General Discussion

General DiscussionWatching xan Meepo play against LightOfHeaven Medusa, and had a quest...

Watching xan Meepo play against LightOfHeaven Medusa, and had a question about skill build? in General Discussion

    He goes only for mana shield and stats, no points in anything else.

    Is that just to tank up earlier , if you're confident in cs and harrasing without the other 2 skills?

    I just joined so i dont see the reasoning behind such a skill build


      depends on lane/affliation
      radiant safe rewards snake and/or split shot builds much more than dire safe
      also depends on how many people are helping you, on dire safe if you have 2 supports zoning the offlaner the incentive to add snake isnt high


        can you expand more on the rewarding snake/splitshot build rewarding more on radiant safe jo? Didnt quite get you


          You got it right, topicstarter, he is tanking up to outlast possible ganks. He doesn't need the snake cause he's got good supporring and passive enemy lane; splitshot won't do much that early due to small dmg outcome, while stats make him tankier, gove him more damage and as/armor, and extra mana to sustain the shield.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            you can push out the lane on radiant , eat the tree separating the medium + easy camp then clear them together with snake + split shot every minute, also your support can stack the hard camp which you can whittle down with your snake and top up your mana to full

            on dire once you decide to go greedy you can just push out the lane then pull the camp at 22sec, and you can do this rotation every minute without losing any creeps (i think) while needing to commit at most 1-2 split shot points. stacking the hard camp is risky cuz its so easy to get sniped/leeched

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              He was getting rekt from the looks of it, 46 cs in 19 minutes

              We can ask xan if game was up whether medusa was getting rekt xD



                346 APM bounty hunter rofl. also just by looking at lanes, medusa solo vs tusk techies. no point in getting split shot or mystic snake when you really just need to tank up at that point

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                Dire Wolf

                  In pubs put 1 point in shield and max snake and split shot. You will need them to farm, just don't take fights without ult up until you have a few items.

                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                    Last thing I saw was that 20 minute midas . rtz recovery boys


                      what do u mean no point to take snake ? u burn out mana of tusk and hes melee creep


                        stats shield might be the actual worst build on dusa


                          ye, lanes were fucked up. i had 3 people bottom camping, medusa was top vs techies tusk. in that case you pretty much try to tank it up.
                          he wasnt doing that bad score wise, was like 3-3 whereas i went like 0-7 or some shit.

                          difference is i can comeback with meepo, he cant do that with medusa. he did buy midas but it wasnt nearly enough. medusa needs better start way way more than meepo does.

                          ill tell you one thing tho. no way i wouldnt get a single point in snake, thats like your only wave clear (apart from split shot which you dont get unless you have free farm). no wonder he had hard time coming back.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            snake is useless, unless you need it on the lane.

                            stats shield into early split shot is way better to farm. You need the split shot, but you cann't skip shield. If you took snake, then you don't start split shot before level 10 (eventually 9 if you keep shield level 3), which is way too late.


                              its a strong tower defending spell and towers are a huge part of making medusa utilize her mana shield bulk imo
                              level 1 vs level 4 mana shield doesnt seem to be a huge difference too although i have never done the maths

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                in most cases snake is better. you cant play mid medusa without snake for example, thats core spell for wave clear.
                                safelane it depends against what you are up against. if its some heavy contested lane, snake can again be better coz you deal shit ton of dmg and burn mana.
                                i get stats over snake or shield just when im like 1v1 vs some guy who cant even come close to a wave.


                                  would never go shield on medusa u can just abandon lane and kill stacks that u made on ur own using snake without even losing mana

                                  there is never reason not to get snake lvl 4 when ur lvl 7

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    The opinions really differ about this topic it seems.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    < blank >

                                      It's always the same with Medusa^^

                                      Go Linkens, don't go Linkens, rush Skadi, don't rush Skadi, buy MoM, don't buy MoM ...

                                      im so bad at artifact

                                        No, stats are garbage except in corner cases that happen less than 1% of the time. Your skill points are too valuable to waste on stats, and anyone saying snake is bad has no idea how to use it properly. The only time you would want stats before 15 is delaying ult 2/3 since it doesn't scale incredibly well.

                                        And yes, mom is good because of mana shield mechanics. It only equates to a 10-15% EHP loss (on a hero with huge amounts of EHP) instead of the 23% loss you get on other heroes (who also have less EHP to begin with).


                                          I have more than 200 games with dusa, i tried EVERYTHING even silly builds with dagon + ethereal or shit like that
                                          I can tell you that build is legit, but theres no a "best build" for dusa in skillbuild nor itembuild
                                          You can go snake + mana shield (classic), snake + stats, mana shield + stats, splitshot + mana shield, max snake 2 in shield and max split early, even snake + split (best jungle build). The important thing is to know which build is better for the specific game youre playing.