General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all those meepo masters

To all those meepo masters in General Discussion
Lumn .......CSGO500

    How do u play him? I want to start using this heroe that looks pretty fun and it's really good in skilled hands. I saw many that have presence in all the map. They are jungling while defending a lane or pushing. How do u do? Which binds u recommend me to start? Factors to have in mind and..? Idk, want to get better another point of view of games and using this heroe maybe could be the way


      Start with learning microing him well with bots - definetely necessary practice. You can bind each meepo on F1-F2 and so on and make a bind to select all five at once - I don't think that's the easiest way, but that's how I play him. Make sure you have a bind for switching between available units, which would come in handy for blink-poof combo.


        He's horrible this patch against popular fotm heroes like Bloodseeker/Lesh/Lina though.

        Binds come down to your personal preference. I have all Meepos set to F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 individually. All Meepos set to 1 and all secondary Meepos to 2. However, it doesn't come down to all these bindings lol. It's more map awareness because to play Meepo effectively you want to spread them out which runs a risk of you dying without even realizing it because you weren't looking at a caught out Meepo.

        People think once you learn blink+poof the hero is as easy as 123 but in reality it's farming efficiently and choosing when to enter fights. You don't need to do n0tail or icex3 plays where you see them doing these insane things like kiting back and forth using multiple Meepos. Tbh that kind of stuff takes a long time of micro practise to do if you've never played micro intensive heroes before.

        It's much easier to farm, create a gold gap and level gap, snowball and rape people. All top Meepo players attempt to do this and end the game as fast as possible. Usually <30 mins.


          play bot. 100 bot match first i think.

          Livin' Real Good

            LOL ^
            It definitely does not take 100 bot matches, i don't play him, but i played him a few times in insane bot matches, he's not some mythical hero only hard working players can play, or only a select few talented players in the population can play, just like how Invoker isn't hard once you remember his spells, he's basically like any other hero.


              Why is everyone scaring him.

              You definitely do NOT need to bind all meepoes. If you think you are grand-master sc2 player, go for it.

              But otherwise I recommend the following...

              Bind a key to your prime meepo. For me this is the 1 key. This should probably already be bound for normal play.
              Bind a key to select all units. For me this is the F1 key. This should probably already be bound for normal play (when you play summoners).
              Bind a key to select all OTHER units. For me this is the F2 key. This should probably already be bound for normal play (when you play summoners).
              Create a single control group. You use this when you need to micro. I personally never split my meepoes into more than 3 groups. And 3 groups is rare, usually only 2 groups. If you want to often use 3 groups, make a second control group.

              And that's about it. Farm lane/LH with your prime meepo+1. Farm jungle with all other meepoes. Poof camps.

              The small amount of efficiency you get from having 3 meepo groups (2 groups jungling, 1 group lane... or 1 jungle, 2 lanes) is not worth it because you will end up making a mistake and dying. I strongly advise against having 2 lane groups as thats where you are most likely to be ganked and you need split second reflexes. As for the jungle, the efficiency you can earn isn't worth it until you master it.

              I play about a 5.5k meepo and I never split meepoes into more than 3 groups. If you need to select individual meepoes, just click/box the one that is dying and micro him away.

              If you are cycling meepoes to fountain, use the heroes portraits. Send Low HP home, and send the one that health is going up back. You don't even have to look at them.

              PS: I got this advice directly from devilish (retired 7k meepo player)... he also never uses more than 3 groups and does not have all meepoes bound. The amount of thinking you do is not worth the slight advantage unless you are literally a computer.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              Pandamonium(You Died)

                ^Keep in mind that bots have 0 clue how to deal with meepo on the macro scale.
                I agree meepo is not that complicated, but even 99999 games with bots on him wont prepare you for a good team of humans.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  I see you are in normal like me...

                  I've had good success playing him as a super-rat: basi>tranq>aghs>bots>vlads>diff>diff>gg

                  i take him safe, don't get too stressed about last hits if the lane is hard - just aim for exp and level 3. is very situational but if you save an ability point at level 2 you can have level 2 poof and your first clone at level 3. most likely a point in earthbind would be more useful though.

                  once you get your second meepo if you feel you can stack and lasthit simultaneously do it. once you hit level 5 you can rotate through the jungle and clear the lane with poof.

                  with aghs and bots, you can keep all three lanes pushed seeing as each meepo has an independent cooldown on their boots - really really important to make sure you have enough vision to know where the enemy are. tbh, at this point the game is as good as won. you don't even need to split up your meepo in this low-skill build.

                  i get vlads so i can take rosh - meepos respawn at prime btw so you can send your clones on a suicide mission whilst keeping prime safe.

                  the stacked diffusals are the cheapest damage item available - eblade does more per slot but costs more. each diffusal does more damage than a divine anyway.

                  you'll get >800GPM just teleporting between lanes and clearing creeps but if you want to get it up to >1000GPM you will need to send 2 meepo into the jungle and have them poof through it whilst you have 3 meepo tp'ing between lanes.

                  as for bindings, i have

                  F1: prime meepo
                  1: all meepos
                  2: all clones
                  3: prime+3rd+4th clone
                  4: 1st and 2nd clones

                  which means when i have
                  5 meepo they are split into prime+2 clones & 2 clones
                  4 meepo they are split into prime+1clone & 2 clones
                  3 meepo they are split into prime & 2 clones
                  2 meepo they are split into prime & 1 clones

                  this is a low skill build for a low skill game btw...

                  source: 60.94%wr from 64 games in normal.


                    As soon as they introduced the comeback mechanics I can pretty much not play Meepo any more.

                    I used to try and get early kills as soon as you have the second Meepo then flash farm like a mofo and either rat of farm depending on the other team's lineup.

                    But you get punished so hard for dying once when you have a huge gold / xp lead now I find it hard to stay on top.