General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Fiend Item Choice

Shadow Fiend Item Choice in General Discussion

    I recently played a SF game and found myself way far ahead in the mid lane. I asked my friend if it would be viable to get BoT's, because I had 2K gold pooled, and he said it was a stupid idea and that I should get a eul's or blink first.

    So, would the ability to farm around the map and the movespeed from the boots(and not having to buy tp's) be worth the gold and technical stat reduction by not buying treads? Or would it be a situational thing? Is blink or eul's too valuable to not get first?

    This is only if you are pretty far ahead, of course.


    Riguma Borusu

      If you're really, really far ahead and stomping mid, you might as well five man and push T2 and then high ground, depending on both teams' hero compositions, of course. With 2k and a bit more you could get a mek, and call it a day.

      If you want it a bit safer, I'd say getting a blink or euls (and completing boots) is a far better option, though BoTs are viable if you want to splitpush them all the way. But mind you, though they make you fast, you're still a glass cannon, without stats from treads or safety of eul's and blink you just might feed a hefty sum of money if they happen to gank you while you're going around the map, and if they have any CC, you might be rather screwed as you are not really that tanky even if the opponents are severly underleveled. Thus I think it's safer to get a bit more survivable through some means before opting for BoTs and solo tping to lanes.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა


        getting travels first item is retarded no matter far ahead you are

        whatchu gonna do, teleport to the enemy during laning phase with your gigantic 700 hp health bar?

        if you get an euls you can accelerate your farm and go for easy solo kills, if u get blink you can participate in ganks much easier and land more razes

        Riguma Borusu

          ^Precisely, one gank can turn your advantage against you, and they do not even have to gank you, overconfidence that buys BoTs instead of any damage/survivability might kill you even in a small skirmish when you BoT to "gank".


            Thanks guys


              what do you get first, eul or blink?

              < blank >

                Euls before Blink

                < blank >

                  How do I play dis Vroksnak SF with MoM, do I farm with it or fight?

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                      If you get Euls, you don't get Blink and vice versa.

                      I've seen so many SFs attempt to get both and end up being worthless. There's honestly no real point in getting both.