General Discussion

General Discussionfunny story

funny story in General Discussion

    So I play mostly support and every once in a while (maybe 1/10-1/20) I will have a really bad hard carry. First I try to communicate and figure out if we an get on the same page. Eventually I realize that they 1) won't listen or respond 3) they are bad and don't know any better 3) both. So I will probably flame some to vent and then abandon lane to support offlane or mid (hoping for a higher game impact), roam or stack. Normally I have a backlash from the rest of my team because they say I'm being "toxic" which is very true. Howeverk, after 2-5 min the hc will qq saying they are losing the lane 1v1. I don't usually take much xp from my hc. I either zone out the offlaner or pull to keep creep equilibrium so that the hc is not to far behind in lvls then the offlaner. Eventually, after enough crying either my offlaner or my mid will rotate to help the crying hard carry sometimes it's the jungler. They tend to die in the ensuing team fight or not get the kill and then say "HC you suck". What can I do but shake my head and say "I told you so...". But I don't actually say that I just keep on playing trying not to tilt... Sad Dota Life #FeelsBadMan


      Sounds like you´re in quite a low bracket, at least starting from 4k MMR the HC´s usually can last hit really well and keep a decent lane balance. Maybe you´re concentrating too much on the negative, a positive stance can make a huge difference when communicating with random people in internet.


        when it happens to me i just start taking the last hits. usually the carry will flame me or spam pings, but at least he is communicating. if not, i just keep farming and hope my mid/offlaner will do well and carry the game.


          You are right I'm in 3k bracket. I do try to stay positive and communicate positively until I reach a certain point where I feel like I'm talking to a wall. Then unfortunately I tilt. Luckily this does not happen all that often. There was on time where I got fed up with the hc because he was farming too passively and we were losing all of the other lanes without gaining anything in return. However he was a really good am and solo carried the game mid to late game. That was literally the only time out of a ton of games where I ate my words. Maybe I can work on staying positive under difficult circumstances.


            No offense, but that's all about skill bracket/mmr. Shit happens, you get in team with a complete asshole or just a bad player who will pick hc - and they're not many chances for you as a support turn the tide over if you're losing. Stacking and babysitting is good if you know your hc can utilize that in team's favor. In a situation like this you should try to play aggressive - team up with another support/offlane, smokegank mid, enemies' hc, do anything to get a gold advantage over them and do your best on keeping yourself alive. Don't forget about getting the map control - ward, deward and gank people more. If you suspect on a pick phase, that your hc might suck - get a good agressive support hero, relevant in early-mid game. My personal favourite in that kind of game is Venge.


              That is exactly what I try to do in those situation. Unfortunately I don't always pick something like Venge who can help with damage output. Usually we end up losing because there just isn't enough damage spread between the 4 remaining players to carry the game due to team composition. Some of the time the offaner and mid can carry but unfortunately not very often. Played a game recently where I supported safe lane tiny who wasn't very good but at least tried. We won early game mostly due to offlane spirit breaker who was the best on the team. But as we got to late game he couldn't output enough damage to win the game. I played support pugna. At the end of the game SB called everyone nobs, which I understood why. Still felt bad because I thought I did my best and didn't "suck" but couldn't do enough to help him win the game.


                Happens. Especially when you play support - leaving the crucial roles to strangers with no guarantee they can play them. I agree, it's fun and it's challenging, but your's chances of winning highely rely rather on your teammates, than you - at least on your current rating. On something like 4.5-5k it's more fun, cause you see bad players less often (still happens though).


                  typical excuse. If I play role X, the player playing role Y will be shit, and vice versa. if you were to look at your own replays objectively you'd realise how much stuff you're doing wrong.

                  if anything it's the other way around. the chances of winning rely on the supports winning the early game, and not just the safe lane. anyone can win the safe lane 3v1 against an offlaner. if you're often playing support and your carries are somehow never getting farm in every game, who's fault is that. you even say that your carry complains about losing his lane in a 1v1. why the hell are you letting him 1v1 in the first place. he should be 1v0 playing pve and you should be 1v1ing the offlaner.

                  plus your attitude obviously doesn't help. whenever you try flaming a teammate just remember that you've probably played at least 3 times more games than they have yet you're still at the same skill level.


                    @androgynous ty for your response but I think you may have missed that I am not complaining in general about my carries I said "1 out of 10 to 1 out of 20" will be that particular situation. Most losses that I have I attribute to not playing as a team. There are very few games where I will do a 1 v 3 safelane unless it's two offlaners. Generally it's 1 v 2 with me being the support and I don't remember last time I "lost" an offlane. A lot of times I get solo kills on offlaners as the support and make sure that my carry can farm. When I have a competent carry those lanes are pure stomps with the offlaner getting close to 0 cs. Trust me winning early game is definitely not the problem

                    I was speaking of the times that I do have a bad hard carry (which are few) and the inability to affect the game so choosing to rotate and help mid or offlane in my opinion is better and has a higher chance of success then staying with the same hard carry who doesn't know how to carry. Again this is the minority of the games.

                    I agree with you that a bad attitude is not helpful in dota. However forgive me when I turn salty after trying to communicate, do my job a a support and still receive no cooperation from said carry (again rarity but still happens).

                    I have heard people say that supports affect the outcome of games just as much as carries. However I have yet to find the person who can show me how they win late game vs a jug, pl storm as a support when their team refuses to finish the game early for whatever reason (again rarity but still happens).

                    So please if you can prove me wrong then show me the games, give me the link and I will be more than happy to watch the replay and learn from it.