General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodseeker

Bloodseeker in General Discussion

    Ok so I decided to join the OP train and pick some Bloodseeker, mostly because I enjoy winning :D

    One thing I found though is how hard he hits a wall come mid game. Especially how I tend to overextend and throw away beyond godlike streaks. Is there anyway to overcome this wall, besides ending early. A different way to build him maybe?

    I currently go treads into shadowblade and then varies drastically.

    Would a bounty hunter tracking all of the kills make a noticeable impact and help you finish the game sooner?

    Any advice would be appreciated thank you!


      stop fucking snowballing. know your limit.


        and i want to know seriously can you just fucking drop that beyond godlike streak to creeps?


          ^ why so mad?

          and there are no creeps near me when I dive into the lesh and gyros under their tier 3s :(


            pick up a farming item early on and don't go so nuts once you have your streak then you can just out farm them since you should have already crippled their start if your already on a big streak but i would suggest ending asap after that once you a few items ahead of them with a bkb ect.


              like this game I was safe lane bs vs an anti mage and I picked up a battlefury before him


                I experienced this yesterday.. I went 10-0 and completely owned early and mid game.
                I didn't throw away my streak because of overextending.
                I just wasn't able to fight an SF Boots of Travel + shadow blade + BKB + Skadi with my BS Treads + BladeMail + BKB

                I guess, ensuring that you are the most farmed hero (with proper item choices) is one of the key things.
                ^ But this contradicts the fact that you must give space to your hard carry to get his farm.


                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  the most (and only) difficult part of playing bloodseeker is clearly understanding your own limits; when you can dive and when you cant, and it just comes with experience. the more you play, the better you "feel" bloodseeker (live bloodseeker, love bloodseeker, be bloodseeker).
                  actually its so gay (no hobo), but dont ban me plz.

                  Miku Plays

                    i love bloodseeker who thinks theyre still unkillable who dive t3 ahhaha.

                    lm ao

                      I'm so happy our black sheep has finally found his way to the light :)


                        I've done some throws as BS aswell but that makes you learn, as some others said you must know your limits and you must understand well your allies line-up, if you're the only carry on the team well.. you are pretty fucked unless your team is good at pushing early (pugna for example), then you can snowball but always prioritize killing towers.
                        If you're playing mid and your carry is a good late game hero, just create space for him, be smart and make their carry not farm as well as your carry (your carry might be a retarded and lose the late game but at least you did your job).
                        And to finish, to all those who go bloodseeker jungle, please use your brain when the game starts and try to understand your fucking line-up, the jungler is usually the position 4, you must not take all the jungle untill minute 10-15 and get a fucking midas at minute 10 (unless your cores are not good right click carries, but thats why I say you must understand your line-up and adjust), just buy an early blademail and gank as soon as you're lvl 6 or get eul's first item so you can assure they wont tp out and you gank with a teammate, you can even help pre-6 if the enemy is low on hp and you have a tp scroll, also a tip for the jungle is to put 2 points on the bloodrage, it might seem not a big deal but it actually helps a lot.


                          @TripleSteal - I laughed harder than I should have at that :D. That makes sense though, but I'm still the kind of player who blindly goes in after the low HP targets, not thinking about positioning + nukes and disables. I'm still working on that :D

                          @BlackXargon - Yep, he struggles against anything tanky that outputs alot of dps. This Lesh just got so unkillable, it was frusting as fuck.


                            Your winrate will increase if u have a hard carry on ur team that can use all the space you created to farm , this is route I usaully go I try to cause havoc and get a godlike streak , then I either go conservative and we win or I die throwing away a bunch of gold but my carry that has had free farm all day helps me win or sometimes I just stay too aggressive and we lose :p , another outcome is the carry that is farming all game till that point just never stops farming then gets picked off losing you the game , the last scenario is so disgusting you may have to take z break from blood for a bit after one of those games .


                              BS can carry hard if people stop playing him as a "snowballing hero", just keep farming when you're ahead and build actual carry items. I'm having a lot of success lately by going midas first on him. SnY/SE ->BKB-> Skadi -> Butterfly is good
                              I think SB + Blademail is bad because they give no stats and it's just a "all in early build", this hero needs early hp, like slark
                              Just keep a good GPM and play him as a carry IMO, since you will likely have freefarm always


                                @Reese, I get your point and I can agree with that but only if you've been given the safe lane farm, just answer me a question; would you still go that build if you're jungling BS? Because seriously I'm so heavily mad by all those bloodseeker jungle who dont do shit all game other than take away the farm from the actual carry because they went greedy build.

                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                  Why are you buying shadowblade or was this for a silver edge to counter a hero passive mid to late game?


                                    @Last picking - Well so far it is because I love hitting a WD mid game from invis and taking away 80% of his HP :D But I will admit that thing is getting me killed more often than not mid game on. Any recommendations for an initiation item? SnY maybe? Never tried Euls (bought it once but game was over). I don't think Euls would solve the late game issues BS has though.

                                    @Flash_3 - Yes I agree fully, next step is understanding when to dive and when not to. A few games I went mad on killing sprees then started dying and realising crap, we might lose. Only to see our safe lane AM has insane farm, and Space = Created :D

                                    Reading this again, this is the most accurate thing so far, well said :D "the most (and only) difficult part of playing bloodseeker is clearly understanding your own limits; when you can dive and when you cant, and it just comes with experience." - TripleSteal

                                    @Reese - I love how on a mid BS, it feels like midas doesn't slow your progression down at all. I often find myself with 2k gold after boots + PMS, and just buy the midas straight. So yes, I always get it when I find myself with alot of cash, but not if game is hard!

                                    Also last night's game was so shit... I found it impossible to snowball off enemy bane mid, that thing is so frustrating. LH wasn't the problem, bloodrage takes care of that, its simply he has so much to dissuade you from killing him.


                                      I cant be fucked explaining what to build but in general i think shadowblade is fucking trash on seeker.

                                      If you want a good solid build check this guy out hes number 17 on the leaderboards qwerty/keltra goes by a few names, hes 6k (played against him on reborn and raped him kek) but his builds pretty solid.

                                      Personally when i watch BS pickers i find they go for blademail and shadowblade, end up having no real stats or survivability and tend not to farm enough so they fall behind... the guy i linked farms constantly.


                                        dominator just to stack ancients? this guy must be hardcore


                                          Kitty he does that but he also gets the HoTD so he can constantly use the ice armor from the Ogre Frostmage, gives like 8 armor plus a slow. Generally he just micros it around constantly buffing himself every 30 sec or so.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            also goes treads>yasha>bkb>battlefury vs heroes like PL, which i generally didnt see many people building back when i first started playing BS. Tried it a few times and i think its great situationally.


                                              @DANNY - Which lane does he go normally, Jungle, Safe or Mid? And yes I see now that BS can work without SB, I will try that tonight for sure

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Stop building shadowblade every damn game, only build it if a silver edge is truely benefical like vs PA and tiny, ok pretty good there, but even then you can get mkb for PA which is better cus she will go bkb and drop break, and for tiny you can go bkb and not get stunned by craggy exterior. Shadowblade should not be a default item its a ton of gold for marginal stats and blood doesn't need it to gank.

                                                Then get carry items, abyssal blade is one of the best items on him, stats like s&y very good, manta if you want some defense but don't want bkb etc. But just an early blood with blade mail and treads and bkb can be very scary. Build depending on your situation as needed.



                                                  if you're godlike then why haven't you and your team gotten objectives like rax?


                                                    Can vouch for not needing Shadowblade(unless vs Huskar/PA), i have had very good success without it atleast,Then again you sometimes i feel you could buy 6 iron branches and still dominate cause of thirst...


                                                      @Flash_3 From jungle I would probably just go aquila treads sny, Mida's only if I can get some kills early or i'll be afk jungle
                                                      Keep in mind that you can even go dual offlane and have a good farm, it's so easy to win a dual offlane with BS + 1 (like undying, lich, silencer, shit like this)
                                                      I would probably still play him mid or safe lane, because as said above Midas doesn't slow your item progression too much and you can be active on the map while having only a level advantage

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Think of it this way, I know AC sounds crazy on bloodseeker, but silver edge costs 200g more and has way inferior stats. Any carry with AC can demolish towers with that IAS and minus armor. If you want to stay relevant late game build late game items.


                                                          People underestimate shadowblade too much.

                                                          Especially later on in the game where everybody is becoming slot tight, players are often unable to hold detection.

                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                            BS is kinda like slark, he needs hp items, stats, mobilty. Shadow blade doesnt offer as much, especially this meta is 5 man and sbadow blade doesnt help you in 5 man at all

                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                              Silver edge is okay as 4th-5th item unless you really need it, but you need stats and other shit, treads, sny, bkb, maybe blademail first, then its okay to get SE

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                So what? You aren't going to get shadowblade pickoffs late either and your team should have another initiator. Do you really want to use silver edge to initiate and get blown up?


                                                                  bs can't do shit in 5man/vs 5 man anyway so hes shit by same mentality

                                                                  Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                                    Bloodseeker used to be very OP until he got nerf. He's still very strong after the nerf but doesn't mean he cannot be deal. Comparing to other late heroes, he doesn't scale well into late. Shadow blade.. maybe nice item but in high basket, heroes always go as 2 people and instant TP + sentries + wards everywhere. SB is good on slark because he has escape mechanism + his pounce is also a disable + his 1st skill nuke that help him to bring people down. His stat deduction skill is also very strong which every STR is like 20+hp. Midas on Bloodseeker.. really bad idea. Bloodseeker comparing to other jungle is not a fast jungle. Midas give you better farm/ level but as I say before you don't scale well in late game so you need to make a lot of impact in early and mid game and midas slow you down by few minutes. Bloodseeker after lv 6 is moving to items dependent, not level dependent anymore. Best way to get money is to kill people (and this meta gives a lot of rewards for kill, and they nerf farming creeps ). As soon as you you have your ulti, you want to make plays happen and create space for your carry.

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                      I think sb is shit on bs


                                                                        NEVER GO SHADOW BLADE ON BLOOD SHITTER.

                                                                        if u aim some break abilities go for silver edge. ex-vs void,PA,spec, anyhero that have annoying passsives.


                                                                          skadi is good on bloodshitter.

                                                                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                              @c moon

                                                                              what the fuck are you talking about? BS only got buffed from 6.82 to 6.84.
                                                                              Slark good stats? He has the shittiest stats for a carry, actually for most of the heroes


                                                                                To overcome this wall, you must build hard carry items on blood-seeker. He needs to keep up with ultra late game heroes.