General Discussion

General DiscussionVHS trash

VHS trash in General Discussion
    how is this fuck face hobbit trash Very High Skill? this MM is so fucking aids.. no wonder i only play lobbies


      I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the guy you linked, I don't even know what to think of it, thanks for the laugh OP.

      I'll admit, MM seems kinda fucked when guys like this are 3k+


        havoc's smurf.


          Smurf or not, how the hell is he still VHS with such a shit winrate? I am likely missing something with this SEEMINGLY fucked MM system


            win rate doesn't matter, what matter is the skill

            Bad Intentions

              Maybe hes really good during his calibration? And then faced stiff competition after calib?

              Bad Intentions

                Maybe hes really good during his calibration? And then faced stiff competition after calib?

                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                    lmao! "VHS trash"! dude why would you watch a VHS in this day and age? Are you a time traveler from the 90s.


                      @Douji Yeah but MMR is dictated by winning. Not any skill in a match, if you lose you get your MMR taken away. Besides, have you not seen his scores as carries? He's shit.


                        so wrong seriously. when i smurfed i first play on normal lol. he first on high :v


                          ^ same..
                          PS: where do I find a decent team above 4.5k avg mmr to play against?
                          if you guys wanna do lobby after 0am please add me Im from EU