General Discussion

General DiscussionNoob Report: Urgent!

Noob Report: Urgent! in General Discussion

    Tnx guys for tips last week. I've started winning now by focusing on towers more as my focus was on farm to get more items to be able to kill. I should have been priortizing taking towers every fucking chance I could and now that I am I will climb hopefully! Future is bright boys.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    No giggities?

      Seriously, well done. You actually managed to work on your own gameplay before blaming the universe for your losses. It's a good step forward.


        I once played a game called Darkfall Online, I would blame everything but myself when I lost. It was a Open World sandbox FPS mmo which required high APM and out thinking your opponent because it was purely skill based combat as everyone had everything so no counters. I learned back then when you blame others than yourself you will never learn your mistakes. I've kept this philosophy since so when I asked for help I knew it was my fault, I just didn't see what I was doing wrong and people help point it out for me.

        Yeah boi

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Lol I just noticed it wasn't even a week ago it was only 3 days. It just seems like it was because of work :(

          Shoutout to Relentless and JungleMonkey though for being main factors in helping me improve, thanks bois


            Good for focusing on yourself as part of improvement. As Dota is a team game involving 5 random strangers in solo queue it is hard to not put the blame on the "other 4 people" when things go wrong. You would expect the best of all but in reality you would only achieve that with the world's top teams. Most of the time you get people like you, some times you get boosters, the other times you get idiots.

            However if you keep on blaming on the idiots who ruined your game, it is not going to help anything. It is so easy to put the blame on them since you can't improve them. They are out of your bounds of control. But blaming them would not only make you look like a fool even if you are the only one conscious of what's happening, but also put you into trouble, like getting ganged up by bunch of idiots, getting LP, muted. Most importantly, sooner or later you will forget that you need to improve yourself, because you were too busy to put the blame on others.

            Cheers on you for being conscious of what to do. Keep it up. By the way if you "focus tower" as in not over extending, it is a good practice but if you meant to play rat dota, I suggest you to check out your team's draft before committing, as if the other 4 players can't fight on their own, you can't do much.

            Bad Intentions

              Remember man, wen u feel a tilt is coming, rest and get in touch with nature! :D