General Discussion

General DiscussionThrowback at your first moments of playing DotA ( or DotA 2 )

Throwback at your first moments of playing DotA ( or DotA 2 ) in General Discussion

    i'll start.
    I've been playing DotA since the 6.67 days, like 6 years ago ( there were no Smoke of Deceit, no Gyro, Tusk, Wisp, Rubik, etc. and a lot of nowadays items weren't existed ). My first hero was Jakiro ( come on, a twn-headed dragon looks cool, even with the WC3 engine ). And yes, on my first day, i fed. The first hero i tried to main was Beastmaster. Yep, that's pretty much for my first moments. how about you ?

    Bad Intentions

      Not sure u guys can still remember your very first hero! I do! And it was Yunero! Ahh doto 1 days


        I started 6.63, 7 years ago? All the things op mentioned are true :D. My first hero was SF. I fed hard and blamed it on the hero (not admitting that I sucked dick). Those dota 1 days, only battlnet. Later Single Instant games and Dotalicous; Warkeys etc.

        Good old days. Could just leave a game, when sick of playing it. On single instant and dotalicous you could just ff! after 20 min and game was over. Reportfunctions that actually worked well etc.


          And then you had dotacash banning people for a whole year just for leaving games.... Keep in mind if you d/c you can't come back
 ya I'm glad we have LP now instead of unfair year long bansa

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            i started with Skeleton King on 6.59, first hero to "master" was Viper at 6.65. Then i stopped and come back to doto in 6.77 (d2)


              Man some old people here , I started in 6.82 , since i was an rpg fan i looked at dk and be like , this is mine .
              I was only looking for damage items that aren't even advanced like mithril hammer and a javelin lol , i had some problems with qwer and using the mouse to move , in the end i got myself a kda of 1 , and 555 gpm .


                First version was 6.49 and I only played Venomancer mid w/ shadowblade and carry items ✌ on battlenet

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Same here jakiro first hero too, high five.
                  that was back 6.66 i think, but back then i only played for fun against bots and lan against friends, so no throwback moment yet


                    Though I was never really into it before dowtatwo came out

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      deso lich 6.12b
                      map was snow terrain by default and much easier to see things
                      also took 5-6 minutes at initial loading screen waiting for everyone

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        I can't even remember when I started but it was about 2 or more years ago and the first hero I played was enigma... I fed hard. I actually used to play spirit breaker a lot and he was the hero that made me decide I wanted to continue dota. (Btw if u check my dotabuff that's not all my games lol I only recently enable other people to see my game info but ahh well.)

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        Miku Plays

                          I first played Dota1 with friends mostly 2v2 and 3v3 games but i only played 5 games of dota1. My first hero was axe, friend told me what item to buy first - 2 stout and some regen, then i progressed with recipes kappa

                          [F]unky Panda

                            my first was 8 years ago.. And my 1st hero was Invoker. How stupid it was. Back then lesh wasn't even a thing. and doom was popular..

                            Hidup TiTS!!

                              5.84c here anyone? 2004 if i'm not mistaken with :
                              Silencer with rubick spell steal.
                              Riki with wd ward.
                              As what im still remember. :)
                              Started online at blueserver from 2006 - 2007 and then to Garena.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                first hero was sniper, it was when playing dota was for those who were too lowskilled to play wc3 :p
                                i remember kotl with his wisp ulti that creates priests, that was rly cool

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  i think i first played dota when i was like 9 in garena rooms. dont rly remember much except i played only 5-6 games and then i stopped because i was playing wow at the time. dota 2 first hero was morph, and i remember i built armlet and soul ring on him for whatever reason

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    I played with my brother and 3 cousions in a net cafe for the first time, against nobody actually. It was 5.84, but the current patch was actually 6.48 or something I think. The game looked cool at the time and got my interest. Now only I and my little cousion play the game, rest are busters.

                                    lm ao



                                        i have no idea what patch it was, it was 3 yrs ago in dota 1 and i played kotl and i fed

                                        Smitty Werben Jaegerman J...

                                          I played for the first time almost 10 years ago with friends and I can't remember anything at all. I don't know what patch it was, I don't know what hero I picked and I don't even remember if I fed or not. It was just another wc3 map I played for fun. Then I started playing again 5 years or so ago. Still don't remember what patch it was or what hero I played or if I fed.


                                            the most hero i spammed in my early 10 ghames, was actually sf, i had no idea how to play him since im new to dota 2(TI4 player, kek), but i like him, since then i found this hero called riki and sniper and drow, and never play sf again, until several months ago, where i get gut by playing meepo, and i started playing sf again and guess what, i can at least not feed on sf. There.

                                            lm ao


                                              lm ao

                                                Dagon CM is bettar u shit playah

                                                Howard Donald

                                                  Can't remember what patch it was, but a friend and I used to spam Alch/Mirana back when Alch used to channel unstable concoction for 5 secs for a guaranteed 5 sec stun, into Mirana max range arrow. Then just pick one enemy player and completely ruin his day till he abandons. #Metagaming


                                                    Started back in 2006, my first heroes were Sven and Naix, I used to think the graphics were good. Pit Lord was OP. My first item build was MoM on Naix then basher.

                                                    Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                                      My 1st game was with my highschool friends back in 2006. It was 6.43 if Im not mistaken and I picked beastmaster. Then I played like kotl and beastmaster for the next 2 years until I played on garena and learned alot from there. I learned different heroes my hero pool increased. After 2 years, I switched to RGC. At that time I know how the game works and how to mid, support, offlane etc. On 2013 I switched to dota 2 up to now. (this is a smurf account btw)

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      Forgos ☭

                                                        Uhm my first online dota experince was on Eu I think.It was 7-8 years ago.I was playing KOTL and I only knew how to build sange and yasha.So all game I just fed other team and bought sange and yasha.MY teammates weren't happy about my choices :( but I was 10 or 11 so...


                                                          First time I played in a club with my classmates about 4-5 years ago on Slardar. I fed, got carried, and by the end I only had AC in my inventory. Then I accidently came up with Axe, and for a long time he was my favourite character.


                                                            Zeus, fed with 10 lasthit @ 47 minutes.

                                                            lm ao

                                                              My first game was actually in WC3 back in 2007, first hero was Centaur Warchief ith Butterfly ehehehe (I equip pretty much every hero with Butterflythen, green color scheme so mean man)

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                It was back in like 2004, some guys invited me to play doto, I didn't even know what it was at all, but I knew it's in wc3. So I played earthshaker. I didn't understand absolutely anything and don't remember what happened that match.

                                                                Then I didn't play doto for 10 years, and started @late december 2014. Then I picked axe 13 rounds and fed. And fed. And fed. And fed some more.


                                                                  i start when silencer's ulti was summon golem, naix was right click hero with 100+ base agility at lvl 25 , i forgot what version is this, 6.12 or 6.22....


                                                                    i idk what patch i started but it was before ET, TB, and Dusa was new i think. (about 3.5 years ago) and i was scrolling through the heroes and ran out of time at the end and picked zues... i just pressed W and R and won, loved it ever since.