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General DiscussionStupid hero controll question

Stupid hero controll question in General Discussion

    This is gonna sound lame but I really don't get it works.
    I just saw a recent video of Miracle playing AM and there was something there that made me quite curious about his control of the hero in the laning phase. It looked like he had auto-attack on since he kept spamming STOP to make sure he gets the last hit on the creeps, yet when his hero was near the creeps the hero did not agro them and just stood there as if auto-attack was off.

    What is going on there? Did he have auto-attack on and just spammed hold position as for his hero not to agro the creeps, did he have auto-attack off and when trying to get last hits he just clicked on them and also spammed STOP or is it something else?


      i think you can toggle it on and off with a simple bind


        or he just spams s really fast like a retard like i do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          if you right click an ally creep, it just follow (instead of patrol)

          < blank >

            As I know AM has an orb effect on his first skill


              alternatively, you can press 'M' and then click on an allied creep if you have right click deny enabled

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              saving private RTZ

                I actually wondered, does having auto attack on/off have any pro and cons or is it just personal preference. I keep it off, cuz I dont like it on ranged heroes and im too lazy to turn on/off, and also in a lane, if I get harrased I dont want my hero to randomly attack a creep


                  ^its very hard to play naga/tb/meepo w/o autoattack, and it's easier to have it off when playing supps. however, it is all about ur personal preferences.

                  saving private RTZ

                    Well when I micro illus/meepo I just A-click camp/lane. Isnt it enough


                      so basically you are a clicking all the neutral camps instead of just sending illusions there and let them aa? it should take quite a lot of unnecesary effort, i guess.


                        Here's an example starting around 1:30. I think he has autoattack off but I still find it weird to spam S and right click on a creep...


                          The reasoning is very simple, it allows for better last hitting as it shaves milliseconds off reaction time needed to get the last hit. Basically he is clicking attack on the creep and canceling until it hits the sweet spot and can secure the last hit.


                            ^^ did you even read what I wrote?


                              no lol I just went to the video and thought that is what you were talking about


                                @matrice: tried it out, you were right, just right click on an allied creep which is above 50% HP and your hero will not agro anything. Thanks !!


                                  I play naga man, that of A-clicking camps without autoattack on doesnt work well unless you issue a shitf order to attack after the move order, so its easier toggle AA with a bind key o leave AA on, cause if you issue an attack order to a camp or lane the illusions will attack every shit they encounter first and that isnt the way of play naga you wanna make enemies chase your illusions you are not terrorblade dont trade hits just run around while radiance and rip tide do the damage.


                                    right click to attack the creep, then press S to cancel your animation.

                                    it is a technique known as stop-cancelling or animation-canceling.

                                    you essentially cut your animation time down by about a quarter to a half making last hitting easier and more accurate.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      I see people on this forum are not really good at reading...Anyway, Matrice solved this for me so...thread closed.


                                        he just spam click / stop on it, autoatacks off


                                          the fact that ppl are discussing other thing than u suggested =/= ppl dont know to read
                                          actually i guess most of the ones who posted here after matrice, have read his reply and didnt want to repeat the same stuff/didnt know it themselves, and therefore just discussed related questions that eventually rised.


                                            @TrippleSteal: The fact of the matter is most replied with telling me how to make animation cancelling...:|


                                              apparently i dont see what you see