General Discussion

General DiscussionDiffernce between Normal, High, and Very High Skill Pool

Differnce between Normal, High, and Very High Skill Pool in General Discussion

    I have always wondered what determines your skill pool. There are always some inconsistency in the differences in the normal, high, and very high skill pools. I have seen some people with 45% win rate with Very High Skill Pool, and I have seen some people with 59% win rate with normal skill pool. I have also seen some people with over 4000 games under their belt but only in normal skill pool, and seen some people with only 1000 games and are in high skill.
    I, personally, am in Normal Skill however when i play with a specific friend we both go to high skill. (My friend is also Normal skill).
    So as you can see there are some examples, and there are many more, of the inconsistency with the skill pools. I just want to know the determining factor is for the different skill pool people have.


      Normal Skill - 3200 or less
      High Skill - 3201 through 3699
      Very High Skill - 3700 or more

      Livin' Real Good

        Eh' High skill is like 3290 average MMR or something, but close enough :L


          So is it basically just based on mmr?


            Yes. Your ranked MMR and unranked MMR are seperate though. So if you were a normal skill player and only played ranked up to 4k. You'd still be in normal skill games when playing unranked.

            Dire Wolf

              it's mmr and it's not set in stone, it fluctuates but aroudn 3200 cutoff for normal is about right. Cus it's actually some percentage where valve puts like 80% of matches in normal, 15% high and 5% very high or something like that. The classifications actually come from the dota2 api.


                I am around 2.8 k, and the friend i mentioned is about the same. when we both solo, we are normal, when we play together is high.
                So does it add up or something

                Riguma Borusu

                  When you are playing in a party of some sort, you're going to be evaluated at higher than average your MMR. This is to compensate parties against solo queue, since you can chat and therefore have better coordination. So if both you and your friend are 2800, the MM can evaluate you at something like 3300 so that the system finds solo players at about that range on average.


                    Alright thanks, I have now reached enlightenment

                    saving private RTZ

                      High skill ranked begins at roughly 3250, at least thats when I got my firstgames in HS ranked


                        the percentiles are 75, 15 and 10 btw, not 80/15/5.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          The skill refer to the ability of flame and being autistic.
                          normal skill:
                          People who don't understand the game, soemtimes blame other people. Suck at all they do.

                          high skill:
                          After a team is losing they start to flame each other and be mad. Somehow everyone is fault at everything despite the fact that the flamer usually are the ones doing slightly more damage to the team.

                          very high skill:
                          Flaming from very first minute. Everyone is so cacerous that it hurts. Imbalanced matches 5k+ (especially on reborn).

                          Example of typical very high match:
                          Radiant mid wins mid hard, kills enemy mid 3 times in a row. Dire mid goes to sidelanes and kills them over and over again. After 5minutes Radiant mid gets flamed for losing mid hard. After a couple of minutes Radiant mid gets mad, sells everything, buys couriers, is flaming enemy team that it's GG and that they should report his team and then proceeds feeding couriers mid. Supports usually ask wtf is going on while the core players are wrting in caps and allchat PLS REPORT MID. Then 5mins later when Direteam is pushing hard and the core player who had 11 0 6 stats died only once due to overextending, is then flaming his team for not being able to save his ass when he dives T4 towers and then proceeds to write in allchat, GGWP, NOOBS, then proceeds to abandon the game. Then the rest of the direteam is abandoning the game and radiant wins.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            ^ pretty much


                              the difference between teammates in HS and in VHS is similar to the difference between Eminem and Slim Shady: the first ones would fuck you, and the second ones would fuck you and your mother.

                              Livin' Real Good

                                SILENCE Tohsaka O_O
                                Normal skill:

                                You get a Pudge player who watches Navi Dendi videos who hooks more than he can chew, he hooks an enemy despite the whole enemy team nearby to swarm him, and then blames his team for not being there cause he died.

                                High Skill:

                                No one pushes when they have the advantage just like normal skill, but games don't drag out as long as normal skill, but players are still pretty bad, and they're only slightly improved. Many times you'll get a player who dies going off alone, then says " WHY DIDN'T YOU GO IN!? I SAID GO IN ON THEM! I EVEN INITIATED WITH MY ECHO SLAM!" But in reality, he was there alone, and everyone else was busy farming or doing other things, and it was his fault he died. Then when you tell him " Instead of saying why weren't my team mates there? Don't you think a better question would be is " why am i here alone this close to all the missing enemies? "Mind=Blown, then he proceeds to report you cause he refuses to believe he just got mind fuked by that question, and cause it can't possibly be his 6 million dollar TI echo slam's fault.

                                - Very high skill, The next SumaiL around every corner.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Giff me Wingman

                                  how would you know how vh skill is?


                                    looks-like someone in tilt lol :v


                                      VH skill bracket is worse than High skill, I don't know why vhs is 3.7k, it should be atleast 5k+ to be classified as ''very high skill'' since at that mmr range I believe people are less retarded. Correct me if I'm wrong.

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        u would be suprised how autistic 5k people can be. I remember a game where a 5.8k lesh got carried by me hard. He kept flaming me for no reason while the enemyteam and my team trolled him for being an account buyer.

                                        saving private RTZ

                                          Im actually starting to believe Blunt, every single game I spectate him somehow his team is 2-11, he is smth like 1-4 on meepo, I go to eat, come back at PC and he is 22-4 and his anti mage just finished 35 min manta.

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            My games in a nutshell

                                            Carry hard or get fkt.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              @ Blunt/Allu

                                              Maybe these screenshots are for you guys, I usually have the same story it feels like these higher mmr guys are literally buying their accounts and I feel like Im legitly stuck in this horrific bracket.

                                              5.2k claims mid and feeds.


                                              2 5.8k fed so hard and died in most retarded ways.


                                              5.4k, 5.3k and 5.1k. They all fed and the Bloodseeker ended up abandoning.


                                              2-23 Pudge and 3-15 Spirit Breaker nonstop talking on the mic and flaming me.


                                              No comment


                                              I rest my case


                                              IG Fanboys