General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to stop aghs lone druid?

How to stop aghs lone druid? in General Discussion

    Recently lost a game to a rat lone druid.

    except he didnt leave base from 25 minute onwards. his bear was 5 slotted but he had only aghs tranqs.

    Literally when we'd push he'd just keep attacking with bear and push (like an AM), any tp or anything he insta recall.

    we killed him, but i forgot killing him doesnt kill the bear.

    Do we just have to baserace against it?


      Kill the bear.


        kill the bear
        buy medallion and/or solar crest and use it on the bear


          don't kill the bear dude, that's animal abuse

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            This LD was just basecamping so when we killed bear he immediately had one, and since its only 2 minutes cd, he'd keep bear farming his jungle (i saw the replay later to find out), and when cooldown was up again, he'd go pure rat.

            Maybe if they changed it so that atleast bear died if he died it would be something helpful (although might give more reason to fountain camp)

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              Game in question :

              And yes, i had a pretty bad game, my dmg was atrociously low :/


                yeah don't listen to those bastards don't kill the bear its clearly animal abuse and u can get punished for that

                < blank >

                  The lore says you have to fight 1v1 against the bear in the roshpit no spells allowed

                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                    Lol i'd love to fight it one on one it was just an elusive dick


                      killing him does kill the bear?

                      < blank >

                        Not with Aghs


                          Gank him early enough and by the time he get his radiance , it isnt effecient anymore then he wont get his agh ?


                            dont get stats over aura. i assume you're blindly copying sumail's skill build after seeing him use it a couple of times, but if you look at those games, that's when he was getting early mek, and back when mek had a 45s cd.

                            since you have 0 healing I assume you didn't get a mek, you won't have too much mana problems and since 4 out of 5 of your team have good physical damage output, the aura would have done more overall than stats.

                            someone on your team definitely should have gotten a solar crest though. it's such a good item, probably second only to glimmer cape. imo a solar (plus early medallion with an sf on your team) would have been better on tusk than a desolator.

                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                              I went for stats before aura, because at that time I was considering going for a deso coz we were really controlling the game, but after 2 points in stats, game started getting thrown by bad chronos, and i switched over to skadi, that was wasted.

                              I saw suma1ls build and it does help me get that little bit tankier over the extra 1/2 armor,

                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                There are some times where the extra 1/2 armor has helped me over the early stats, specially if I get sange first instead of yasha first, coz then im decently tanky

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Get good at the game, Aghs LD should be the least of your problems.


                                    Also an urn would do tick damage and allow you to do constant damage on the bear (which prevents him from sending it back).

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Damn was hoping to see this was very high skill

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        U just urn bear and kill it. I don't get how this is hard


                                          phoenix has an urn plus several dots. I don't really want to explain stats again. you have an SNY presumably from the early game and you're building BKB as well as skadi giving you lots of stats anyway for survivability.

                                          if you actually looked at sumails recent builds even when he does go mek he still has aura maxed before 16. you're not getting mek, and it's now on a 65 cd so you don't have mana issues, and you're hitting heroes not towers, so get aura.

                                          you can blame the void all you want but sub 50 on both your most played servers doesnt lie


                                            don't kill the bear. it's clearly animal abuse. i will report you to peta.

                                            whiskey waters

                                              bear is actually protected in a lot of states, so i wouldnt kill the bear.


                                                trick question: unless played by bulldog, game wont last long enough for ld to have aghs, thus free win

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  wtf kill bear??? u sick fuks
                                                  peta pls do something BibleThump


                                                    does it actually work? sitting in base, not getting exp, staying under-levelled while the bear farms/split pushes?

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      You can get an abandon if you don't have midas on bear. You don't need levels after level 16 anyway.

                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                        I did it once, when aghs wasnt even introduced, riki abandoned cuz they were stomping us, so I abused that, stood in base and lush wave with radiance on bear, then I got BoTs and whenever Bear was at T3, I teleport and start chipping towers. Finally, I got 2 sets of raxes then they went for final push but I pushed faster.

                                                        it was normal MM tho xDDDDD


                                                          Bear 1vs1 kills morph on 70th minute.
                                                          LD had aghs from alchemist.


                                                            im surprised that morph didnt kill himself first.


                                                              no shit it kills morph wtf is that retarded item build ?

                                                              aghs 2x ethereal ? is this fucking 1k game or why the fuck would anyone build morph like that

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                if you use midas on the bear will you get xp even if you are out of range in base?


                                                                  LMAO that build gave me cancer


                                                                    Bear attacked morph with Abyssal into Linken Sphere, Morph fought back, used waveform for DPS, at 1/3 life tried to run but wont able to because of roots.


                                                                      thats why you get manta on morph perhaps, to remove root?
                                                                      i mean i dont want to bullshit you, but that brackt is dog shit.


                                                                        3k non ranked. Freestyle dota.


                                                                          he should have been

                                                                          skadi bots butterfly manta xdamagexitemxxx/satanic linken

                                                                          instead of that shit items