General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you actually win games

how do you actually win games in General Discussion
Gaming is Dead
    enemy team was super aggressive early game. every time they went as 4 with slark farming, and it was either lose a tower and try to gank slark, or fight them and let slark freefarm. Am gets solo killed constantly, i had to fight every two seconds and ended up dying. After getting 4 shotted by slark i just fucking sold all my items, bought a midas, and sat in base until it was off cd. JUst seems like every game every possible thing that can go wrong does go wrong.
    then this game, i actually won mid, got kills in all the lanes, but after every engagement i would walk away with 100hp 200 mana, so im never able to push and then we end up losing because me and tusk were the only people that could actually do dmg and bloodseeker just got too big for us



        Get over it.

        You either let them bring you down in other games, or forget them.

        lm ao

          I posted a topic of the same theme as this 2 months ago. I still feel dead ashamed when my retarded mind tries to recollect such brouhaha.



            What else can you do? Just watch the replay and notice that the one who lost the game was myself for not using veil of discord in a crucial fight mid game where we were stomping. Goddamn I've been tilting so hard these last 2 days...

            What I try to say is you have to understand you can always do better, tilts end and win streaks come back (but please come soon :()


              i don't

              Gaming is Dead

                it would be easy to move on if 100 percent of the games now are complete fucking stomps where i get no farm

                casual gamer

                  Name Last Used
                  stop picking am f@gs about 9 hours ago
                  Fuck you all about 9 hours ago
                  Road to ti6 about 12 hours ago
                  I lose every game... about 17 hours ago
                  I take L's all day about 23 hours ago

                  I'm sure that taking the time to ensure ur teammates are tilting really boosts their gameplay

                  Gaming is Dead

                    every game. My teammates actually intentionally fuck me over
                    force staffs on cliffs, nuking creep waves, flaming, massive pings. This game is sooo shiiit


                      watch ur own replays
                      look at your own mistakes
                      stop making them
                      ur welcome

                      Gaming is Dead

                        what if i make different mistakes every game that are specific to the situattion?
                        ie. not roshing/missing skillshots


                          there is no winning in dota.

                          only losing and not losing.


                            ^Fits your nickname.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            Gaming is Dead

                              now im actually losing every single fucking game
                              at least -500 mmr in the past 4 days

                              Bad Intentions

                                ^holy cow man, that tilt is tough n real :O have u considered gettting some positive aura first man? lika walk in nature to get dem good vibes going?

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  Whenever I'm feeling down from tilting. I remember this

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    ^holy cow now dats some major tilt salza, was there something going on with ya in real life during dat time? what happened?

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                      Gaming is Dead

                                        been playing everyday for this entire month and i've legitimately gotten worse i actually dont know what the fuck was happening. Missing all my skillshots getting garbage cs, raging and feeding.


                                          ^ stop playing.

                                          the more stressful you are the worse you play. want my advice? play 5 game of ability draft or LOD Dota in Reborn first.


                                            or play dota imba first. that fucking things is awesome and so funny will keep your cool.

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              I doubt that's actually Salza's game history, he's too sexy, and good to get those stats and build certain heroes like that.


                                                You can win games by not being a salty, whiny little 15 year old boy.

                                                Gaming is Dead

                                                  i mean ive got sent into low prio twice for reports and ive gotten muted. But im only salty right before i lose so i dont think thats much of a problem


                                                    ^ Have you gotten your composure back already?
                                                    Have you been feeling well recovered from your experience already?

                                                    If your answer is no to just the first question, go unranked first.
                                                    If your answer is no to both questions, stop playing. Easy.

                                                    I mean seriously, all you can get from here by sharing your experience are sarcastic replies of "git gud", "K" because you are not anything special or different from people here. All of us experienced it. Regain your composure, don't let the bad games affect you. They are done for, and must not affect your future games, because you won't change the outcome. There is no use to say "X does this badly and Y should have gone item Z", because it is done.

                                                    If you really want the sarcastic replies, go ahead and complain more of the bad games. They will screw your brain more, and screw more of your games. Then you lose more, and head back to those people (specifically, teammates) who consistently screw you up. Do you want it to happen recursively before you eventually quit trying?

                                                    Not to mention sometimes people screw your games, and at times you screw people's games. Unless you could prove to me that for all your games you are doing so well that your teammates had to go 9v1 to make you lose, and you didn't make any mistakes that costed you the game.

                                                    Rant all you want in the game, because those are the people who screwed your game up. But once it is over, know how to let it go, not to think like "Oh my why am I pressing the 'Find Match' button again to meet those stupid X race/imbecile who WILL destroy my game". If you keep that mentality, you will go nowhere.