General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar Heal in parser not showing correctly

Huskar Heal in parser not showing correctly in General Discussion
Young Benjamin Franklin

    Shows Huskar healed ax 82 points... Each heal is 160 heal minimum, likely healed team ~3,000 hit points.

    Das Claw

      I believe that the health regen from Inner Vit is a health regen increasing effect (and not a direct HP heal like mek.) And may not be tracked correctly in the api. Sounds like a bug.


        Only direct heal are counted towards the heal, not regeneration.
        Next time you make a post, google the issue please, this has been posted atleast 20 times already


          increased health regen is different to healing. the difference between increased health regen (inner vitality and cold embrace for example) and a healing over time ability is that health regeneration updates more frequently.

          for example urn heals 50hp/s but heals 12.5 hp every quarter second, while 50 hp regen would regenerate 5 hp every 0.1 seconds.

          winter wyvern is another example. cold embrace increases the unit's health regen so it isn't counted as a heal.