General Discussion

General Discussionstat points over some skills

stat points over some skills in General Discussion

    So I recently have started to usually completely ignore these skills after taking a sole singular point in them, and take points in stats instead;

    pl's phantom rush
    slardar's sprint
    jugger's blade fury (sometimes i max this tho, wen playing against a pudge or smthn lik that)
    axe's battle hunger (sometimes)

    is this a good idea? for pl particularly, i find stats>>>rush

    თემა შეიცვალა

      rush>stats esp once you get hp item imo.



        The clutch plays that can be made with higher level of these skills however infrequent they are is more worth it imo.


          true, they giv clutch plays, but in pl's case the more levels just increases distance to target to trigger rush, isn't it betr to improve his pathetic str/hp pool instead? u can still hav those plays with one point in rush....

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Doesn't it lower the CD from 16 to 4?


              considering that a level in stats is worth exactly 2 gg branches, there's got to be a very good reason for taking them.


                max rush allows you to torment supports with illusions once they have enough bulk, it just stalks them lol
                also you can keep disengaging with dopple and re-engaging with rush, you cant do that with level 1 rush


                  I get what OP is saying, with jugg for instance I'll stack stats, 1 point in crit, 1 in healing ward, stats, ward, stats, ult, stats etc.

                  I don't even get spin until level 10 if I'm doing well, I only use it as an escape.

                  There are very few heroes where pumping stats is beneficial though.

                  Sprint on slardar is one of the most important skills lol.... Best build imo is max sprint and crush and ult, and then put points into his passive later on.


                    And for axe I can understand stats over battle hunger.

                    < blank >

                      If you play Alchemist as position 1 you can go for stats instead of maxing his stun



                        but whole point of picking pl is playing him like antimage except u become even more fearsome

                        u farm up earlygame then u get to the stage where u got 2-3 earlygame items and finish ur diffusal and then u might start participating in ocasional teamfights or pickoffs until then just rice

                        so stats is better for this kind of playstyle

                        just like going 1 1 1 1 on antimage


                          @joe ur right abt that. a supports worst nightmare are those mana burning illusions. @fuzzyfoot i dont like to skill sprint because well....i try to avoid using it, esp cuz i rush blink/sb. that sprint amp dmg on u is rli bad in team fights


                            blade fury is the best skill in early game lol


                              ^which is why we take 1 point in it early always

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                It has very high CD and a high manacost at level 1, I would get at least 2 in it no matter what.


                                  I skip even PLs ult to get stats, I only get his Ult when I'm forced to do (Levels 16 & 18) after the first Level at 6 of course. You max his first skill because it's pretty much his only lane presence and it's a great killing tool once you have a bit farm, due to it's slow.
                                  Stats make your illusions generally stronger you can kinda Flashfarm with it, and do ancients without much to worry. You may not be able to take all the camps at 15 minutes like AM can but, maybe 4 of them and stack the last one.


                                    i could have sworn pl ulti used to give him magic resist. am i imagining things?


                                      maybe old one did? His ult only gives him more max illusions now. Which is actually annoying while farming btw, that's why you wait until 16 to max it.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        I think not maxing Q on Juggernaut is like the stupidest thing u can do in this patch. The mana goes down to 90, which makes it spamable. You don't wanna go 90+ stats and farm all game with a hero like juggernaut, when enemy probably has Anti-Mage or Phantom Lancer lol


                                          @xan ya old one did, not anymore


                                            I feel jugger has gone worse since his skills become actually good. He's kinda realiant on stats, but his heal and crit to good to skip i think.

                                            Not Russian

                                              Axe battle hunger can get you a kill, but most of times is shit, so i prefer stats>battle hunger , and slardar sprint is very good ability , you can chase and kill people very easily with it , jugg blade fury is not that good late game, but you can escape with it , its situational to pick it or not.


                                                i remember playing axe with hunger maxed out. it used to stomp the shit out of most mid heroes, like puck sf etc. hunger lvl 4 early on deals tremendous amounts of dmg.


                                                  his crit scales awful im sure you can leave it at 1 for abit


                                                    @xan old pl ult gave him magic resist. plus old pl used to have 4+ agi growth. plus he cud simply invisi out of fights while his illusions butchered everyone. talk abt retarded op hero. of course, doppelganger is good too, maybe arguably betr, (it definitely is better than the invisi considering late game)

                                                    and lol yh, wen i strarted dota i did mid axe max battle hunger too lol, had no idea wat axe was actually capable of

                                                    @jo~ not if u want to do that early game (rite after hitting lvl 6) gank-solo-kill shit with omnislash. think u need crits for that.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                        actually what was PL's 3rd skil lbefore?


                                                          1st was lance

                                                          2nd was invis

                                                          3rd was ilusion making pasive

                                                          and ulti was same shit as now that used to help with making illusions and giving magic resistance

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            idk why you would skip value point in any of those. Only skill I'd skip outright offhand is gyro's missile, even then a value point to stop channelers and tp's is nice.

                                                            There's tons of skills I'd leave at 1 point though depending on situation like medusa's ult, spectre's ult sometimes, AM magic resist is an obvious one, jugger's blade fury and crit depending on situation. Like if your lane is a good lane for killing with blade fury like with CM or lion then maxing it is fine. Sven's storm hammer same way, the stun never increase, the damage is negligible past first 10 minutes so might as well go stats.

                                                            Medusa I sometimes get stats over extra mana shield early, though you still want it maxed around level 18-20 for those end game fights. And you can skip that last level in split shot too maybe once or twice because the max jungle camp only has 4 creeps. It just depends on if your team is stacking for you, or if you want mega wave clear, most of the time that extra target isn't used. I don't think I've ever gone this crazy, but you could potentially do a 3/4/1/1 +5 stats build at like level 14. That's like an extra ult orb on you, pretty big boost, just depends on how much you need to tank, but I'm usually still farming at 14 and not involved in major pushes or fights yet.

                                                            Heartstopper on necro is a toss up too, I've never skipped it for stats but I wouldn't be shocked if someone did.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                            casual gamer

                                                              juxtapose was kinda like what pl's ult is now

                                                              phantom edge gave you mres and let illusions spawn more illusions

                                                              I believe that PE also increased illusion duration, which made pl ultra cancer @ Lv 16

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                Heartstopper is SO GOOD. Please don't skip it for stats


                                                                  I feel like it needs to be said

                                                                  You do NOT go 1-1-1-1 on AM you max out blink for farming efficiency


                                                                    uh if killing people with omnislash using 3 level crit vs 1 crit 2 stats is practically the same if anything stats give more dps than 2/3/4 level crit at early levels

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      ok I've never actually done it, just was considering only a value point. But I won't try it.


                                                                        you do go 1-1-1-1 until you are close to your fury.


                                                                          can anyone explain antimage stat levelling early on to increase sustain with lifesteal i think?


                                                                            what you mean sustain with lifesteal


                                                                              You get stats in antimage because you are saving your gold for battlefury and don't want to spend it on the stat items you'd otherwise need.


                                                                                lol ofc u dont max blink cuz before u get battlefury all u do is static farm lane + best case scenario pull hardcamp if ur dire safelane

                                                                                u only start leveling blink when ur sure ur battlefury is really close

                                                                                same with mana burn u only start leveling it when ur really close to manta or unless its really beneficial in lane

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  uh I thought it was cus you aren't blinking around to farm thus don't need blink, the magic resist is garbage past 1st point cus of how resist is calculated and mana break isn't needed til you get manta and go fight people. You do want to level blink and have it maxed right when you get battlefury.

                                                                                  casual gamer


                                                                                    why arey ou trying to give advice when you dont know what ur talking about


                                                                                      i usually go for early stats on am, gyro, jugg, axe, aa and duza
                                                                                      never thought of getting stats on slardar

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Gyro would probably be ok too, you don't really need flak maxed until you go to fight. I like to level it early cus it's amazing at zoning out offlaners, but sometimes you can zone them out without it.

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          STATFEST GUYS, JUST GO STATS DON'T SKILL ANYTHING ELSE.

                                                                                          plz do

                                                                                            ^ ok


                                                                                              ^^ Shit! Invoker is unplayable then!


                                                                                                you gotta just ignore skill point you have on invoker, i guess
                                                                                                or skill something but do not even summon spheres


                                                                                                  Eh I find that at least 2 levels of blink is needed if only to get out of a gank........ Perhaps it's because supports don't do their job in my tier (or don't even know what their job is) so I need to use blink more often

                                                                                                  Seems to me the use for a few levels in blink (if only for escapes) should be obvious but like I said it might be I have to use it more often because supports are crap