                                          Bcuz she is a noob friendly hero in term of decision making. Ok let me put it different. She has an okay, not really big, but larger than other carries space for error, she is more forgiving, kind of like WK but also carries harder.

                                                                          Although there may be equally strong or even stronger carries like Medusa, Void, she js simplier to play, as those carries ultis, although probably more game breaking are aswell harder to land, and takes a bit of positioning while spectre can use it from base and then be in fight next second

                                                                          So she basically excels in lower brackets were games tend to last longer


                                                                            ^ Thats the reason

                                                                            The worst and most ironic part is that people at low mmr sucks with this hero, they are awful always feeding, underfarmed, with bad items. But still shes so strong in long game matches that doesnt matters in the long run

                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                              ^ have one question off topic

                                                                              In your last game as spectre, why did u swapped butterfly with AC, and not swapped Radiance with AC?

                                                                              Cuz evasion is lost on both sides obviously, but im sure Butterfly gives more damage both to you and your illusions

                                                                              I mean, 50 burn i dont think does much lategame

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                Please no bufferino to this hero Spectre! Spec is one of those heroes where give an inch and she takes a mile.
                                                                                She has that good of a winrate because at lower skill levels people can't play with a low margin of error.


                                                                                  ee is spamming spectre now nice


                                                                                    ee strim nice, when rtz is not streaming EleGiggle


                                                                                      nvm undying counters spectre too hard


                                                                                        4Head this kid who was shit from last game, picked spectre, nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                          envy alchemist what a true gamer


                                                                                            alchemist haters watchu gon do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                              hate alchemist proly


                                                                                                ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                                  If you get ganked, throw dagger in bushes, run into bushes, wait out the gank, farm again -> less dying


                                                                                                    how do you just spam these faces for no reason ure like this guy

                                                                                                    THOT POLICE

                                                                                                      If you check out dotamax (which shows winrates by skill brackets in addition to total winrates) you will see that spec drops off some in higher level games - but not as much as you would think given the tone of this thread.

                                                                                                      In part I think she wins a lot because she is a strong hero - but, I think her stats are as good as they are because people are only willing to pick her if their team is cooperative and willing to support. She is my winningist hero on my main account and one of my most played heroes - but I will never pick her if I lack a seemingly relable support player who is willing to babysit me in the safelane.

                                                                                                      I think a lot of people have said something about her strengths, so I don't feel like I need to repeat them in different language.

                                                                                                      One thing to bear in mind, though: Spectre is one of the best comeback heroes in dota. She has an enormous power spike when she gets a radiance and she can pull games out of the fire like few other heroes.